Genkaku Picasso

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17-year-old Hikari Hamura (a boy) is an aspiring artist who, after accidentally writing "Hikaso" on his shoes, has been saddled with the nickname "Picasso". Personally, he prefers Leonardo Da Vinci. Anti-social, he is one of the only two members of the "Riverside Club", where he goes and draws by the river after school. The only other member, Chiaki Yamamoto, is the one responsible for his nickname. One afternoon, an out-of-control helicopter crashes into them. Chiaki dies, but Picasso survives with only a few scratches. A few days later, Picasso reaches into his pocket and pulls out a miniature version of Chiaki! It turns out that when she died, she prayed to the gods to spare Picasso and his talent, a wish that was granted. In exchange, though, Picasso must use his abilities to help others. When he sees someone's darkness, he draws what's present in their heart, then enters the drawing (leaving an unconscious body behind) and tries to fix the problem.

Genkaku Picasso (Literally means "Hallucination Picasso") is a 3-volume-manga by Usamaru Furuya. Needs More Love.

Tropes used in Genkaku Picasso include:
  • All Just a Dream / You Imagined It: As implied by the title, there's a chance that Picasso is making everything up because of his grief over Chiaki's death.
    • Sort of. The rotting on his arm is really his watch, and Angel!Chiaki is the note she gave him. At least, that's how it appears to everyone else.
  • Broken Pedestal: Maria Duel to Kana. It turns out that Maria Duel isn't as dark as her music suggests.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Sugiura's father cannot tell his son that he has money troubles because his work suffered after his wife's death until Picasso reaches out to him.
  • Class Representative: Kotone Ogura.
  • Driven to Suicide: Hishida comes close, but Sugiura stops her in the nick of time.
  • Education Mama: Yuto Honda's mother is revealed to be one of these. She gets better.
  • Female Misogynist: One girl, due to seeing girls in real life and guys in idealized stories.
  • Foil: Picasso and Sugiura.
  • Girlfriend in Canada: Sugiura's friend Ota has one at first. Not in Canada, but he claims it's a long-distance relationship.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: A minor example. Part of the reason Kana got into Maria Duel was because she was worried there was nothing that made her unique like her sister. Meanwhile, part of the reason Akane started modelling was because she wanted to be able to express herself like Kana.
  • Hikikomori: Yuto Honda is a recovering one.
  • Idol Singer: Moe Sakura aspires to be one.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Picasso is always seen wearing his school uniform, even on weekends.
  • Loners Are Freaks: Picasso's classmates thought he was odd even before he started passing out everywhere. Manba is very concerned when he thinks that the S&M-magazine-reading, clarinet-licking nosebleed guy is interested in his girlfriend. He's also a bit sullen when he realizes that Picasso is pretty much his only friend.
    • Yuto is a loner too. He became what's known as a "hikki-mori" - he withdrew from school because he couldn't connect with others anymore.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Hishida. Though she is not, it turns out, a boy.
  • Memento MacGuffin: Chiaki's note.
  • Missing Mom: Sugiura's.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Hikari miswrote the last character of his first name on his school slippers, and people teased him by calling him "Hikaso." They then take it one step further because of his drawing skills and calls him "Picasso".
  • Nice Guy: Hishida.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: William Borise is a rather blatant Expy of Walt Disney.
  • Or Was It a Dream?
  • Show Within a Show Aregunion, some kind of mecha anime, appears several times in the series.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Picasso full stop.
  • Spirit Advisor: Chiaki.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Manba seems to be one of these to Kotone Ogura. Subverted. While he does have a crush on her, it turns out that the images of her in bondage were from a magazine that he found, and he was worried she was in some kind of trouble.
  • There Are No Therapists: There are certainly a lot of kids in Picasso's school with problems...
    • Chiaki, when she was alive, was very interested in psychology. When Picasso and her help people, she is usually the one who figures out why they're depressed. On more than one occasion she solves the situation and cheers up the person.
  • Transsexualism: Yosuke "Jeanne" Hishida
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Hishida at the end of her chapter.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Kotone Ogura. She thinks girls are dirty because her female classmates picked on her when she was a child.