"Hey everybody it's Chuggaaconroy, and welcome back to more [insert game here]
Chuggaaconroy at the beginning of almost every single Let's Play video he makes.
"Ah, Nintendo Logic."
—Chuggaaconroy, more times than we could possibly count.
—Chuggaaconroy, whenever he is particularly frustrated with a Nintendo game's mechanics, puzzles, or the like.

"Now everyone knows the butt is mightier than the watermelon."

"Seriously, Moltres, I am here recording this on a Saturday night. [Moltres breaks out of the Poke Ball again] So close. I am here recording this on a Saturday night. You think that I'm just going to give up and I'm just going to go somewhere else and I'm going to give up on catching you? You think I have better things to do than sit here trying to cram a six-foot tall bird into something the size of a baseball? No, I don't have anything better to do. You think I have friends to go see? You think I have places to go hang out? You think I have dates to go on? You think I have sex to have? Well, apparently you don't know teenage boys on the internet very well. [beat] God, that was a sick burn on myself. Jeez. That was actually pretty relentless. God, I can't believe that I just said that."
..."That was the epitome of no life right there."

"Last time on Super Mario Sunshine, in a nutshell: Chuggaaconroy! Delfino Airstrip, 10 coins. Your mother sings very strange songs. Eight red coin mission, turbo nozzle. Religious imagery! Shine Sprite. Keep your coins! The 100 coins: Easiest 100 coin shine in the entire game. You fail at life. The blue coins... DOWN that door. Spray that ice cube. Thank you! God, I... Pianta fire: after the flood, he moves up here. Homina-Humm? Humnum. Butt. Mightier. Than. Cardboard coin. Blue coin. Now for this lady. Pineapples! Yellow... Miyamoto's racist. Shoplifting produce makes everything better. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Guilty of possession of stolen fruit, she wants bananas. Bananas, bananas. Just drop them right in. Yellow toad, blue toad! You know what game that reminds me of? Durians! You can only kick them. Jumping and then running into them; not that hard. [blubbering] Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! C'mon, swim faster to the island, because this is where the next fruit sidequest is."

"Lava-covered pedestrians always have the right of way over regular pedestrians. It's a mandatory thing to know in driving school."

"I actually studied a lot of Japanese mythology so that I could tell you guys these things, 'cause a lot of people in the Western Hemisphere aren't gonna get this stuff. Yeah, that's right. I studied. Stu-died! [appears in big letters on the screen] Yeah, I went to a library for the first time in 5 and a half years for this. YOU BETTER APPRECIATE -- yeah, okay."

"You know, speaking of Electrode, there's something that's been bugging me about Electrode for a while now. [A picture of Electrode appears as Chugga speaks] Electrode has a height of 3'11 and a weight of 146.8 lbs. Assuming that it is a shape of a perfect sphere in which its diameter times its height, one can easily calculate its density is 73.6 kilograms per cubic meter. As the density of water is 1,000 kilograms per meters cubed, it should be able to easily float on water carrying something as heavy as 2,000 lbs...but it can't learn Surf."

"So yes, we managed to destroy Team Rocket's three-year plan in one day, all because they didn't anticipate anybody in the Johto region having Pokemon above level 30."

"YOU'RE NOT REALLY A RED HEAD! You had work done on your sprite!"
—Chuggaaconroy fighting off against Jasmine and finding out that she's not a redhead.

"Wait a minute! Hold on. Wait a minute. So there was no statement by the defense, no attorney appointed to the defense, no witnesses called, no evidence presented, nobody even bothered to notice that we literally got here four minutes and thirty-four seconds before we were arrested, and there wasn't even a jury? This is more rigged than even Saddam Hussein's trial!"

"You know, Charizard, I have something to say. At least my back sprite in the original game didn't look like a frickin' donkey! I'm sorry but Charizard's original sprite, it looks like a donkey! [Charizard's back sprite from Pokemon Red/Blue appears and the words 'Frickin' Donkey' next to it.] I thought it WAS a donkey before I got the Player's Guide."

"Aww, aren't you a cute little Voldemort impersonator... and look at that, he belched."

