Dreamfall: The Longest Journey/Characters

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Following in the list of original characters introduced in Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. Please put all examples concerning returning characters from the original game to The Longest Journey/Characters.

Zoe Castillo

Seeker. Nomad. Dreamer.

Gabriel Castillo

Zoë's father

Reza Temiz

Zoë's ex-boyfriend

  • Back From the Dead: Though he's definitely not the same...
  • Intrepid Reporter: Working for "The Hand That Bites", which focuses on exposing corporate and government oppression of rights. In Chapters, they've changed their name to "The Hand that Feeds", but it's still the same paper.

Kian Alvane

Soldier. Apostle. Assassin.

  • Church Militant: He even calls himself a "missionary".
    • He was part of a religious order that converted people... by killing them. The rationale being, that they might be reincarnated as believers.
  • Master Swordsman
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Begins to question his empire's crusade towards the end of the game.
  • Super Soldier: He and, by projection, other Azadi Apostles.
  • Sympathetic POV: In Dreamfall, playing as him allows the Azadi Empire to display some shades of gray, and helps April's goals seem considerably less sympathetic than they would have if she'd been the sole protagonist. One of the best moments of the game occurs when the two have a conversation and player control keeps shifting from one to the other, showing the range of his/her dialogue options and allowing the player to steer the character's opinion of the other.

The Prophet

White Kin

The Six, Empresses of Azadi

  • Big Bad: The Arcadian Big Bads in DF.

Alvin Peats

Samantha Gilmore

  • The Starscream: She betrays Peats and has him murdered in his moment of weakness.
  • Tomboyish Name: She is commonly referred as "Sam", for example, by Peats right before she kills him, confusing some fans who thought that there was an unrevealed dude named Samuel involved.

The Undreaming