• Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Quite a bit of the fanbase seems to think the Happy Mask Salesman's up to something, or is more than he seems...
    • While most agree that Majora is without a doubt one of Link's most despicable and evil opponents, a large amount of the fanbase has Majora seen in a sympathetic light, due to evidence presented in game that it sees itself as a bullied child.
    • The Moon: Some have theorized that it's just as much of a victim as everyone else in the scheme, as seen by its tear and pained expression.
  • Americans Hate Tingle: The Trope Namer.
  • Best Level Ever: The mission where you have to stop 'Them' from stealing cows is a fan favourite.
  • Non Sequitur Episode: And HOW! Not only is it Something Completely Different cranked Up to Eleven, but almost nothing in the game is ever brought up again in the series despite it being the Hero Of Time's second adventure (justified in that it's an alternate universe).
  • Complete Monster: Majora, who ruins people's lives and tries to destroy the world because it's fun. The stuff s/he does is so horrific, it actually makes Ganondorf look kind in contrast.
  • Contested Sequel: To Ocarina of Time.
  • Epileptic Trees: This game has been a goldmine of kooky fan theories, mainly because it takes place in a parallel dimension without much history or backstory. Fodder for theorists include the origins of Majora's Mask (a possible explanation is given in the manga adaptation), the origin of the Fierce Deity Mask, and the history of the Stone Tower and the Ikana kingdom.
  • Game Breaker: A few:
    • The Stone Mask makes the Pirate's Fortress laughably easy because it makes you unnoticeable.
    • Fight Majora's Mask while wearing the Fierce Deity's mask. Also hilariously easy. Mind, doing so requires 100% Completion, so don't expect it to be a Disc One Nuke or anything.
    • Chateau Romani, which gives you infinite magic for the entirety of the current loop after consumption. The only catch is that you can only get one on the night of the first day after doing a few quests. Combine with Zora Mask for infinite electro-barrier or Fierce Deity Mask for effortless boss pwnage. It gets even better when you're on the Moon—since there isn't any time there, Chateau Romani lasts for as long as you're up there. So you can go through the whole dungeon with unlimited magic (which makes the boss fight even easier)
    • At the entrance hall of Ikana Castle, there are 4 Redeads that each give up 15-20 rupees and also respawn whenever you reenter the room. They're also one-hit killed by the sunlight once it comes into the room, and just plain trivialized by an item you naturally have at that point. By abusing the Redeads, you can easily get 500 rupees within a single game hour.
      • Before you get to Ikana, the Dodongos in Termina Field are a good source of Rupees. The two larger ones drop 50 and the smallest one typically drops 15-20. They're only out during the day though.
      • There are 100-Rupee chests around Clock Town that are refilled with every new cycle. One of them is only available on the Third Day, but you can get two of them right away.
    • The Takkuri, a bird that, if defeated, earns you a whopping 200 rupees in one shot, which happens to be just enough for the Chateau Romani (once you unlock it initially). Of course, if the bird lands so much as a hit on you, it can steal one of your key items, so there is a risk involved - unless you use the Stone Mask or Epona while fighting it, as you are invincible on the horse and the bird will ignore you even as you shoot it to death with the mask on.
    • The Reverse Song of Time slows down time to a near crawl, making going through the game a lot less tense.
  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • In Sakon's Hideout, when you're switching places with Kafei in order to grab the Sun Mask, by wearing a mask as Link, switching to Kafei, then swapping the mask Link is wearing with another mask (normally not allowed), Link will automatically put on that mask when you switch back, even if it's a mask that you shouldn't be able to use. The Giant's Mask just freezes the game, but the Fierce Deity's mask...
    • In a bizarre, yet totally legitimate (i.e. not requiring cheat devices) glitch, it is possible to enter Sakon's hideout earlier than you're supposed to, by running at the precise angle toward the crack between the right side of his hidden door and the wall, and rolling the moment before you hit it (or just running into it for several seconds). You have to get the angle and the timing perfectly. Fierce Deity in the overworld for all three days? It can be done.[1] This glitch also helps if you are missed the short timeframe in which you were able to enter the hideout.
