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** This fight is taken to a new level of awesome when one remembers that when Ken was introduced, it was stated that not only was he an all-star soccer player, but he was also a black belt judo champion.
* Yolei whacking LadyDevimon with the skateboard.
** Don't forget her [[Rousing Speech]] to the panicking, screaming Kari in the middle of the Sea of Darkness. Doubles as a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]. Yolei's pretty good at [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|hitting people]] as a means of motivation.
* Since Wormmon has spent the first 20 episodes of ''[[Digimon Adventure 02|02]]'' being kicked around by Ken, the moment where he goes against him and leads Davis and Chibimon to Ken's main power source is pretty cool. The moment where he hijacks the Devidramon they were riding, ''knocks Ken off it, rams Chimeramon,'' frees Magnamon, and gives Magnamon the power to defeat Chimeramon via [[Heroic Sacrifice]]? While crying and saying he still believes in Ken's kindness? [[Tear Jerker|Tear-jerkingly]] awesome.
* Davis/Daisuke. For all his boneheadedness, for all his insistence on pining over a girl that either doesn't notice or doesn't care <ref>It's complicated</ref>, for every single insult thrown his way by his friends and the fanbase for being the [[Replacement Scrappy]], the guy's got a hidden badass deep down that will make you regret ''ever'' underestimating him. His actions include, but are not limited to, getting a hit in on Ken in what was otherwise a totally one-sided soccer match, tackling Ken down a cliff, snapping Ken out of every other one of his [[Heroic BSOD|HeroicBSODs]] (actually a lot of his Crowning Moments involve Ken), rallying the others to create a [[Sealed Evil in a Can]], taking on the [[Big Bad]] by ''himself'' in a series where the [[Fusion Dance]] is all but a requirement if you don't wanna get the living hell kicked out of you, freeing everyone from [[The Final Temptation]], and rallying ''everyone'' to help destroy the [[Big Bad]] once and for all. [[Fanon Discontinuity|Though that last one may or may not count]], depending on your personal canon.
** Even [[Eldritch Abomination|MaloMyotismon]] admitted that he was impressed by Davis's tenacity.
* Considering all the trauma that Ken had to go through (along with his psychological instability), this troper was incredibly impressed by episode forty-five. To seal Daemon away, Ken unflinchingly opened a portal to the Dark Ocean through his own Digivice, even when keeping that portal open proved to be so painful he kept screaming his head off.
** Tell me about it. [[User:Scarab]] does not normally buy [[Heel Face Turn]] redemptions in fiction because they often feel forced or unrealistic to her (she?s a bit unsure of her place on the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|Sliding Scale]] right now). But after everything Ken [[The Atoner|went through]], all the damn crap he had to take and how damn ''hard'' he tried to make up for everything, culminating in the scene mentioned above, this is one instance where this troper was happy to sit back and say: "Yeah, he's totally earned this". He's now one of her favourite characters.
*** His line to Davis in the ''Revenge Of Diaboromon'' counts as another [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. When Davis is exhausted from running to Rainbow Bridge and can barely keep up, Ken turns around, smirks, and says, "Well, at this rate, you'll never get the [soccer] ball from me." Davis tells him to shut up and then starts running again. Apparently, Ken can still figure out how to persuade people into doing what he wants, even if he's not the Emperor anymore. Plus it's a cute [[Friendship Moment]].
*** Ken's performance in the (cracky) drama CD "Michi E no Armor Shinka" is very impressive: Davis turns evil and the claims to be a new Digimon Emperor. Ken's voice drops to Emperor mode, and he starts to mock Davis, saying he can never be a true ruler of darkness. All the girls around squee at Ken's awesome evil performance, and Davis is shocked. It's also a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
* Mummymon. Throughout all of his appearances in the series, poor old Mummymon was a joke; he and Arukenimon were the [[Goldfish Poop Gang|"Jessie and James"]] of Digimon, so to speak. That is, until the end, when [[The Man Behind the Man|MaloMyotismon]] appears and brutally murders Arukenimon. In a fit sheer rage that his love had been destroyed, Mummymon almost [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] and attacked MaloMyotismon with all his strength, wrapping him in a Snake Bandage. The [[Big Bad]] is not fazed however and easily breaks free, after a little taunting, Mummymon says two of the most [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome]] lines ever: "YOU DON'T SCARE ME, YOU'VE TAKEN AWAY MY ARUKENIMON, AND NOW I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER!!!!" and "THEN I WILL TEACH YOU TO FEAR ME!!" he then proceeds to fire an energy gun beam at MaloMyotismon, who shrugged it off and with a simple reply of "Playtime's over" and a puff of red smoke, he melted Mummymon into nothingness. Rest in peace, Mummymon, rest knowing that at least your awesomeness was acknowledged.
