• Anticlimax: The revelation of Arth's final spell. It had been hinted at for an entire arc without actually showing up, with Arth finally using it in his battle against Gorm. He casts it, and hundreds upon hundreds of BFS's rain from the sky. You'd think Gorm would be screwed, right? Nope. He promptly pulls out his ultimate spell, which summons as many black holes as Arth has swords, and the black holes suck up the swords like nothing. Needless to say, Arth doesn't last long after this.
  • Base Breaker: Victoreem. For many, he's the Ensemble Darkhorse. For others, he's just utterly random and pointless.
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Gash is noted to have horns on his head when Kiyomaro is forced to wash him after a battle. It is also noted other Mamonos have horns, yet it is never brought up ever again.
    • The demon Momon was known to let out "kikiki" like sounds, akin to a monkey, but suddenly begins talking multiple volumes later. No one questions it.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Gash becomes the Mamono King. But since the way to the human world is closed. It's possible that Gash and Kiyomaru will never see each other again (made worse by the fact that Gash will most likely outlive Kiyomaru.
  • Complete Monster: Many of the evil demon children. In particular, Zophise horribly Mind Raped both humans and fellow mamono, both for practical reasons and For the Evulz. Leo and Zeon just barely dodged this status, only thanks to ultimately failing at their attempts to sadistically murder the main cast and blow up Japan just to get back at Kyomaro (their motivations were convincing, but in no way actually excusing their behavior). Finally, Clear Note was so thoroughly malevolent that Gash's ultimate spell, which destroyed only what was evil, erased everything that defined his person, leaving only his... soul, or whatever, to reincarnate as an entirely different being.
  • Crazy Awesome: The entire series and almost every attack in it, particularly Kanchome's. Almost every single minor character has some kind of crazy attack, too.
    • And a good example of this? Sunbeam spent ten months in Africa. Immediately after he comes back...well...rock and roll!
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Loads and loads of this all around.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Kiyo's reaction when he walks in on the man in the fish costume.
    • "Just so you know, I don't usually do this kind of thing."
    • Tia learning a new spell out of anger at a mamodo that kept touching her panties.
    • Penny's Slap Slap Kiss relationship with Zatch before her Heel Face Turn.
    • Pretty much a large majority of the battle with Victoreem.
      • "With the dashing beauty of the Johnson located in my crotch!"
    • What about Zatch and Kiyo's battle against Kanchomé and Folgore in KIYO'S BEDROOM? With Suzy sleeping though the entire thing?
  • Fan Preferred Couple: Kiyo/Suzy for those who like to root for the underdog.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Victoreem, for... well pretty much everything. On top of his generally memetic theme, that utterly batshit song, and general ham, he's voiced by none other then Norio Wakamoto. His popularity is lampshaded repeatedly in omakes and even the ending of the manga.
  • Growing the Beard: In the case of the anime, it takes a long while for the series to really take off and become something epic...until episodes 44 and 45, which features a brutal battle that Kiyo and Zatch flat-out lose. Shortly afterwards we're introduced to the stone tablets of 1000 year old mamodo in episode 48, and it just keeps going from there!
  • I Knew It: Gash and Zeon being twins.
  • Only the Author Can Save Them Now: Against Clear Note. The rules of the tournament established throughout the story had to be completely broken to give the main characters a shot at victory.
  • Tear Jerker (Pretty big source of these, oh yes)
    • In fact, the first five episodes alone have enough crying to drown a whale and hide the city of Atlantis.
    • Dont forget the ending of the manga.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: There can't be a single person who knew that Zophise was supposed to be male from the beginning. It doesn't help that his dub voice is noticeably similar to that of Wuya.
  • Villain Sue: Depending on who you ask, Clear Note is either a Villain Sue or an intentionally over-the-top parody of Villain Sues. He's a Bishonen Generic Doomsday Villain Diabolus Ex Nihilo who makes his completely unforeshadowed entrance by beating Brago (until then the strongest character) half to death, defeats the Supporting Leader despite the fact that said leader's skin is explicitly resistant to his powers, comes back stronger every time you beat him up, is a Hero Killer (including one kill from thousands of miles away while critically wounded), and ultimately required what seemed suspiciously like an Ass Pull (it was foreshadowed... over three hundred chapters prior) to finally defeat. Whether all of this is annoying or darkly hilarious, again, depends on who you ask.
  • Wangst - Gash/Zatch can go a little overboard with his crying sometimes....
  • The Woobie: There are many. Sherry comes to mind.
    • Gash in his past.
    • F* ck it. The whole frickin' main cast.
  • Woolseyism: Ponygon's nickname was dubbed such because he was a pony & Kiyo wanted him gone.