Topic on Talk:You Got Your Exposition in My Argument

Is this a duplicate of Rashomon Style, or a related trope to that one?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)
Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Ooh, hard call. I'm inclined to call it a related trope, maybe a Sister Trope. The flashback bit definitely partakes of Rashomon Style, but there's more going on here.

Jlaw (talkcontribs)

I can think of some examples and can add a few. Will see if they fit the trope details!

Utini501 (talkcontribs)

From what I can tell, this trope can be part of a Rashomon situation, but it can also stand out on its own without flashbacks. I'd agree with it being a Sister Trope.

RivetVermin (talkcontribs)

Honestly, I can't tell the difference. If it is a sister trope, I think one or both descriptions could do with amending to help distinguish them from one another

Ilikecomputers (talkcontribs)

Could be a sub-trope instead of a sister trope. Both tropes have the "two differing perspectives" thing going on. You Got Your Exposition in My Argument establishes exposition; Rashomon Style doesn't have to, but this fact isn't communicated well. I think this could be a separate trope, but it needs to go back to the workshop and needs a massive description rewrite.

GentlemensDame883 (talkcontribs)

From a reading of the description alone, without relying on any further background knowledge, this looks to me like a subtrope where the emphasis is on the presence of a third party to the event being recounted. If that's not what it's supposed to mean, then the description needs a rewrite or clarification.