The Nameless Guild

Mortimer Shadestalker


Ariana Artemis: Is he always like this?
Quentin Pathor: No, there is generally more death and the universe whispering 'You Bastard.'


Race: Half-Drow
Gender: Male
Class: Warlock/Rogue
Alignment: Neutral Evil




Race: Trogolodyte
Gender: Male
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Evil


Ricendithas Milner


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Battlemage
Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Foil: Mostly to his entire party, but especially to Mortimer.
  • Only Sane Man: Of course that's only considering the only other people he travels with are psychopaths. He seems normal compared to them.
  • Token Good Teammate