13 Going on 30

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13 Going On 30 is a Romantic Comedy movie about a girl named Jenna Rink (Jennifer Garner) who is 13 and suffers from the ageless drama of 13-year-old girls: she doesn't have enough boobs, she doesn't have enough cool clothes, she doesn't have a beautiful and popular boyfriend, and she definitely doesn't have friends among the In Crowd.

As a solution to this, she wishes to become older and successful and beautiful and popular and pretty much everything else. So, with a little help from a magic dust, she ages seventeen years in a blink, and wakes up as powerful magazine editor, whose best friend is Lucy Wyman, aka Tom-Tom (Judy Greer) the old queen bee at her school.

The only problem is: she doesn't remember a thing of how she passed the past years. Matt (Mark Ruffalo), a nerd who was her only friend at high school, helps her to find herself; but what if she does not like how she turned out to be?

For the trope that this movie used to name, see Overnight Age Up.

This film provides examples of the following tropes: