Wall Bangers in Naruto include:

  • Uchiha Sasuke and his relations are responsible, directly or indirectly, for at least 50% of the wallbangers in Naruto. Those he is directly responsible for tend to be Deus Ex Machinas that allow him to win a fight.
    • even worse is the main character. While Sasuke has plenty of offscreen training that could potentially answer some of the asspulls, Naruto has no such excuse. His entire strategy resolves around spamming shadow clones and different Rasengans until one of them finally works- several of the movies have even been solved by him pulling a different Rasengan out of his ass. If he is going to fight an enemy he wouldn't be able to beat with that alone, or with the Kyuubi giving him power, the previous chapters are conveniently concerned with giving him new upgrades that rocket him from chunin to jonin to kage levels. It's not just with the fights, either: army of plant men copying your soldiers perfectly? Give Naruto the ability to sense them anyway, making him the best ninja in the world (that we know of) in a field he has put precisely zero effort or interest into. Plot armor is big in the series, to say the least.
      • Said Plant men in itself "oh look how broken can we make our villains I KNOW why not have them be able to perfectly copy anyone they touch." Then we pull an only the Author Can Save Them Now excuse. Brilliant.
  • One mirror-fight in the "Rescue Gaara" arc has Team Gai pulling a "We must become better than ourselves - oh, wait, we just did" Deus Ex Machina ending.
    • For Gai and Lee, anyway. Neji and Tenten can be justified because they just invented new overkill techs on the spot.
    • Note: This didn't happen in the manga; it was fluff for the anime.
    • Considering the clones were explicitly exactly as strong as when they were created, with no increases or decreases over time, it would have made more sense to just have Guy and Lee open a chakra gate, beat up their clones, then go help the others.
  • The way the Pein vs. Kyuubified Naruto fight was animated turned what had been a serious, intense fight into an Anime Looney Tunes.
  • Hinata hitting Pain in the fight was a BIG one for she gets a clean hit in by her Elemental Punch and because she was Doomed by Canon it does nothing.
    • It would have made sense if it knocked him out until Hinata attempts to get the last spike out of Naruto's hands.
    • Remember the guy was a corpse, so they ignored injury (such as being cut in half) unless it prevented them from moving or from recieving chakra in the first place.
      • Problem is, paralyzing people and disrupting their chakra systems is exactly what the Gentle Fist was invented to do.
  • Itachi. Fucking. Uchiha. So Sasuke is a huge bastard jerkass who wants to kill everyone? Well, he can't take all the credit. Basically, everything that made Sasuke who he is came from Itachi and stupid decisions. Worse is that Kishimoto's recent volumes play Itachi ON A POSITIVE LIGHT!!! I don't care if some of the Uchiha are jerks, nothing justifies genocide and brainwashing people into becoming slaves like Itachi did! What's worse is that people actually ROOT FOR ITACHI KILLING THE UCHIHA CLAN!! Just because they don't like Sasuke for being a bastard, which he is because of Itachi!!!!
    • Justified in that the clan was planning a coup on Konoha.
      • Because they were being accused of treason by releasing Kyubi onto the village. Without any other proof other than an ancestor, Madara, being able to do it. That's, like, accusing a man of being a psychopath because his great-grandfather was a serial killer. Really, I'm not exactly rooting for Konoha here...
        • First off, an Uchiha actually was responsible for unleashing the Kyuubi onto Konoha. Second off, the Uchiha clan was only being suspected of the crime. Nobody was arresting them or throwing them into jail -- hell, they were the town's police force. So, the Uchiha Clan reaction was as psychopathic as if a group of people suddenly went 'We are suspects in a police investigation THEREFORE WE MUST KILL THE ENTIRE CITY GOVERNMENT IN REVENGE'. Being suspected when you're innocent is bad, yes. But it doesn't justify mass murder and treason.
      • Not to mention that "Madara" is a very well known liar. Probably not best to take his word for anything.
  • Hmm, Hinata's first attack in Shippudden is 32 palms. 32 PALMS when Neji was a genin he could do 4 times as much. So Hinata as a chunnin is still weaker than Neji when he was a genin.

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