Knights of the Old Republic (video game)/Awesome

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  • "Definition: Love is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometres away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope." Now this is a pretty cool line in and of itself, but what makes it awesome is when he clarified his metaphor and it makes sense: "Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose... against statistically long odds."
  • It's a horrible but brilliant moment that will send the main character way past the Moral Event Horizon, but force persuading Zaalbar into killing Mission on Rakata Prime after choosing the dark side is pretty damn extraordinary. And evil. But still extraordinary.
  • The last line you get to say before dueling Darth Malak on the Leviathan has the potential to be a crowning moment - you can (and probably will, if you're going Light Side) say "Your power is no match for the light!" A little cheesy? Yes, but consider: The Reveal has just occurred - you were Darth Revan. You have every reason to flip out, because everything you know is wrong. And yet, in light of the universe lying to you, in light of discovering that you were a goddamn Dark Lord of the Sith, you can still stand fast to your beliefs and proclaim that you now stand with the light, you will never fall into darkness again. That's pretty damn inspirational...
    • There's an equally awesome line you can say to Malak if you've decided to go Dark Side: "I am the TRUE Dark Lord of the Sith! Now bow down before me!" Badass.
      • The above line actually can be used several times in the game, not just on Malak.
    • And, in case you want to play it nicely neutral before going either way, as Malak starts gloating about his apparent victory, you have the option of saying "You seem to have forgotten that I'm still alive, Malak!" This line reminds one of Luke in Episode V, where he cockily tells Vader that he's "full of surprises".
    • Malak saying that expects that all his apprentices and the droids of the Star Forge will not kill Revan, but hopefully they will slow him down.
    • Malak gets that with Revan in the light side ending along with a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. Revan tells him he's sorry he led Malak to the Dark Side, Malak tells him that it's not Revan's fault, he chose to walk down that path and in the end "I am nothing".
      • "The apprentice has learned his final lesson"
  • Everything in Knights of the Old Republic II after Peragus.
    • Master Kavar sums it up quite nicely if you take the Light Side Path on Onderon: "An old student is returning. I don't think the Sith are going to know what hit them."
      • How about the Dark Side equivalent? "An old student is returning. I fear for us all."
        • Those two lines are just precursors to the awesome of the Onderon War scene. Charging through entire armies of enemies and diffusing tons of traps that lie in your way between you and the Queen is what comes just after. And best of all, after basically an entire game of Mooks displaying Suicidal Overconfidence and trying stupidly to kill you for the bounty on Jedi, they finally begin to give you a Jedi's due respect and cower at the mere sight of your rampage.
    • Peragus itself is a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the HK-50s. Arriving on the station unprepared, a single assassin droid manages to improvise, in a matter of days, a way to quietly slaughter practically all organic life in the entire complex.

Mocking Query: Coorta? Coorta? Are you dead yet?

      • Made more awesome when you consider that the droid did everything indirectly, managing to get everyone killed in ways where the blame was always placed on someone else. A Chessmaster if I ever saw one.
  • Preliminary reports indicate that KOTOR II will become even more awesome when The Sith Lords Restoration Project is finally finished. In the meantime, a few moments deserve special mention.
    • Slaughtering a jungle beast that even Mandalorians try to avoid.
    • An HK-50 droid gets one if you play through the prologue - even Sephiroth's fire walk isn't this Badass.
      • Also, the combined hilarity and sheer awesomeness of his interactions with the Exile are possibly the best reason to choose The Dark Side in this game. Read the dialogue below and be awestruck (alternatively: horrified) at the way that a Dark-side Jedi Exile can spread enough suffering and misery to impress even a ruthless assassination droid. Keep in mind that this droid was built by Darth Revan. Darth motherfucking Revan. When he was a Sith Lord.

HK-47: Statement: Master, I must say it is a pleasure working side by side with you.
Exile: If you have a long-winded explanation for why, indulge me.
HK-47: Statement: Just when I believe my photoreceptors have recorded the last potential aspect of your cruelty to my memory core, you commit a new atrocity that leaves me analyzing its impact for days.
HK-47: You are like a delightful random cruelty generator, master, poisoning all you touch with your presence. You are a testament to all organic meatbags everywhere.
Exile: Stick with me - you'll pick up a few things.
HK-47: Statement: I have already learned a great deal, master, and I am anxious to learn more about lying, betrayal, and new ways to harm innocents.

      • It's a real shame that the HK-50 factory was cut from the game, because the whole thing was an incredible continuous moment of awesome for HK-47.