** This scene was actually '''more''' awesome in the original Japanese version. Instead of just yelling that MaloMyotismon doesn't scare him, he yells that he ''knows'' damn well that he's going to die, that he doesn't care because he can't live without Arukenimon anyway, and just hopes to take MaloMyotismon with him. MaloMyotismon then scoffs in dissapointment, saying that people who are ''prepared'' to die are the worst, as there's no fear involved then. To which Mummymon replies, as he shoots his gun beam, "GO WHINE ABOUT IT IN HELL!" The result is the same (MaloMyotismon's line of "Playime's over" is even the same), but Mummymon still clearly proved his [[Badass|Badassness]].
* MagnaAngemon again. He manages to fight the nigh-invincible BlackWarGreymon to a standstill, and then almost sucks the dark Digimon into the Gate of Destiny.
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* Why hasn't Magnamon been given one yet? Sure, it's technically one for Wormmon, but Magna Explosion qualifies. Not to mention his entrance in both the series and the movie (This is all dub info), the former has T.K. saying that his appearance alone changes everything, and the latter has both him and Golden Armour Rapidmon blowing apart a Mega Digimon that had taken on Patamon and Gatomon AT MEGA LEVEL AND WON. It doesn't do much, but looks epic. Not to mention that both times, Magnamon ditched the standard Digivolution montage, just appearing straight away, in the former example appearing with a brief tidbit of the main theme and the latter a more epic version of it.
* Mimi gets two in ''[[Digimon Adventure 02]]''. First, she refuses to believe that Digitamamon turned evil and ''even takes at least one tackle'' while trying to debrainwash him, which Yolei finally does. And later, when the Chosen hesitate about calling Ken for help during a battle because they're not sure about which side he's truly on even after his [[Heel Face Turn]], Mimi grabs one of their Digivices and contacts him no matter what the others think.
** Don't forget her [[Megaton Punch]] to Sukamon and Chuumon when they showed up to hit on her again. The girl's [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] indeed.
* WarGreymon's appearance and battle with BlackWarGreymon was pure awesome. Agumon basically tries to reason with his dark half (once in the Digiworld, then in the real world), then transforms and kicks his ass when there's no other choice.
** Wormmon gets another [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] during said real world battle with BlackWarGreymon, calling him out on his self-pity when BlackWarGreymon claims that, aside from fighting, his life has no meaning.
* A big shout-out to the second to last episode when the current Digidestined used the power of the world that allowed wishes to digivolve their partners to like every evolution stage they had (Except for Magnamon and Patamon and Gatomon's Mega forms from the movie) and proceeded to give MaloMyotismon one ass-kicking after another.
* On a meta level, the delivery of Cody's parting words to Yukio Oikawa is the crowning moment of [[Philece Sampler|Philece Sampler's]] career.
* And we musn't forgot Bokura no War Game's sequel movie, Diaboromon Strikes Back. Omnimon gets the crap knocked out of him by Diaboromon's next evolutionary level, the aptly-named Armagedemon, who looks like some powerful beast ripped right out of [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|EVA]]. Daisuke and Ken show up all ''[[Hot-Blooded]]'' and have their Digimon form their ''[[Super Robot]]'' form, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. and Armageddemon survives it's [[Getter Robo|STONER SUNSHINE]] ''[[Shout-Out]]'' attack, and beats Imperialdramon, only for Omnimon to use the Holy Ring to lend Imperialdramon his sword, and Imperialdramon immediately [[Took a Level Inin Badass|Takes a level in badass]] and proceeds to become [[Super Robot Wars|THE SWORD THAT CLEAVES EVIL]] (aka Imperialdramon Paladin Mode)!
** Think about it: Omnimon, the strongest digimon the digidestined had known at that point, was easily defeated by Armaggedonmon, and when Imperialdramon tried to put up a last effort, he was beaten even easier. So the day looks bleak. Then Omnimon gave up his energy to Imperialdramon. His armor turns white and gets a BFG. He proceeds to take Armageddemon out with a single poke of his sword.
** For this troper, the dub is awesome on another level because one of the first things Disney did once they got the license was to dub this. To hear nearly every voice actor reprise their respective characters years after Adventure 02 ended was pure joy.
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[[Category:Digimon Adventure 02]]
[[Category:Awesome (anime)]]

