Aeon Natum Engel/Characters
- Here is a cast list as of Chapter 15b.
- Check the character's parent series for additional info, or else we will be duplicating here.
- Almost everybody is a Deadpan Snarker.
Shinji Ikari
- Author Avatar - Shinji is, most of the time, a stand-in for Earth Scorpion, down to being quite a good gauge for which subjects ES took in high school. Earth Scorpion is, however, not above loading ANE!Shinji with character flaws and keeping many of the original ones. (ES' character flaws are very different...)
- Expy - Earth Scorpion has admitted that Shinji has been shaped a lot by Kyon
- Has Two Mommies - Shinji was raised by a pair of FSB agents selected by his father.
- Only Sane Employee - Lately it seems that preventing two other genius pilots from catfighting is now a part of his job.
- Only Sane Man - And his sanity is slowly, slowly being torn apart by the world around him.
- The Snark Knight - Shinji snarks at everything and everyone, but he mentally beats himself up for unwittingly making fun of disabilities.
Rei Ayanami
- Berserk Button - Rei is precognitive. When Destiny decides to screw her, she loses her composure.
- Cold Sniper - She was chosen for the role of long-range heavy support for CATO precisely because she is cold.
- Combat Clairvoyance
- The Comically Serious: Rei is somewhere between this and The Stoic, rather than the Extreme Doormat of canon. There's a number of hints that she knows exactly what is going to happen...and finds it slightly amusing.
- Creepy Child - This version of Rei is actually Creepier Than Canon,; she knows things she shouldn't, and doesn't even appear to think like normal people. That is, more so than usual.
- Expy - Rei cannot be an expy of Nagato, because in ES' words, "[they are] already seperated at birth."
- The Fatalist - Comes as a result of her precognition.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Rei shows this during Operation CATO. Sure, some might say that both prescience and clairvoyance are cheating, but she is undeniably effective.
- Psychic Powers - Rei has sensory and precognitive powers and whatever she got from Alma.
- Race Lift - Rei is a sidoci, a white xenomix. This is not as much having her race changed as having one assigned for once.
- Tranquil Fury - Rei's "anger" has the temperature of Bose-Einstein condensate.
- Woman in White
Asuka Langley Souryu
- Blood Knight - And how!
- Expy - Go on. Guess.
- Kill It with Fire
- Insufferable Genius
- Race Lift - Asuka applies makeup twice daily, wears contact lenses and dyes her hair, because of "the other girl" who may or may not simply be a skin colour she doesn't like.
- Rage Against the Reflection
Misato Katsuragi
- Drives Like Crazy: If there is something left of NGE Fanon, than it is this.
- Lethal Chef - As usual, but with a far darker (and perfectly appropriate) reason): because of nerve damage from an old injury, she has almost no sense of smell or taste, and has to spice her food to near-toxic levels to be able to enjoy it. She just hasn't learned to make separate portions for everyone else.
- Scars Are Forever - Subverted in that Misato's face was rebuilt after her injury, and you wouldn't know she was even hurt until you tried to be in the same room with her cooking.
Ritsuko Akagi
- Arbitrary Skepticism - The Evangelions going berserk because of... self-preservation? Impossible!
- Mad Scientist - She's getting there.
- Unusual User Interface - Unfortunately for her, an outdated jack.
Alice Wade
- Older and Wiser - Compared to her canon Too Dumb to Live self. She's didn't take her father's death well.
Gendo Ikari
- Well-Intentioned Extremist - This Gendo Ikari plans to do... something, not just to save his wife, but the whole world. And That's Terrible.
- Kavorka Man - This Gendo Ikari is ashamed over the sheer amount of women he has initiated sexual relationships with in order to manipulate.