HK-50 #1: Confused Query: Where are you going?
HK-50 #2: Ineffectual Command: We command you to stop.
HK-47: Statement: But you said so yourself. You have just admitted your own weakness. Conclusion: You have just shown me your soft, meatbag-like underbellies, and said, 'HK-47, please shoot me repeatedly there until I die.' Statement: You cannot stop me, you cannot harm me.

    • Speaking of the prologue, T3-M4 jury-rigs the crippled Ebon Hawk and brings it in for a safe landing in deserted mining colony...after navigating through an asteroid field. By himself.
      • Which is then completely disbelieved by his companions, when the droid attempts to explain how they all survived.
    • When Hanharr is choking Mira, she looks right in his eyes and tells him that if he kills her, her rockets will blow them both right off the planet.
    • As imperious as he can be, one cannot deny Master Vrook his sheer awesomeness when he's found captured by a band of mercenaries. When you show up to rescue him, this old man chews you out for screwing up his plan, which apparently involved his supposed capture.
    • G0-T0 maneuvers his way to a powerful position in the Exchange without ever showing himself personally - all anyone ever sees are holograms. Get enough influence with him, and you can learn that this is because he's just a droid. An accountant droid. Then there's his bit on Malachor V: "The galaxy will be reduced to anarchy within years. And if there's one thing I can't stand, it's an untidy galaxy."
      • Don't forget, "I prefer more predictable games, like galactic economics." That doesn't sound awesome until you think about it: this whole time, galactic economics have been a game to this guy.
      • It makes manipulating the normally un-manipulatable a little easier if you use methods like 'send twenty assassin droids to blow up this guy's house' at the slightest provocation.
    • Bao-Dur and his remote droid both get this when Bao-Dur tries to save the day by ordering the droid to reactivate the Mass Shadow Generator and destroy Malachor V for good. Whether this succeeds will depend on which ending you choose.
    • Darth Sion.
      • Killing Darth Sion. Killing Kreia. Killing Darth Nihilus. Like I said: parts of Peragus, then everything after.
  • Aw hell, the Dark Side ending to the first KOTOR. The main character as the returned Darth Revan sending out an effectively infinite, invulnerable fleet of Sith ships to conquer the last remnants of the Republic, led by an apprentice who will guarantee victory in any battle, all to a marching tune of Palpatine's theme. Galactic Conquest never looked so good.
  • If you're light-sided, the ending is just as awesome! Standing with your True Companions under a clear sky, everyone smiling, Dodonna and Vandar congratulating you. Your party waves to a cheering crowd... Good Feels Good!
  • Kreia is practically a walking Crowning Moment of Awesome. Let us count the ways.
    • Burrowing into Atton's mind and holding his darkest secrets over his head. When the Exile finally gets him to spill the beans, he thinks it will free him from her. She practically mocks him as she tells him how she can make his life a living hell, then dismisses his laughable attempt at escape.
    • Messing with the Disciple's head by standing right in front of him yet being invisible to his sight, apparently for no other reason than she can. She also robs his memory of the end-game plot when he figures it out. Poor guy's brain is like a library no one returns books to.
    • On the light-side path, saving Hanharr then forcing him to kneel, putting a berzerker wookiee who's idea of a life-debt is to kill the one he owes it to under her heel.
    • The mere fact that she is able to walk right next to all four masters and not a one of them ever notices unless it's pointed out to him,
    • Kreia's Heel Face Turn for Light Side players, which also doubles as Nice Job Breaking It, Hero. After you gather the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, they tell you that you are a liability, and must be cut off from the Force if the Jedi are to have any hope of survival. Once they have you in stasis, in walks Kreia, who is, SURPRISE, still fully Sith. Here's the awesomeness: she Force pushes all three back, pushes Vrook again when he tries to get up, she chews them out, and then kills all three of them at once with Force drain. Crazy awesome. Then she yells this.

Kreia: Step away! She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm her. You will not harm her ever again.(...) How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy—faced war and death on such a scale. If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side—it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death. Revan knew the power of such places… and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others… of Jedi, promising them power, and turning them to the dark side. The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion… culminating in a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk away from—save one. (Turns to the Exile) And this is what I sought to understand. How one could turn away from such power, give up the Force… and still live. But I see what happened now. It is because you were afraid.

    • If you take the darkside path and kill the Jedi Masters yourself, Kreia sends you off to Dantooine to find the "Last of the Jedi." What you find instead is an empty chamber, since you've just about driven them into extinction. Kreia then enters, explains the situation, and asks if killing the Jedi calmed your rage. Your answer is invariably no. "Then you have failed me," she remarks coldly. "Completely and utterly." She then drains the life from you, and chews you out for leaving nothing but death, destruction, and the end of everything in your wake. All you're left with is the hope that maybe you'll learn something.

