Love and War/Characters

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The following are the main playable characters, and supporting cast, in Admiral Styles' RPG Love and War.

Ryan Eramond


 Always do the right thing.


Ryan Eramond, aged eighteen, is the hero and protagonist of Love And War. As the game begins, he's a regular guy living in Davenport, who's just graduated at the top of his class from high school, and uncertain about what he should do next in life. Over the course of Act I, Ryan has several adventures with his friends, which gradually take a more serious turn. As Act I ends, he leaves his home country, Galvenia, for the first time, to visit the Zion Empire on a business trip. Ryan's favourite weapons in battle are firearms, but he is skilled with a sword as well.

Ryan's parents are Theodore Eramond, a successful businessman who runs a package delivery company, and Sheila Eramond (nee Robinson), a proud and doting mother. Ryan idolizes his paternal grandfather, Gustav Eramond, a war hero who passed away when he was twelve years old.

  • Badass Bookworm: He's the school valedictorian, but is good with both a gun and his sword.
  • Blue Eyes: Ryan's go well with his role as hero-in-training.
  • Bishonen: A straight example, if we go by the in-game and official art.
  • Chick Magnet: Let's just say that almost every teenage girl in Davenport seems to have a crush on Ryan to some extent.
  • Master Swordsman: He and Henrik are Colonel Whitworth's star pupils.
  • Old Shame: Ryan wrote a novel when he was about sixteen or seventeen, and he can't stand it now - except for the ending. This ending involves the hero and heroine separating - maybe permanently - because "The Commonwealth is greater than us both". Considering that the Commonwealth seems to be fragmenting at the end of Act I, this may count as a very subtle and clever bit of Foreshadowing, too, and may not bode well for Ryan's future love life.
  • The Hero: Played straight, so far.

Henrik Spenson


 Love can be blind. Or blinding.


Nineteen-year-old Henrik is Ryan's best friend, and his long-time scholastic rival - Ryan just edged him out by two points in their final examinations. Henrik tends to be quieter than Ryan, but is actually ahead of him in fighting skills. He has an understated sense of humour, belongs to the Church of Infinity, and believes in respecting and protecting Nature. As Act I opens, he has just won a scholarship to attend King's College in Lorean, the capital of Galvenia. Henrik's favourite weapon in battle is the sword. At the end of Act I, relations between Henrik and Ryan are strained, perhaps permanently, as Ryan believes that Henrik betrayed him by siding with his enemy, Juno.

Henrik's father is Alphonse Spenson, a novelist, who appears rather cold and formal. His mother, Barbara Spenson, whom he was much closer to, fell ill and died about four years before the events of Act I.

  • Badass Bookworm: He and Ryan are very close, both academically and in terms of sword skills.
  • Genius Bruiser: Genius swordsman, actually, but he's close enough.
  • Master Swordsman: He is currently ahead of Ryan in duelling skills, according to Colonel Whitworth.
  • Real Men Love Jesus: Henrik is open about, and proud of, his religious beliefs.
  • The Big Guy: Henrik is a Class 5, smart as well as strong in battle. He tends to use heavy weapons, such as the Claymore and the Giant Sword, well in battle.

Armin Tamas


 And I'm the legendary Armin Tamas!


Armin, an irrepressible wise guy and would-be ladies' man, rounds out the trio of the Three Compadres with Ryan and Henrik. Armin and Henrik are polar opposites in terms of politics and morals, and Ryan sometimes has to intervene to keep things from getting heated between them. Ryan once refers to him as "loose on the whole 'morals' bit, and he sometimes seems self-centred - and remains a likeable and loyal friend despite all this. Armin also fancies himself as a comedian, though his sense of timing often ruins his punchlines. Armin's weapon of choice is the knife, and he carries a pair of them.

Armin's mother is Melody Tamas, a caterer; he also has a younger brother named Shirvin. His father, who is unnamed, abandoned the family just after his brother's birth. His family has financial problems, which he admits is the reason why he often comes across as money-grubbing. His family was originally from the Fulton Republic, but he considers himself a Galvenian first and foremost.

  • Casanova Wannabe: "Wannabe" is right; he generally gets squashed whenever he tries a pick-up line, though his fortunes change towards the end of Act I following some timely advice from Ryan.
  • Loveable Rogue: He knows a bit too much about picking pockets to be honest, but it's hard to dislike Armin.

Lavender "Lavie" Regale


 Your father said you needed an assistant, and here I am! Lavie Regale, at your service!


