Forum:Trope Talk

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Is there a trope for...

Pasmorade (talkcontribs)

when someone says something that is ignored, but when another one says that same thing, it gets acknowledged. I'm currently rewatching some shows that I liked a few years ago and I've seen it included in Phil Of The Future and Ninjago.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Is there a trope for...

Summary by Pasmorade

Never mind. It's Spaghetti Kiss.

Pasmorade (talkcontribs)

Two people unintentionally eating a strand of spaghetti and kissing. Like in Lady and the Tramp, Heartburn, and In the Mood for Love?

Do we have a trope for...

Pasmorade (talkcontribs)

Actual twins who play twins in TV shows (the Olsen twins, the Sprouse twins in Zach and Cody, etc.). Additionally, is there a trope for when a prank is done to someone, but one of the things that occur is real. Example: Someone does a Halloween prank on a friend, but it turns out one of the ghosts that scared that friend is real)

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Regarding the first: Not specifically for that, no. It'd pretty obviously be a subtrope of Real Life Relative, but I suspect casting twins as twins is basically People Sit on Chairs territory. If you want to go ahead and propose such a trope in the Workshop, though, I certainly don't think it'd be dismissed out of hand, and I can give you a few more examples to flesh it out:

  • James and Oliver Phelps as the Weasley Twins in the Harry Potter movies
  • Tia and Tamera Mowry in Sister, Sister
  • Jean and Liz Sagal as Kate and Allison Foster in Double Trouble
  • And an inversion when the Sagal twins were cast in Grease 2 -- they auditioned and were hired separately, and when the production team realized they had accidentally hired a pair of twins, they created twin characters for them.

As for the other... It probably comes under Mistaken for An Impostor or one of its related tropes, like Your Costume Needs Work. Likely depends on how it's played.

Do we have a trope for...

Summary by Robkelk
Looney Toons (talkcontribs) SF writers have a tendency to incorporate the latest theory, development or gizmo into their new stories as a major plot point? Some examples: HG Wells using germ theory as the key to the defeat of the Martians in War of the Worlds; when the "starbow" (a circular "rainbow" of Doppler-shifted starlight theorized to be visible when one traveled at relativistic speeds) was first proposed in the late 1960s-early 1970s, Frederik Pohl used it as the basis for his 1972 novella "The Gold at the Starbow's End". And I recall a Tom Baker Dr. Who episode where it was a plot-critical discovery that a computer system used bubble memory (for those who don't remember it, an early-1980s variety of non-volatile RAM).

So, do we already have this described somewhere? If so, under what name?

2dgirlfan (talkcontribs)

Phlebotinum Du Jour?

If it's to be renamed, I suggest something like "Latest Greatest Science" or "Hot/Cool New Science Thing"

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

That's it exactly.

And no, I'm not planning to rename it. I just wanted to know if I should write it.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

YKTTW somebody starts a phrase that you expect to finish in a particular way, but finishes it in a completely different way?

An example, from an old Wayne and Shuster radio show: "You know what he's full of - sound and fury, signifying nothing!"

New trope: Fee2Pay

RocketMaster (talkcontribs)

I saw that there wasn't an existing page for this, so I made one. I need examples.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You need more than that. You need to recreate the page properly -- it has been deleted for the following reasons:

  1. It was created in the main namespace and not in the Trope Workshop. (You need more than the page template, you need to put it in the right place.)
  2. One sentence is not a trope description.
  3. Trope candidates require a minimum of three examples to demonstrate that they are likely to be a genuine trope. Candidates offered without examples are subject to immediate deletion.
  4. It lacked categories beyond the default ones automatically added by the page template. Usually this isn't something we ping a new page for, but since you skimped so dramatically on everything else a trope candidate ought to have, we're flagging this as additional evidence of no intent to actually put in the work to create a proper trope page.

Please review All The Tropes:Trope Workshop Guidelines, particularly the New Trope Checklist, before resubmitting this candidate. One sentence with no other content basically looks like you're throwing the barest shred of an idea out in the hope that everyone else will do all the hard work and thinking for you. No, you don't get to do that.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@RocketMaster @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

As an example, please see the trope candidate that I put into the Trope Workshop earlier today, Planet Killer. It has what we consider to be the bare minimum description for a trope candidate.

How do I launch categories?

