Leftover Soup

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Leftover Soup is a Web Comic produced by Mason "Tailsteak" Williams. It is a Slice of Life web comic based on the life of Jamie the Supreme Chef, Ellen the Geek and her best friend Maxine the Lovable Sex Maniac. Other characters have appeared -- for example, Lily, Ellen's boss, who Does Not Like Men -- but the primary focus is on those three.

Ellen. She's a chaotic-good half-celestial half-dragon half-nymph half-elf ninja-artificer-psion-paladin-of-freedom.

Leftover Soup ran for 1000 strips, plus thirty epilogue strips. It is now complete.

You can read it here.

Tropes used in Leftover Soup include:

Ellen: I'm technically not supposed to let people in I don't know, but you don't look too creepy.
Jamie: Um... thanks, I guess. I promise not to rape you or anything.
Ellen: Yes, that's very comforting.

  • The joke is extended a couple times in the same storyline.

Best roleplaying moment: Ate a baby, managed to convince GM she was still neutral good.