Lavie, aged seventeen, is a classmate of the trio, and has known Ryan from childhood. From what we learn, they were apparently inseparable friends at that age, but things have cooled off - at least on Ryan's side - as they grew older, perhaps due to Ryan finding another girlfriend, Marianne. She still has strong feelings for Ryan, but he tends to ignore them or brush them off. Lavie comes from a wealthy family, but is not conceited - she generally comes across as pleasant, optimistic and cheerful, though she does have a temper, especially when she feels Ryan is being unkind to her, or if anyone criticizes her cooking. She is a skilled piano player, and a champion at archery.

Lavie's parents are Sigmund Regale, a bibliophile with a magnificent library, and Emily Regale (nee Lancaster), daughter of Gerald and Anne Lancaster. She has an uncle and aunt, Vincent and Agatha Regale, who own a potions shop in the nearby town of Trinden. Lavie is very close to her maternal grandmother, who lives by herself on Mann Island, which is a short sea trip away from Davenport.

  • Brainy Brunette: She's the only character in the game who can level up by solving puzzles or tests of memory, rather than by just grinding.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Poor Grandma Lancaster. After Lavie generously offered to sweep up her cottage for her, she hardly has any crockery left..

 Lavie: (singing as she sweeps) "La la la, la la la..."

(sound of crockery smashing as she accidentally bumps into it)

Lavie: (upset) "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

  • Lethal Chef: Ryan was apparently sick for three days after trying one of her recipes. He has dubbed them "Kitchen Katastrophes" ever since.
  • Luminescent Blush: Lavie tends to develop one whenever she experiences any strong emotion.
  • Plucky Girl: She's not too fond of creepy parks or lizards, but Lavie will not give up on a difficult task.

 Lavie: (scared, but determined) "A deputy doesn't complain.."


 Lavie: (amused) "A cookbook! I hope I'll be able to use one someday.."

  • Tsundere: A Type B version. She's generally love-struck or even flirtatious when with Ryan, but if he hurts her feelings - or if anyone else makes fun of her cooking - there will be hell to pay.

Marianne Robertson


 I could face every day, knowing that I had you..


Marianne is Ryan's former girlfriend, and his first love. They had been "going steady" for about six months, but their relationship was tragically interrupted when Ryan walked in on her kissing another classmate. We see little of Marianne in Act I, but she's an important character - Ryan's conflicted feelings for her are an important motive for his character, and her encounter with Ryan in the park is a great Character Development sequence for both of them. Marianne works as a barmaid in the local pub.

Marianne's father is Alex Robertson, about whom we aren't told much - except that he has an appointment to see Sigmund Regale at one point. We know nothing about her mother.

  • Make Up or Break Up: Halfway through Act I, Marianne meets Ryan and tearfully asks him to forgive her. He doesn't refuse, but can't make up his mind.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Apparently a huge turn-on to men in the game; Ryan calls her "the most beautiful girl in the world" (though this may be teenage hyperbole), and even the cold Juno calls her "the long-haired beauty."
  • Your Cheating Heart: Understanding Marianne's reasons for this - which are apparently related to her insecurities - is an important part of her conversation with Ryan.

Colonel Whitworth


 A sword is a weapon of honour.


Colonel Walter Whitworth is a decorated war hero, a member of the Commonwealth Peacekeeping Forces (CPF), who played a vital role in saving the Commonwealth from the attack of the "War Hawks" at the Battle of Chespa Bay. He now runs an Academy of Swordsmanship in Davenport, whose pupils include Ryan and Henrik. A hard taskmaster, he believes in fair play, honour and integrity. His Academy's mottos are "Perfection, Or Nothing" and "No Guns."

  • Determinator: Walter Whitworth was born with a rare genetic disease, and his mother was told that he wouldn't survive infancy. The Colonel took great pride in defying this prediction, and accomplished a lot - in war and in peace - before finally dying at the age of seventy, at the beginning of Act II.
  • Master Swordsman: His reputation is so high that students travel from all over Galvenia to take lessons from him.
  • Obi-Wan Moment: The Colonel goes out pretty much this way at the beginning of Act II.
  • Old Master: A very good example of this trope in action.
  • Parental Substitute: To Henrik Spenson, as we learn in Act II.

Grandma Lancaster


 And how's my favourite granddaughter in the whole world?