Latest revision as of 11:37, 11 April 2017

  • Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to introduce... BlackWarGreymon!
  • Everyone of the DNA digimon's introductions was totally awsome.
  • And let's not forget Imperialdramon.
  • Not to mention his Super Mode form Imperialdramon Fighter Mode.
  • Davis is basically the sole reason MaloMyotismon was defeated...to quote JesuOtaku

Jesuotaku: He was defeated by the power of Davis... twice

    • You have to admit... mad props to Davis that whole episode, he really pulled everyone together to squeeze out a win, not once, but twice.
  • When considering that TK was mostly the cute, helpless kid of the group in the previous season and how his older second season self seems generally affable, his many moments of righteous fury in regards to the actions of the Digimon Emperor and Dark Digimon can be rather violent. This is first most evident in episode 2x19 wherein, in a fit of rage, Takeru physically attacks the Digimon Emperor after smiling in dark amusement at the latter's whip-induced injury of his face.
    • In the midst of TK's asskicking of the Digimon Emperor, he also counters a second whip attack by catching it with his bare hand. Taking a whip crack to the face (as that can hurt) without flinching and catching another one with a bare hand is, indeed, awesome beyond words.
      • At least in the Latin American version, he touched his cheek, after a speech were he leaves Ken speechless, smiled, said something along the lines of "[...]you had to favor violence[...]" and then proceeded to try and punch the Emperors lights out.The link for the Spanish speakers, enjoy.
    • Say what you will about the English dub, but the line given to Takeru/TK was pretty awesome. When the Digimon Emperor/Kaiser whips him after demanding that he fall upon the floor and bow down, he responds calmly after smirking with:

TK: Sorry, the floor's kinda dirty. *proceeds to attack Ken*

    • His next line (after being whipped) is probably one of the best in the dub when you add in the aforementioned "dark amusement smile": "When you can't think of anything to say, do you always resort to fighting?"
    • Win for TK; Ken actually said yes. He basically consented to his own butt-kicking.

TK: Now is the time to talk... Then again, now is also a good time to fight. *pow*

