Dr. Gillen Lane, a self-help guru and Bible Code expert, is hired by political upstart Stone Alexander (Michael York) to help with his campaign. It is then ever-so-subtly revealed to us that Stone is The Antichrist, looking to bring about the Tribulation and Armageddon.

It was followed by a sequel, Megiddo, in which we learn Stone's origins.

Tropes used in The Omega Code include:
  • A God Am I
  • All There in the Script: While Udo Kier's character in Megiddo is never named in the movie proper, the credits list him as "The Guardian"
  • The Antichrist: Stone
  • Brother Chuck: Dominic, Cassandra and Lane, despite aiding Stone at various points in the first movie, are nowhere to be found in the sequel.
  • Chewing the Scenery:
    • Michael York has quite a few moments in the sequel:
    • Stone is in his palace in Rome, looks to the sky and starts mocking God and claiming there's nothing he can do to stop him. On cue, a meteor falls from the sky and blows up the Colosseum. How does Stone react to this? By raising his fists above his head and shouting "BRING IT ON!"
    • Stone giving a speech to a crowd of Africans berating them for some reason before killing them all with lightning:


  • Christianity Is Catholic: Averted. In fact, it appears that the Catholics are in line with Stone. Not surprising, given that the movie was made by and for fundamentalist Protestants.
    • Played straight (to an extent) in a brief scene late in Megiddo where a priest is reading from Revelation while David Alexander is in hiding. Once spotted, the priest and congregation turn to him while chanting "Save us".
  • Continuity Snarl: There are no points of continuity between either movie, save for one scene where Stone kills his father (an event referenced in the first movie, and played out in the second). The timelines don't even gibe--the first movie is quite clearly set in 1998-99, yet the second movie, which didn't get to play with per-millennial fears, sets the bulk of the story in 2011.
  • Conspicuous CGI: When we finally see the devil in Megiddo, it looks like a PlayStation 2 character.
  • Deus Ex Machina: God does this twice.
  • The Dragon: Dominic
  • Did Not Do the Research: So very very much, and it is even more evident in the sequel, when Stone aims for the EU... in 1976 (16 years before the EU was formed), and assumes his position as chairperson is a standing one (which it isn't).
  • DVD Bonus Content: Of the uninteresting variety. The first film comes with your average "Making Of" feature, which told us exactly what the Second Unit does. The second film comes with a speech from Hal Lindsey, some trailers and a bit of info on how they did the less interesting effects. Why they don't cover the dust hounds the False Prophet summons is a mystery.
  • The End of the World as We Know It
  • Evil Tastes Good: That bit in Megiddo where Stone and David talk about Stone's chances of getting what he wants...

Stone: I'll always have a chance in Hell, David.

  • Gosh Darn It to Heck: Seeing as these are Christian films, this was to be expected. Gets really noticeable in Megiddo once you see R. Lee Ermey, a guy whose best known role was Cluster F-Bomb incarnate, talking about "blowing smoke up your hind quarters" and the "United BLESSED States".
  • Ham and Cheese: Michael York's performance was pretty much the best thing in the film. It's even better in the sequel.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Stone is played by Michael York, Dominic is played by Michael Ironside, and Gillen is played by Casper van Dien. The sequel also gives us Kyle Reese as Stone's kid brother David, Yuri as Stone's anonymous sidekick and Sargent Hartman as The President Of The United States.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the first scenes in the first movie almost exactly called Tom Cruise infamously jumping on Oprah's couch.
  • Jesus Taboo: In Megiddo once Stone is defeated by a literal Deus Ex Machina, we see him being dragged to a pit of fire while repeatedly shouting "NAZARENE!"
  • Meaningful Name: The newsreader/talk show host is named Cassandra. However, she is explicitly not The Cassandra.
  • Romance on the Set: Casper van Dien and Catherine Oxenberg married after making the first movie.
  • So Bad It's Good: While both films are flawed, they are enjoyable thanks to the actors, the cheesy special effects, and low production values. In the first film, it helps its more subtle with its message than one would expect from a Evangelical flim.
  • Special Effect Failure: The lightning from the second movie looks horrible.
  • Too Dumb to Live: In Megiddo, the prepubescent Stone tries to get "revenge" on his infant brother for their mother's Death by Childbirth by lighting his crib on fire. He is caught by the maid and what does Stone's father do? Sends him to military school in Italy! Yeah, because that's the kind of person you want using firearms, right?
  • The Other Darrin or Name's the Same: Early in the first film, a character is mentioned by the name "Principessa Gabriella Francini". A different character by that name appears in Megiddo.
  • Yanks With Tanks: In Megiddo, the US military sides with David instead of his brother Stone, and fights Armageddon, with Chinese With Chopper Support and Mexicans With Machine Guns.