Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Trivia

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  • Acting for Two: Jason David Frank has done this twice!
  • Actor Allusion: Rito had a tendency to call Zedd "Ed". The guy who wore the Zedd costume was named Ed Neil.
  • Author Existence Failure: Because of Thuy Trang's death in 2001, we'll most likely never see Trini again.
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty: Johnny Yong Bosch has said that people are always asking him to say "Morphinominal." Adam never said that during the show, that kind of slang was phased out before the end of the first season while Adam didn't show up until the middle of the second season. He would eventually say it years later in the "Once A Ranger" Reunion Show.
  • The Danza: Catherine Sutherland as Katherine Hillard.
    • Arguably Austin St John, who revealed at Power Morphicon that "Austin" is a stage name, and that his real name is Jason.
  • Directed by Cast Member: A few episodes were directed by Paul Schrier (Bulk).
  • Direct to Video: Alpha's Magical Christmas, Lord Zedd's Monster Heads, and The Good, the Bad and the Stupid: The Misadventures of Bulk & Skull.
  • Executive Meddling: Not of their own choice but parents found Zedd to be too scary at the start (who could blame them, in the introduction in addition to his appearance. The guy had a snake wrapped around his arm.) Thus, the producers had to tone him down later to make him more of a laughable villain. It wasn't too much to dampen his character as he was still a force to be reckoned with however.
  • Fan Nickname: Tommy is "Jeebus".
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: See the Retroactive Recognition listing.
  • Lost Episode: The original Pilot for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was advertised as such on Fox Kids. Notable changes include the casting of the Yellow Ranger as Audri DuBois as opposed to Thuy Trang, Zordon being known as "Zoltar", and the Zords being referred to as "Droids".

With regards to the 1995 movie:

  • Deleted Scene: Actors at Conventions have commented on various scenes filmed that didn't make it into the movie, such as the Rangers doing some preliminary training between being given the ninja robes by Dulcea and traversing into the forest. In particular, Tommy's was apparently seen practicing some superhuman kicks similar to the corkscrew kick he used to finish off the last gargoyle.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Ivan Ooze is Rene Belloq!
  • The Other Darrin: Rita is portrayed by a different actress, though, thanks to her voice already being redubbed, she sounds just the same as she does on the show.
  • The Other Marty: Mariska Hargitay (Yes, that one) was cast as Dulcea, after the original actress had to back out to remove a cyst, then she returned when filming ran longer than expected.
  • Throw It In: The Take That to The Brady Bunch Reunion was made up on the spot by Paul Freeman. Obviously, the directors decided to keep it in. It turned into one of the funniest moments in the franchise's history.
  • Troubled Production: Budget issues, time constraints, and creative conflicts abounded.
  • What Could Have Been: The producers originally intended for the Rangers' masks to not have their visors and mouth pieces, feeling that it removed any sense of personality. They realized that their changes were counter-intuitive to the point of wearing a helmet because they were supposed to be an elite, faceless fighting force. They went overbudget and over schedule to refilm the necessary scenes. This actually resulted in the second season of the show overlapping with the film production (they were supposed to finish filming it when they returned home to America), the last few episodes were filmed in Australia.
    • Austin St. John (Jason), Walter Jones (Zack), and Thuy Trang (Trini) were originally slated to appear in the film, but due to their contract dispute halfway through Season 2, they were dropped.
    • After Ivan blew up his Tengu Warriors for failing, he created a colorful-feathered "Queen Tengu" out of their feathers.
    • Catherine Sutherland (Katherine Hillard, the second Pink Ranger) auditioned to play Dulcea. Evidently they liked her enough to bring her to America for a role. Sutherland has lived in America since.
    • Mariska Hargitay was cast to play Dulcea after the original actress, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick, had to back out due to a scheduled surgery. The producers didn't feel that Hargitay was working out and was replaced with Fitzpatrick after she recovered. Due to budget issues, she wasn't able to refilm an extended sequence where Dulcea trained the Rangers in their ninja outfits at her home. As such in the movie the Rangers seem to just sit and stare at the monument for a time before deciding to go.
    • Ooze originally created a team of rat-men to battle the Rangers at the construction yard. The director and producers felt they looked horrible and very low-budget (their goal was to create a high-budget looking movie) and such convinced Saban Entertainment to replace them with the more creepy looking Ooze-men. The rat-men costumes were later used in the "Return of the Green Ranger" three-parter on the TV series.