Big Bunny
Three children, Lulu, Suzy and Sam, go into the dark woods looking for their dog Muffin. In the forest they find a giant, carnivorous, talking pink rabbit. Big Bunny! Big Bunny tells them not to run and that he's their friend.
Of course, really he'd love to eat those plump, tender, yummy, delicious children. So he seduces them with nonsensical stories.
This is a flash series made by Amy Winfrey, the same woman behind Making Fiends and Muffin Films. Big Bunny was supposed to have 10 episodes, but wanted to stop production after episode six. Hypnotic eventually agreed to allow Amy Winfrey to make one final episode to wrap up the series. After this happened, Amy decided to make a new web series that she would try to keep independent for as long as possible, and Making Fiends was born.
This flash cartoon is referenced in The ttyl Series.
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: The title character speaks like this.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: The title character (again) and the RED squirrel.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The BLUE bluebird who got sick and died and rose from the dead.
"Everything seemed okay with the bird, although, instead of eating strawberries, |
- Art Style Dissonance: Unlike Making Fiends, the colors in this cartoon are bright and cheery. But it actually has blood and gore, albeit mild and very crudely drawn.
- Ascended to Carnivorism: Complete with fangs.
- Blush Sticker: Lulu
- Catch Phrase: Big Bunny's "Eat lots of X" (usually something fattening). Suzy borrowed it in the last episode.
Suzy: lots of carrots! ...dumb bunny. |
- Character Blog: Big Bunny has a Myspace [1]
- Child Eater
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Sam
- Deal with the Devil: Subverted in Big Bunny's story about another girl named Suzy, who sold her soul to the devil, lived a perfect life, and repented to go to heaven when the Devil came to collect.
- Deadpan Snarker: Suzy. Also Little Miss Snarker.
- Downer Ending: The rushed ending of the series where the forest Big Bunny lives in is going to be demolished. When the three kids come to tell him, he gets Lulu and Sam to leave with a giant picnic basket.
- Eat the Dog: At his request, Lulu brings Big Bunny a cat, oblivious to why he wants it.
- Expository Theme Tune
- Expressive Hair: Lulu and Sam when they first see Big Bunny.
- Expy: Suzy is basically a female Stan Marsh. Charlotte has some traits from Lulu.
- Eye Scream: A girl in the story who got her eye taken out by the zombie bluebird.
- Four-Fingered Hands: Three fingered hands.
- Girlish Pigtails: Lulu
- Long Pants: Sam wears these.
- Nasty Party: The plot of Red.
- Only Sane Man: Suzy, for the most part.
- Shout-Out: In the first episode, the kids have a dog named Muffin, referencing Amy Winfrey's earlier flash series Muffin Films. When Big Bunny is about to literally Eat the Dog, he says "Mmmm. Muffin."
- Stock Animal Diet: The children bring Big Bunny carrots in "Vegetables" because "Bunnies love carrots!" Of course he isn't interested in those.
- Stylistic Suck: Big Bunny's stories.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Discussed In-Universe:
Suzy: I don't think that story was appropriate for us, it was kind of violent. |
- Too Dumb to Live: Lulu and Sam
- Two Girls and a Guy: The children.
- Villainous Glutton
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Big Bunny has pink fur and Suzy has purple hair.