    • This fight is taken to a new level of awesome when one remembers that when Ken was introduced, it was stated that not only was he an all-star soccer player, but he was also a black belt judo champion.
  • Yolei whacking LadyDevimon with the skateboard.
  • Since Wormmon has spent the first 20 episodes of 02 being kicked around by Ken, the moment where he goes against him and leads Davis and Chibimon to Ken's main power source is pretty cool. The moment where he hijacks the Devidramon they were riding, knocks Ken off it, rams Chimeramon, frees Magnamon, and gives Magnamon the power to defeat Chimeramon via Heroic Sacrifice? While crying and saying he still believes in Ken's kindness? Tear-jerkingly awesome.
  • Davis/Daisuke. For all his boneheadedness, for all his insistence on pining over a girl that either doesn't notice or doesn't care [1], for every single insult thrown his way by his friends and the fanbase for being the Replacement Scrappy, the guy's got a hidden badass deep down that will make you regret ever underestimating him. His actions include, but are not limited to, getting a hit in on Ken in what was otherwise a totally one-sided soccer match, tackling Ken down a cliff, snapping Ken out of every other one of his HeroicBSODs (actually a lot of his Crowning Moments involve Ken), rallying the others to create a Sealed Evil in a Can, taking on the Big Bad by himself in a series where the Fusion Dance is all but a requirement if you don't wanna get the living hell kicked out of you, freeing everyone from The Final Temptation, and rallying everyone to help destroy the Big Bad once and for all. Though that last one may or may not count, depending on your personal canon.
    • Even MaloMyotismon admitted that he was impressed by Davis's tenacity.
  • Considering all the trauma that Ken had to go through (along with his psychological instability), this troper was incredibly impressed by episode forty-five. To seal Daemon away, Ken unflinchingly opened a portal to the Dark Ocean through his own Digivice, even when keeping that portal open proved to be so painful he kept screaming his head off.
    • Tell me about it. User:Scarab does not normally buy Heel Face Turn redemptions in fiction because they often feel forced or unrealistic to her (she?s a bit unsure of her place on the Sliding Scale right now). But after everything Ken went through, all the damn crap he had to take and how damn hard he tried to make up for everything, culminating in the scene mentioned above, this is one instance where this troper was happy to sit back and say: "Yeah, he's totally earned this". He's now one of her favourite characters.
      • His line to Davis in the Revenge Of Diaboromon counts as another Crowning Moment of Awesome. When Davis is exhausted from running to Rainbow Bridge and can barely keep up, Ken turns around, smirks, and says, "Well, at this rate, you'll never get the [soccer] ball from me." Davis tells him to shut up and then starts running again. Apparently, Ken can still figure out how to persuade people into doing what he wants, even if he's not the Emperor anymore. Plus it's a cute Friendship Moment.
      • Ken's performance in the (cracky) drama CD "Michi E no Armor Shinka" is very impressive: Davis turns evil and the claims to be a new Digimon Emperor. Ken's voice drops to Emperor mode, and he starts to mock Davis, saying he can never be a true ruler of darkness. All the girls around squee at Ken's awesome evil performance, and Davis is shocked. It's also a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Mummymon. Throughout all of his appearances in the series, poor old Mummymon was a joke; he and Arukenimon were the "Jessie and James" of Digimon, so to speak. That is, until the end, when MaloMyotismon appears and brutally murders Arukenimon. In a fit sheer rage that his love had been destroyed, Mummymon almost Took a Level in Badass and attacked MaloMyotismon with all his strength, wrapping him in a Snake Bandage. The Big Bad is not fazed however and easily breaks free, after a little taunting, Mummymon says two of the most awesome lines ever: "YOU DON'T SCARE ME, YOU'VE TAKEN AWAY MY ARUKENIMON, AND NOW I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER!!!!" and "THEN I WILL TEACH YOU TO FEAR ME!!" he then proceeds to fire an energy gun beam at MaloMyotismon, who shrugged it off and with a simple reply of "Playtime's over" and a puff of red smoke, he melted Mummymon into nothingness. Rest in peace, Mummymon, rest knowing that at least your awesomeness was acknowledged.
    • This scene was actually more awesome in the original Japanese version. Instead of just yelling that MaloMyotismon doesn't scare him, he yells that he knows damn well that he's going to die, that he doesn't care because he can't live without Arukenimon anyway, and just hopes to take MaloMyotismon with him. MaloMyotismon then scoffs in dissapointment, saying that people who are prepared to die are the worst, as there's no fear involved then. To which Mummymon replies, as he shoots his gun beam, "GO WHINE ABOUT IT IN HELL!" The result is the same (MaloMyotismon's line of "Playime's over" is even the same), but Mummymon still clearly proved his Badassness.
  • MagnaAngemon again. He manages to fight the nigh-invincible BlackWarGreymon to a standstill, and then almost sucks the dark Digimon into the Gate of Destiny.
    • Too bad it failed through no fault of his own.
  • Why hasn't Magnamon been given one yet? Sure, it's technically one for Wormmon, but Magna Explosion qualifies. Not to mention his entrance in both the series and the movie (This is all dub info), the former has T.K. saying that his appearance alone changes everything, and the latter has both him and Golden Armour Rapidmon blowing apart a Mega Digimon that had taken on Patamon and Gatomon AT MEGA LEVEL AND WON. It doesn't do much, but looks epic. Not to mention that both times, Magnamon ditched the standard Digivolution montage, just appearing straight away, in the former example appearing with a brief tidbit of the main theme and the latter a more epic version of it.
  • Mimi gets two in Digimon Adventure 02. First, she refuses to believe that Digitamamon turned evil and even takes at least one tackle while trying to debrainwash him, which Yolei finally does. And later, when the Chosen hesitate about calling Ken for help during a battle because they're not sure about which side he's truly on even after his Heel Face Turn, Mimi grabs one of their Digivices and contacts him no matter what the others think.
  • WarGreymon's appearance and battle with BlackWarGreymon was pure awesome. Agumon basically tries to reason with his dark half (once in the Digiworld, then in the real world), then transforms and kicks his ass when there's no other choice.
    • Wormmon gets another Crowning Moment of Awesome during said real world battle with BlackWarGreymon, calling him out on his self-pity when BlackWarGreymon claims that, aside from fighting, his life has no meaning.
  • A big shout-out to the second to last episode when the current Digidestined used the power of the world that allowed wishes to digivolve their partners to like every evolution stage they had (Except for Magnamon and Patamon and Gatomon's Mega forms from the movie) and proceeded to give MaloMyotismon one ass-kicking after another.
  • On a meta level, the delivery of Cody's parting words to Yukio Oikawa is the crowning moment of Philece Sampler's career.
  • And we musn't forgot Bokura no War Game's sequel movie, Diaboromon Strikes Back. Omnimon gets the crap knocked out of him by Diaboromon's next evolutionary level, the aptly-named Armagedemon, who looks like some powerful beast ripped right out of EVA. Daisuke and Ken show up all Hot-Blooded and have their Digimon form their Super Robot form, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. and Armageddemon survives it's STONER SUNSHINE Shout-Out attack, and beats Imperialdramon, only for Omnimon to use the Holy Ring to lend Imperialdramon his sword, and Imperialdramon immediately Takes a level in badass and proceeds to become THE SWORD THAT CLEAVES EVIL (aka Imperialdramon Paladin Mode)!
    • Think about it: Omnimon, the strongest digimon the digidestined had known at that point, was easily defeated by Armaggedonmon, and when Imperialdramon tried to put up a last effort, he was beaten even easier. So the day looks bleak. Then Omnimon gave up his energy to Imperialdramon. His armor turns white and gets a BFG. He proceeds to take Armageddemon out with a single poke of his sword.
    • For this troper, the dub is awesome on another level because one of the first things Disney did once they got the license was to dub this. To hear nearly every voice actor reprise their respective characters years after Adventure 02 ended was pure joy.
    • Davis's drive to help his partner causing the other spectators to realize that they're there to help save the day. The children all make a path for them and one boy says "Go get 'em." Laer on, all these bystanders help to stp Armageddomon. With their phones.
  1. It's complicated