Starlit Heroics/Characters/Nachzehrer

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This is a page entirely for Nachzehrer, which are recognized as The Heartless for Starlit Heroics, as they are an incredibly powerful species of vampiric monsters that even outrank the Deathmoon Family's creatures. They live behind eye-shaped barriers called Hotashem (Xephixerean for "All-Seeing Eye"), the inside of which have altered pocket dimensions that represent the shattered personalities of the Nachzehrer, and are aided by Shiminuki (Japanese for Eliminator) and Sabanto (Japanese for Servant), both of them being a specific class of minion. Nachzehrer have crystals called Emptiness Shards which serve as their life force; however, they are volatile to the touch, and if are not destroyed in an amount of time, the defeated monster will reconstitute. There is also a deadly disease related to these beings called RANTHEDIS, which if it infects someone, they will turn into a Nachzehrer in four days, depending on how bad they got it. They serve as the antithesis to the Abyss Knights, a group specialized in fighting and neutralizing these creatures from the planet.

In reality, they are Abyss Knights who have been consumed by their Valiant Crystal, in one way or another, revealing the stone's true identity as an Emptiness Shard and letting the corruption sink in.

Late Arrival Spoiler warning: Due to the amount of sheer amount of spoilers listed here, it is suggested that you read the stories first before reading this page.

Common Tropes

Special-class: Sacrilege Union


Nevinna Chyba

Leslie Amestris



Baptiste Pierrot

Quelbi-Gaspard Michaela



Euphiste Somaria

Crimson Crusaders

  • Fallen Heroes: They consist of the survivor group from Epidemic, aka. the ones who live to the end but succumb to The Virus, recognized Abyss Knights such as Laitona, and various others.

Van Helsing

Roland Tamathel


Sarutenia Trescale

Empyreus su Zealottem

Laitona Hemidial

Kyuubida Blazention

Nicky Amestris

Fenrista Glacientae

Samuel Amestris

