Silent Hill: Promise

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Silent Hill: Promise is a Silent Hill interactive fan web comic created by Greer-the-Raven, currently hosted on deviantART and Live Journal. An attempt to create a full-fledged Silent Hill "game," Promise uses the faux Adventure Game style of MS Paint Adventures to involve readers in deciding what the heroine should do next.

 >>Enter Command Here

A Fan Sequel, Silent Hill: Promise follows Vanessa Sunderland as she blunders into Silent Hill in search of her missing Uncle James. It's Better Than It Sounds.

Started in June 2010, Promise was updated daily, sometimes more than once a day. In October 2011 it went on semi-hiatus, but resumed in April, 2012. Read it here on deviantART.

Silent Hill: Promise provides examples of:

  • Abandoned Area: The hotel since it burned down.
  • Adventure Game: The comic strives to imitate this.
  • All Just a Dream: Happens in the beginning. Maybe.
  • Art Evolution: The first few screens do not have colored backgrounds.
  • Author Appeal: Vanessa has a somewhat curvy physique.
  • Bad End: Vanessa suddenly 'died' because she went into a particular room. However, there is an 'autosave' function, lampshaded by the author.

  "What's a Silent Hill game without the character dying at some point?"