Ilikecomputers (talkcontribs)

I want to launch "Witch Works", where a witch or witchcraft plays an important role in a work. I know tropes go to the Trope Workshop, but this isn't quite a trope (although you can probably argue that having a work centered around witches is a trope). Rather, it's there to document the existence of witchcraft within any work, so I believe it is a category instead of a trope.

Ilikecomputers (talkcontribs)
Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Launching a category is easy - add it to one of the pages that you want listed in the category. That will create a redlink that you can click on and edit the page.

The boilerplate dropdown has "Category page" as an option, near the end - select that before you type anything into the edit box and you'll get the minimum that you need for a category page. You can delete the {{main|{{PAGENAME}}}} text since this won't be a category for an existing trope or work page.

Once you've saved off the new category, it's just a matter of adding it to other pages.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Minor correction: The boilerplate is called "Index page". (Because the system was set up at the very beginning of ATT, and for some reason we were still thinking in TVT terminology instead of just embracing the MediaWiki terminology.)

You can also create a category page with the fourth prompt on the ATT Page Creator.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)
Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Then we have two entries on the menu, because the second entry on that dropdown, right under Trope Workshop Page, is "index page", which I use at least once a week. I wasn't even aware of this one.

Ilikecomputers (talkcontribs)

Do I need to consult with other members of the community before launching a category?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I don't see why. Anybody can make a list.

But if you want to, go ahead.

Title-guessing game: "I Can't Use These Things Together"

Summary by Robkelk
TBeholder (talkcontribs)
Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Talking to Yourself redirects to another page with a Non-Indicative Title, as well. So much for that fix.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

SelfCloak came up with a better name, and I just implemented it.

Summary by Robkelk

At the time the question was asked, the page for this site was a "work" page. Five years later, the page for this site is a "website" page.

RocketMaster (talkcontribs)

I want to make a page for DailyMotion, but i don't know what kind of template it needs. Help?

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

It would need a work template, since it's a website that provides video services.

Last Call in the Trope Workshop for...

Summary by Robkelk

One candidate rejected as a duplicate, one rejected outright, one accepted after getting more examples, one accepted with a different name.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

While I have in the past few months rescued, revised and launched a large number of tropes, I have neither the interest nor the knowledge to whip these into shape. They have sprawled near-dead in the Workshop for months or years, and there always seems to be someone who's willing to tell someone else how to fix them, but can't be bothered to do it themselves. Well, I can't be the one doing all the work. If no one rescues and launches these tropes by the end of the weekend, I am killing them.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

hands LT the shotgun to take them behind the shed if he wants to

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

It looks to me like the only thing keeping "Binary Characterization Assumption" from launching is a lack of examples - and I don't see Irresponsible Captain Tylor listed there yet. I think I can find enough examples to launch that one.

EDIT: Two anime examples and one Real Life example added to "Binary Characterization Assumption", doubling the number of examples we had. Page launched.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)
Labster (talkcontribs)

OK, so I really like Trope Workshop:Trimurti Trio. I learned about a new concept from the page, which is always cool. It's got a great writeup, which clearly defines the trope.

But darned if I can't think of any examples. Or any examples that don't work better as a Power Trio. Maybe if I was familiar with media from the subcontinent, but I'm drawing a blank, and that always makes me wonder if it's not a trope.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Okay, then... I'll hold off on nuking this one until we can come up with a good idea what to do about it.

TBeholder (talkcontribs)

Afterlife Search And Rescue is an obvious duplicate that needs to be merged with redirect, per talk page.

Anonymous Gladiator kind of has a potential, but it needs better description, better name AND examples, so...

Trimurti Trio is passable, but needs a better name.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

A merge I can handle.

And yeah, Anonymous Gladiator. (yes, complete with inexplicable period at the end of the name) has some potential, but someone needs to do something with it. I've been watching it for months now and nobody seems to care to do anything. That's why I started this thread -- it's one thing to do a drive-by posting and say a candidate can be punched up, but it's another thing entirely to actually do it. If no one's going to do anything, then there's no point in keeping it in the workshop.

Trimurti Trio, due to Labster's comments about it, I'll back off from. I'll do the merger on Afterlife. But if no one claims Gladiator by the time I get home from work tonight -- that's approximately 6 PM Eastern Standard Time in the US -- it will get deleted. I'm tired of endless advice and comments but no action.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Okay, the merger on Orphean Rescue has been done, and I'm about to delete the Gladiator.