Astral Journey: It's Complicated

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An Alternate Universe/Elsewhere Fic Spice Girls FIC, about the narrator, Emma, a football (soccer) player explaining about the pitch accident that changed her life. Along with the main subjects, the fic also contain many other singers from the 1990s, like Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Brandy Norword, and many more... all as athletes. The story is found here

Tropes used in Astral Journey: It's Complicated include:
  • Actually Pretty Funny : Emma found Paul's joke funny despite being scolded for saying it.
  • Annoying Patient: Downplayed version when it came to Geri, who keeps seeking out. All she just want is to see how Emma was doing.
    • Melanie, on the other hand, tries to escape as she refuse to accept that she has an issue.
  • Astral Projection: Emma gains this ability.
  • Badass Normal: Pretty much… everyone has at least one.
  • Bungled Suicide: Emma notices that Victoria had cuts on her wrist… leading to this conclusion.
  • Convenient Coma: Emma spreads two weeks in a coma, yet struggles upon waking up.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: Melanie is placed in a wheelchair after her second escape attempt ended in disaster, but she's locked up in one. Considering she was admitted for an eating disorder that she refused to get treated, it's had to be that bad.
  • Darker and Edgier: Detail to Emma’s injuries, witnessing a friend being given a powerful electric shock. The video clip that Emma talks about could give some a clue.
  • Hollywood Heart Attack: Victoria has this off-screen, while Melanie has two of them.
    • Ill Girl: Both Victoria and Melanie are admitted for eating disorders, and Emma was due to the pitch accident. This is subverted as the reasons for being in the hospital were anything but cute.
    • Ambiguous Disorder
  • Hurt-Comfort Fic
  • Idiot Ball: Getting a poll that’s still electrified… pretty stupid.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: A broken arm isn't going to stop Brandy from saving her friends.
  • Mundane Luxury: Emma drinks a cup of water rather fast. Considering she had her jaws wired, she considers it a welcome change. She also wishes to eat some Spaghetti rings.
  • No Name Given: Emma is never mentioned, as she's the narrator.
  • Not Quite Dead: Emma, Geri, and Brandy to a degree all get hit by a out-of-control car, which hits a lighting pole... creating a powerful discharge.
  • Plucky Girl: Emma doesn't let the pain stop her.
    • Heroic RROD: She often pushes herself so far that her body gives out at times.
  • Sick Episode: Emma is in the hospital thanks to what happened. Same goes with Victoria and Melanie.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Brandy may be seen as gentle lady, worried for Emma. Hence, the reason for her helping with getting both Geri and Emma to the safety despite a broken arm.