"'That's the secret entrance.' No freakin' duh...you said it wouldn't be marked 'SECRET ENTRANCE'!"
—Chuggaaconroy after discovering the secret entrance to the Boggly Tree in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
—Chuggaaconroy, whenever something doesn't go his way.
"Now, I don't want to speak too soon... I really don't want to speak too soon... but I think that's the last treasure... and I think we've gone without setting off what it is I am so afraid of. [Waterwraith entry cutscene begins] [at the top of his lungs]: I JUST HAAAAAD TO OPEN MY MOUTH! I JUST HAD TO SAY IT! AS SOON AS I'M FINISHED SAYING IT, YOU! SUCK! YOU! SUCK! (beat) GAME!"
—Chuggaaconroy's reaction to discovering the Water Wraith in Pikmin 2.
(reading the Champ in making's words) "Yo, challenger! Bugsy's young but his knowledge of--" (gasps and zooms in on the word 'his')--BUGSY'S A BOY?!
—Chuggaaconroy finding out that Bugsy is male.
"Video games are encouraging people to be bombs."
Luigi's Mansion (followed by a "What was I thinking when I said that" moment in editing)
—His freakout on apparently losing 98 blue Pikmin, which is also the page quote for Big "What?".
"There is a Pokémon that I want to get in this area, so let's look around for it for a second and-" [Wild Pokémon encounter] "-alright, maybe this is it now. Yes, this is it, and... OH MY GOD!"
—Encountering a shiny Koffing in Pokémon Crystal.
"My nightmare..."
—During The Stinger of one video in Pikmin 2, where he witnessed LOADS of red leaf Pikmin.
"Where did Miyamoto graduate college? Wii U! ...nah, that's not gonna work."
—Chuggaaconroy to Guru-Guru.
  • Looks at the moon* "Hey buddy how's it going?" *Looks away* "...You know what?" *Looks back* "What are you up to this fine night? Looking to destroy the world, you read any good books? *pause* Ah, I see, you read the chapter in the bible on the apocalypse. Ah. Okay. *pause* ...I'm just trying to make good conversation until it's 2AM okay, c'mon, there's no one else around to talk to!"
    —Chuggaaconroy chats up the moon in Majoras Mask
  • fighting Wart* "Guess that makes him a BURGONING SPIDER-WART! HA-HA, YES! Wouldn't be me if I didn't make bad jokes! YA-HA HA HA HA HA! NONE SHALL ESCAPE MY BAD JOKES! NO MAN, WOMAN, CHILD - OR BUBBLE! HA HA HA HA HA HA! ...Oh, god. Had to get that outta my system. Woo!"
"...Yeah! Second try, perfect! Suck it! Suck it! If there was a T-bag function in this game I would use it right now, suck it! Yeah! You only took twenty of my rupees net wise! Gimme my frickin' Piece of Heart, I am outta here, screw you, good day sir! I'm Willy Wonka!
—Chuggaaconroy is elated at finally beating the Octorok Archery minigame in Majoras Mask
[video opens with Chugga playing Skyward Sword] "Hey, everybody, it's Chuggaaconroy! Welcome back to more Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask, which we're just about to record, meaning that after seven hours of playing this game, I have to go back to not having a 'run' button anymore! RUN BUTTON, WITHOUT YOU I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO LIVE FOOOOOOR...!" *Skyward Sword Link jumps off a cliff, transitioning immediately into DAWN OF THE FIRST DAY: 72 HOURS REMAIN
—Chuggaaconroy's The Stinger intro to Episode 49 of Majoras Mask
—The first Crowning Moment of Funny of Pokemon Emerald.
"Okay, so last video, there's something I wanted to address because I was called out on two things by you, the viewers. First thing is entirely my fault: I misspelled 'Beautifly' as 'Beautiful.' I make mistakes; I deserved to be called out on it; thank you for pointing it out. Second, though, I really need to address: It was when I said that Wurmple evolves at random. I received hundreds upon hundreds of comments trying to educate me that it depends on gender, time of day, or some other not-random factor. I am here to disprove this because it is NOT dependent upon gender but on personality value. Gender is only one of four integers that make up a Pokemon's personality value. This is a 32-bit value between 0 and 4,294,967,295 represented in binary that was introduced in Generation III, one generation after gender was implemented for Pokemon other than Nidoran. Breaking down how this works, Wurmple's evolution depends on the last two bytes of this integer, only one of which decides the Pokemon's gender. It is determined by taking these numbers, combining the two bytes of memory, dividing them by 10, and seeing if the remainder is more or less than 5. If the remainder is less than 5, you get a Silcoon; if it is equal to or greater than 5, you get a Cascoon. There's many players' guides floating around out there that have this detail wrong, so I can kind of understand why you would think otherwise, but if you're going to try to correct me, please make sure you have your facts straight before you do, otherwise I can and will nerd out on you. But what do I know? I can't even spell 'Beautifly' right."
—Chuggaaconroy, explaining why Wurmple's evolution is, indeed, random.

"Typically, Ladies have a lot of money, though, so beat them up... THAT SOUNDED AMAZING. WOW."

"All Slavinator did was just pop out and look at it funny and it went down!" *cracks up* "I didn't think the poison would really do that much of it's health...Slavinator grew to Level 4! Slavinator grew to Level 5! Slavinator learned Tail Whip! Slavinator grew to Level 6! Slavinator grew to Level 7-" *can't take it anymore, cracks up again*
—"Lucky number 7 indeed!"

"So we got Team Aqua here, what do you say we...kick some ass and take some names! But rather, I think it'd be more fun if we take some ass and kick some names! Er...I don't know about the taking ass part though, but...I wanna kick your name! Your name is GRUNT! You have the same name as every single other member of Team Aqua! So therefore, by kicking your name, I kick everyone else's names! Ah hah hah! ...and look at this! I am kicking your Carvanha after I kicked your name! I only got to use one kick on Carvanha, so the Double Kick will be used to kick your name! ...I'm just nuts, aren't I?"

" 'Or, will you follow us back to our hideout in Lilycove City?' WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME WHERE TO FIND YOU?! Your grunts told me what you were doing and where you would be and you told me where you were taking what you were stealing and where I could confront you, and even asked me if I would. What is wrong with you?! Maxie might have the stupidest voice, but at least he's not that stupid!"
—In response to Team Aqua collectively holding the Idiot Ball
"Today, is the 9th anniversary of Ruby and Sapphire being released in America and as such I'm going to--OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS!? WHERE ARE YOU AT!? (beat) I've lost man points (beat) heavily.
—Reaction to catching Groudon with a Nest Ball at nearly full-health.
—Chugga's reaction prior to Fracktail's boss fight.

Making good on his promise to scream after the Piliated Snagret fight