Kreia: I have taught you to feel the Force again, shown you the contrast, and yet still you do not understand! This is what you have wrought: countless murderers, slayers, assassins, born of war that has, as always, taught the wrong lesson. You showed them life without the Force -- and instead of showing them truth, power, all you showed them was how the galaxy may die. You are responsible for all of this; even now, events spiral towards destruction, and there is nothing that can be done because you refuse to listen, to understand! You have seen the effects you have on those close to you, heard the echoes scream across dead planets, and watched as your strength has grown, yet it is for nothing. To have the Jedi Council brought low by such a failure, there is no victory in that. You have not heard a thing I have taught, and for all I have said, you have never learned to listen.

Vrook was right to come here, though he did not recognize the connection until too late. This place will hide you from the Sith for a time -- enough to do what must be done. (Bitterly) You were my last hope; the only one who could change what is to come. And now you have left me with nothing. I shall teach you no longer: our bond remains, but that is all.

Kreia: Stay here and die, apprentice, among the wreckage of all that remains of the Jedi. It is a fitting grave, until the Sith come to end you... to end everything. And as you lie here, I pray that you will listen... and finally awaken.

    • When you beat her as the final boss, you think you've won. Bam! She's now triple-wielding lightsabers with her mind!
    • Better yet She wins even if she loses. Her goal is not power but philosophy, to weaken the bounds of morality on the Sith and Jedi who have become narrow minded. Even when she dies, the only Jedi or Sith left are you and your disciples. Aka her disciple. Everything that follows in the entire Star Wars Galaxy is a result of her disciple.
  • The endgame of KOTOR II is pretty much a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the Exile, who assaults an entire Sith academy, killing numerous Sith Assassins, Marauders, and Lords singlehandedly. Sit down, Palpatine, the Exile is the true master of Force Lightning.
    • Or Force Wave. Tossing around entire rooms of Sith at the wave of a hand is awesome.
    • Death Field and Force Scream. Lightning does more pure damage than either, but Death Field makes you functionally invulnerable and Force Scream can hit huge areas even early on (it is infinitely hilarious to kill not only the people in your current room but the next one over). How invulnerable does Death Field make you? You can kill the final boss wearing the dancer's bikini if so you desire (as a female, obviously).
    • No. The properly badass dark side way to clear Taryus is Insanity followed by Force Crushing everyone in the room. Sure its not very efficient, but nothing says "I'm more powerful than you can possibly imagine" quite like slowly killing your way through a room of opponents that can't do a damn thing about it.
    • Or, of course, simply using Force Enlightenment to turbo-boost yourself, then marauding through everyone with a lightsaber. Or two.
    • Pansies. The real badass method is emptying it out with your fists only. Alone. Unarmoured.
    • Taking less than one round for each kill, not even fully boosted. From 28 meters away.
  • Playing a "light side" character on the Sith homeworld of Korriban. After infiltrating the Sith academy and watching in bemusement as Master Uthar and his apprentice Yuthura attempt to use you as their pawn to betray each other, the player is given an ultimatum by both as to which one the player will support against the other. Answering, in effect, "I choose neither. I'm not a Sith, you idiots, I'm a Jedi." and then beating both simultaneously -- and then, as frequently as not, the entire rest of the Sith Academy -- ought to dispel any lingering questions about the ability of good guys to be badass. One of the most joyfully righteous and satisfying moments in RPGs.
    • Even better, side against Uthar and convert Yuthura back to the light side if you talked to her earlier about why she joined the Sith in the first place. She runs off to the Jedi Academy on Dantooine if it hasn't been blown up yet, leaving you to kick the rest of the academy's collective ass. And that's not even counting the opportunities to mock and sabotage the Sith's efforts earlier on the planet. Basically, Jedi!PC on Korriban demonstrates why the Sith desperately need a Detect Good force power.
      • Fine, let's count the oppertunities to mock and sabotage the Sith before. Converting Mekel, Dustil, Kel, and Yuthura to the Light and the plain desertion of Dak. Killing off the rest of your class that you don't redeem. Facilitating the escape of defecting Sith students and a droid. Conning Uthar into giving you credit for exactly this. Redeeming effing Ajunta Pall centuries after his death. And this is ignoring the students you kill beforehand and the fact that you wreck THE ENTIRE ACADEMY top to bottom afterwards. Awesome indeed.
    • One other satisfying example is sticking it with a fellow student in the Sith Academy. From the start you know you're not going to like him: he calls you "freak" and boasts of killing you, among other things. Then along comes the tomb of Ajunta Pall, which gives you three swords, of which one belongs to Ajunta Pall himself, and you have to figure out which is the real one. You're about to exit when this student comes along and tries to bully you into handing over the real sword, intending to get the credit of finding it for himself. Naturally, you can kill him, but that's not as satisfying as giving him one of the fake swords and returning to the Academy to see Master Uthar Force-choking the student to death for failing to verify the sword's identity. And you get no Dark Side points from it! Sure, you do lose the sword, but there are better weapons out there.
  • A full pistol runthrough of KotoR II is not only fairly easy, but it is also incredibly badass. Consider: You are fightin some of the most powerful sith lords in the galaxy, people who can clear a room with a thought and deflect lasers like they were rocks thrown at a tank... and shoot them to death in one volley, and if that fails, you probably stunned them long enough for another three. Kickass. (To give you an idea, fully upgraded pistols are more accurate, more powerful, longer ranged, and much easier to aquire than anything besides a glitch-upgraded lightsaber, and one of the better scope upgrades either increased your critical range so much you were essentially criticalling almost half the shots in each volley, or allowed you to stun just about anybody every other volley.) Also, because of the way the buid works, you are also incredibly physically resiliant, and the scant force powers you have probably went into master force speed, which allows you to run from those pesky melee bosses and get even more attacks per round, and buffs that make you even stronger. Essentially, the most optimized build has you hitting the opponent six times per round, three of which will critical and all of which will have a damage range of around 20-40 (where a lightsaber with upgrades you find lying around is probably 6~20), you will have feats that improve damage, accuracy, and penalties to Jedi deflection rolls, you will have force powers that give you so much damage resistance you can barely be damaged, you will have equipment that heals you for more than enough to keep up with damage, and you will have so much HP that even if the enemy can actually hurt you a significant amount, even bosses can be outdamaged by you simply using master rapid shot and nothing else.
  • On the Star Forge when Malak sends his entire army to attack you. This is an awesome moment because he admits that he isn't sending them at you out of any hope that they'll kill you, because he knows they don't stand a chance against you. He's only doing it to buy time for him to prepare for the final showdown.
  • It's not often that the player gets to achieve a Crowning Moment of Awesome in dialogue, but the conversation with Atris allows you to virtually dethrone her on the debating field- whatever way you please. Here's just one way in particular:

Exile: Our teachings do not mean we should stand by and watch others die.
Atris: There was no guarantee that marching to war would have saved the Outer Rim. In fact, quite the opposite.
Exile: We could have waited, but defeating the Mandalorians after they had won would have been difficult.
Atris: There are victories other than physical ones: the real victory lay in th-
Exile: The triumph of the Jedi teachings is a cold thing when there is no one left alive to appreciate them.
Atris: You do not kno-
Exile: You are correct- I do not know. And neither do you.
Atris: (Enraged) How dare you? The Mandalorian Wars should have been your grave and Malachor V is where you should have died!
Exile: Your anger... is it because you secretly wish you'd had the strength to follow me to war?
Atris: (Flustered) What? What do you mean?
Exile: I can see it in you - you wanted to fight by my side, but you were too scared to defy the Council.

  • When you convince Brianna to become a Jedi, Kreia uses the Force to send Atris a single word: Betrayal. It's chilling and awesome at the same time.
  • The battle of Dantoonie in the second game, especially if you have Tier 3 versions of stun, horror, or lightning. There's really nothing quite as satisfying as seeing an entire army spring up... then stopping them (quite literally if you use lightning) dead in their tracks. Of course, those three force powers are just awesome by themselves in any crowded room.
  • In the first game, a PC that has embraced the Dark Side deep enough can actually beat Jorak on Korriban at his own little game by giving the right answer to a trick question he technically has no way of knowing.

Neither. A true Sith never dies.

  • With The Sith Lords Restoration Mod now out, several very awesome things have been restored. One of them involves Kreia teaching you how to fight. She does this by having you fight against Visas with increasingly difficult limitations: first, with one lightsaber, then with two, and then unarmed. Note that you do all of this without items or Force powers, and Visas heals between each and every fight.
  • It's possible to actually turn HK-47 to the light side by performing Light-sided actions in front of him while still choosing enough Dark-sided actions to unlock his bonuses. Sure, he still acts the same, but seeing HK with a blue background on the party select screen is something to behold. The same applies for G0-T0.
  • Choosing Mission for the Leviathan escape. She is a fourteen-year-old Twi'lek girl, sporting no special abilities other than a talent for survival. She's got the lowest hit points of your party. She's surrounded by Sith and stripped to her underwear. But she still mouths off to the guard, picks his pocket, then fights and/or sneaks her way through the deck of a Sith warship crawling with trained enemy soldiers to save a pair of Jedi and a Republic war hero. That, friends, is one Badass teenager!