Anne Lancaster, Lavie's maternal grandmother, lives on nearby Mann Island, where she is universally loved by youth for her warm nature and cooking skills. Anne's husband, Gerald Lancaster, died about eight years before the events of Act I, and she lives in the house that he built. She did try living with Lavie and her parents for a while, but she and Sigmund Regale couldn't get along. She shares a very close bond with Lavie, and is a source of consolation and good advice for her.

  • Cool Old Lady: Here she is, advising Lavie on how to recognize true love, for example:

 Anne Lancaster: (calmly) "..and when he kisses you, your knees feel weak. I think that's - one of the clearest signs."

Lavie: (blushing) "G-Gran! C-c'mon, now...."

Anne Lancaster: (amused) "It's true, dear. You may think it's something from a storybook, but when it happens, you'll know."

  • Granny Classic: A quintessential example, though she has no cats.
  • Grow Old With Me: Her relationship with her late husband was apparently very much along these lines.
  • Supreme Chef: She's universally acknowledged as one, and has passed on her skills to her daughter, Emily.



 You dare to mock the name of Juno?


Juno's full name is Makarov Juno, but he does not like to be addressed by his first name, except possibly by Henrik. An angry young man, Juno harbours a grudge against Ryan, for reasons that are unclear. Juno is a master swordsman, with a "formidable, but unorthodox technique" (according to Colonel Whitworth), but can also play dirty when it suits him. Juno is intelligent, and tends to use formal language and forms of address in his speech.

Unlike the other characters, we know very little about Juno's past, though we are told that his mother is still alive. His father was a Lieutenant in the Galvenian Army at some point in time, but we know little else about him.

  • Gender Blender Name: Juno prefers to be addressed by his surname, for obvious reasons, but the trouble is that Juno is a woman's name - it's the name of Jupiter / Zeus' wife and consort in Greco-Roman mythology, the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hera.
  • Master Swordsman: His attacks deal the most damage in the whole of Act I. However, when he faced off against Ryan, he was defeated quite convincingly.
  • Mysterious Past: We know very little about Juno's backstory, his family, or what makes him tick.



 I thought I had covered my tracks fairly well.


Londes Kodenai, a former member of the Galvenian Royal Army, is the personal aide and security guard to the corrupt Mayor of Glendale, Samuel Talmadge. When Talmadge is arrested for stealing a valuable necklace, Kodenai is arrested along with him, and the two are transferred to Lorean for safe custody. However, Kodenai manages to escape, and we gradually learn that he may be involved in treason. At the end of Act I, Kodenai is caught and defeated in battle by Ryan, Henrik and Juno, but is killed by Juno before we can learn more about the conspiracy he is involved in. Though he held a clerical post in the Army, Kodenai is skilled in battle, and deceptively strong.

  • Hidden Depths: He goes from "Mayor's flunky" to "mysterious conspirator" over the course of Act I.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: One possible explanation for his conduct at the end of the final battle.
  • Just Following Orders: Kodenai's excuse to Ryan and his companions, when they accuse him of being a traitor.

Princess Carranya


 Ryan, would you like to dance?


Princess Carranya Gerius Elizabeth Alexandra Lionheart is the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Galvenia. Ryan meets her in the course of Act II, where she has stowed away on board the HMS Paradiso, to try to convince the Zion Emperor to avoid a war with the Varald Directorate. When she is caught travelling without a ticket, Ryan comes to her rescue, and the two become friends. Carranya has led a rather sheltered life, due to her royal background, and is eager to experience the simple pleasures of life - such as dancing or acting in a play - in Ryan's company. She initially comes across as stereotypically "shy, demure and quiet", but has hidden depths as well.

Princess Carranya's parents are King Arlbert and Queen Katharina of Galvenia. She loves Galvenian history, and her knowledge of it far outstrips Ryan's.

  • Green Eyed Red Head: A good example - she's passionate, but sensible and conscious of her duties as the Princess.
  • Luminescent Blush: She is a princess, after all... and it goes well with the red hair and green eyes.
  • Princess Classic: A straight example, though played with a bit when she decides to have a day of fun.
  • Shrinking Violet: Played with. She is expected to behave in this way, as befits female royalty, and Ryan also expects this. However, it's not so much that she is shy, as that she has trained herself to be that way - she is actually brave and resourceful when given the opportunity, as befits a descendant of Lady Penelope.
  • When She Smiles: Though she's not "plain" by any means, she remains a triumphant example - people find it very hard to resist her when she does this.