  • Halloween Episode: The game is about masks, filled with Nightmare Fuel and came out October 26 of 2000 in North America.
  • Hell Is That Noise: If you go into the clock tower on night of the last day (required to complete the prologue), Skull Kid demonstrates the power of Majora's Mask. By screaming at the top of his lungs, thus bringing the moon down even faster. And the battle BGM starts off with a frickin' scare chord. No points for guessing where the two tropes lead. The mask salesman's laugh also qualifies.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Skull Kid.
  • Memetic Mutation: See Ben Drowned.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The Goron elder's son and his crying. All the other Gorons in the temple have their hands over their ears, and most when talked to beg you to do something about the Prince's constant crying before they go crazy.
  • Nightmare Retardant: Throughout most of the nightmarish atmosphere, seeing ReDeads dance is downright hilarious.
  • Nintendo Hard: The dungeons are among the hardest in the series, made even harder with the 3-day limit.
  • Player Punch: Take your pick. Nothing like seeing your favorite Ocarina of Time characters crying into their hands as their life is in tatters with the end of the world nigh to make you realize how deeply attached you are to them.
  • Squick:
    • The end to Anju and Kafei's sidequest is the most touching moment in the game, and definitely the sweetest... or at least it would be, if Tatl didn't have to go and point out that "even though they're lovers, they look just like a mother and child."
    • The mysterious hand that lives inside a toilet at the Stock Pot Inn.
  • That One Boss: Gyorg. His big, he's tough, he has attacks that absolutely murder poor Link, and the quickest way to fight him involves getting in the water with him and buzzing him with Zora Link's electro-shields.
  • That One Level:
  • That One Sidequest: Anju and Kafei. Not only does the quest involve a lot of waiting around and running back and forth to get to specific locations at very narrow periods of time, you have to do it twice to get all the rewards. And it's very easy to mess up a step and have to start over.
  • Uncanny Valley:
    • Majora's Incarnation. Its squeaky "voice" and weird dances doesn't help for that matter. Majora's Wrath to a lesser extent. The Happy Mask Salesman, too.
    • The Elegy of Emptiness statues... all four of 'em, but especially Link's.
  • Vindicated by History: The game had some negative reception in its time, being a sequel to an incredibly beloved game; years later, it's achieved a decent amount of popularity for incredibly frightening and bleak atmosphere, the dungeon designs being some of the best in the series (although they are pretty damn hard), the huge amount of sidequests... All in all, it's a lot more popular than it was originally, to the point Gamefaqs even made it Number 1 on the the 2000-2009 Game of the Decade list!
  • What an Idiot!: The Business Scrub in the mountains offers you a trade: you give him your Big Bomb Bag and 200 rupees, and he gives you a Biggest Bomb Bag. Here's the thing, though: He sells only to Gorons. Gorons can't use regular bombs. It's no wonder no one took him up on his offer before you did. Then there's the Business Scrub who sets up shop inside of one of the Indigo-Go's rooms. And the only ones that can even go in there are the Indigo-Go's. That's a five member client base he's selling to. Even worse is that he's set up inside Lulu's room, Lulu being the only female member of the band. Now, Zoras might not see any need for gender privacy, but if they do, he's limited to Lulu and Mikau most of the time.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Skull Kid.

  1. This isn't actually as much of a Game Breaker as it sounds. First of all, it only works after you get the Fierce Deity mask in the first place, which means you've pretty much beaten the game with One Hundred Percent Completion anyway. Second of all, Fierce Deity Link can't get into many places, and, not surprisingly, playing as him in the overworld can cause the game to hang if you make the wrong move (for example, if you talk to a person that would say different things depending on which form Link was in), and it's pretty easy to make the game Unwinnable if you go into the wrong area (not permanently unwinnable, but you might have to reset or wait for the moon to crash). Still, it's something worth trying out at least once!