Incredibles 2/YMMV

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These things about Incredibles 2 are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • Accidental Innuendo:
    • Just before Tony Rydinger gets his memories of Violet's identity wiped, he expresses regret for having seen her with her supersuit on, possibly meaning that he felt sexually excited.
    • After Violet squirts water out of her nose, Bob claims that "normally, she doesn't ever drip like this". This could have several connotations.
  • Animation Age Ghetto: According to director Brad Bird, Incredibles 2 is not a kids movie but rather a PG-rated animated movie, implying it mat not be suitable for those under 13 years old.
  • Award Snub: The film was a strong contender for the 2018 Best Animated Feature Academy Award, but was very unlucky another great animated film was released in the same year. It lost to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which broke a six year run (2012-17) of a Disney/Pixar film winning that category. Incredibles 2 only received 7 wins and 40 nominations compared to 40 wins and 71 nominations for Spider-Verse, which doesn't do the former justice. In most other years, this film would have won the Academy Award.
  • Badass Decay: Mr. Incredible has far less opportunities to use his powers, and when he does, he is overpowered, such as when the Underminer prevents him from stopping his operation.
  • Best Known for the Fanservice: Seemingly the hottest topic arising from the film was that Elastigirl was given bigger curves.
  • Catharsis Factor: When Evelyn starting panicking as her operation began to unwind.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Voyd earned a lot of fans due to her Adorkable nature, while Edna came back with a force, garnering even more fans due to her relationship with Jack-Jack.
  • Fanon: It is widely believed that around when Violet had her outburst, she was going through menstruation like Dash suggested.
  • Fix Fic: Having Tony's memory of Violet maintained or restored. It would have been nice to see their relationship blossom, something that is hopefully included in a potential third film.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Evelyn gains some sympathy due to her parents' deaths driving her goals, as well as redeeming factors such as sincerely loving her brother.
  • Magnificent Bitch: Evelyn, who has a brilliant mind, is cunning, and goes to great lengths to achieve her devious goals.
  • Moe: The Parr children. Violet is adorkable, Dash has an innocent, child-like demeanour and Jack-Jack is one of the cutest babies around. It helps that they all look adorable.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When Evelyn hatches her plan to capture someone to become her 'Screenslaver', in addition to mind-controlling every Super to commit acts of villainy so as to keep them illegal.
  • Nausea Fuel: Reflux's power to throw up lava.
  • One-Scene Wonder: Rocky, who is the raccoon that fights Jack-Jack.
  • Paranoia Fuel: The Screenslaver's use of hypnotic patterns on screens to catch people in a trance.
  • Self Fanservice: Fans drawing Voyd so she looks extremely muscular or supermodel-like. Artists also exaggerate Elastigirl's assets and make Violet look more mature.
  • Sequelphobic: This film seems to be met with more negativity than the first, despite still being a really good film. Pixar sequels had started to be looked down upon in general, with fans wanting more original stories.
  • So Cool It's Awesome: For a really good film, it has received a lot of criticism, which can be seen as prejudice. It gets nowhere near as much attention as it deserves, normally being overshadowed by other Pixar films.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character:
    • The Underminer only getting a minor role, and not being seen again after the start.
    • Some people would have liked the Screenslaver as the main villain.
    • The wannabe Supers, save for Voyd, only playing bit-parts.
    • Keeping Honey, Frozone's wife, as a voice only.
    • Plasmabolt and Fironic are the only two Golden Age Supers from the first film who were not confirmed as killed by the Omnidroids, Cape Snag or other means, so this is a missed opportunity to involve them.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Violet and Tony having a relationship with him knowing about her powers.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: It can be easy to mistake Brick for a man at first, considering her deep voice and very muscular frame.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The CGI is much more advanced than in the first film 14 years prior. For example, Violet gets much more screen time since her hair is much easier to animate, which also contributed to her hair being longer.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: The film's PG rating comes from having mild profanity and mature themes.
  • The Woobie:
    • It was hard enough for Bob in the first film, struggling to adapt to civilian life and working under an extremely strict boss in the first film. Here, Bob has a very rough time caring for his children while Elastigirl is crimefighting, being sleep deprived.
    • Violet is already introverted, being in a family where everyone else is much more vocal, and had a hard time trying to fit in with other kids her age in the first film. Here, she is emotionally wrecked from the memory wipe of Tony Rydinger, with whom she was supposed to be going on a movie date.
    • The Parr family as a whole find it hard to adjust to a world where their powers are banned. They frequently have to move house, and family life was quite tense until they first fought as a family. In the sequel, the Superhero Relocation Program is shut down, meaning that they would have been homeless had Winston Deavor not offered them refuge. Thankfully, Supers are made legal again at the end of the film.
  • Woolseyism: Occurs with two characters in the Brazilian Portuguese dub. Brick is from Acre, a state of Brazil which is jokingly thought to not exist due its irrelevance and low population, instead of Wisconsin. Moreover, Reflux is voiced by TV personality Raul Gil, and is basically re-characterized as him.

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