Daffy Duck/YMMV

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  • Cargo Ship: With the titular object in "A Coy Decoy". At the end of the cartoon, it's revealed that they somehow had clockwork children together.
  • Character Rerailment: Some recent Looney Tunes revivals have been twisting in and out with the original enterpretations of Daffy (in Space Jam and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? in particular, while still maintaining a lot of wit from Chuck Jones' era, he is back to his goofy prankster persona). At the very least he's been dialed back for the better since his more ruthless De Patie Freleng period.
  • Crazy Awesome: His no-holds-barred insanity got him noticed, defeated his foes and won him his fans. As he gradually evolved into a more deliberate, motivated character, he began to fail more and more. The Looney Tunes Show deconstructs this trope by bringing back his insanity, but forcing him to suffer more realistic consequences for it (he can't hold down a job, he gets thrown in prison for contempt of court, etc.), ensuring that he remains a Straw Loser. Nonetheless, his craziness has made him one of the most popular characters among fans of the show.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Unlike Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse, who despite being from rival companies are shown to actually get along in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Daffy doesn't get along with Donald Duck at all.
    • Though in an earlier draft of the screenplay, their intense battle on the piano proves to be only a stage act, and the two Ducks are revealed as quite good buddies off-stage.
      • An even earlier draft written by Chuck Jones involved a "Show Biz Bugs" type scenario with Daffy and Donald battling for audience appeal, while Donald is met with applause and roses, Daffy is met with the usual cricket chirps. Daffy was apparently such a Straw Loser he made even Disney's biggest Chew Toy and Unpopular Popular Character look like a winner.
    • This was parodied in Bugs Bunny's 50th birthday special from 1990, where we see a crowd of pro-Daffy protesters shouting against Bugs. It turns out that Daffy himself paid those guys to support him, because no none could possibly love Daffy more than Bugs.
      • And again in "Bugs And Daffy's Carnival Of Animals"; the reason Daffy gets no applause? The entire audience is made of rabbits!
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In "Assault and Peppered", Daffy is shown to be a rich Jerkass who hates poor people, whips starving mice, and declares "war on poverty". Now fast-forward to 2011 with the "Occupy" protests and malicious police activity.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Generally accepted to have invented YouTube Poop.
    • His line in Porky's Pig Feat, which is delivered completely straight and without sarcasm:

"Yeah, Bugs Bunny, my hero!"