Girl Genius/Funny: Difference between revisions

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m (clean up, removed: Category:Web Comics/Funny)
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Line 27: Line 27:
** "[ 'Jenka, vy for iz Füst runnink away?]"
** "[ 'Jenka, vy for iz Füst runnink away?]"
* [ That's a messed-up ecosystem, man.]
* [ That's a messed-up ecosystem, man.]
* "[Airman Higgs] dragged your father and Dupree ashore, where he encountered a ''nesting goose''--[ which broke his] ''other'' arm."
* Dupree has her broken [ jaw] wired [ shut].
* Dupree has her broken [ jaw] wired [ shut].
* [ "Invade In Front"]
* [ "Invade In Front"]
Line 49: Line 50:
** [ It RETURNS!]
** [ It RETURNS!]
** ''[ Foom!]''
** ''[ Foom!]''
* [ "Here's your boot, ''your majesty''"]
* Gil and his friends from Castle Wulfenbach have just demonstrated why Sparks under the influence of their own alcoholic creations are up there among the most hilarious things ever: [ "We forgot the crowd!"]
* Gil and his friends from Castle Wulfenbach have just demonstrated why Sparks under the influence of their own alcoholic creations are up there among the most hilarious things ever: [ "We forgot the crowd!"]
* ''Technically'' they're called [ "fun-sized mobile agony and death dispensers."]
* ''Technically'' they're called [ "fun-sized mobile agony and death dispensers."]
Line 82: Line 84:
{{quote|[[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|Whose adolescent slave-girl fantasies are we]] ''[[Lampshade Hanging|indulging]]'' [[Lampshade Hanging|here, anyway?]]}}
{{quote|[[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|Whose adolescent slave-girl fantasies are we]] ''[[Lampshade Hanging|indulging]]'' [[Lampshade Hanging|here, anyway?]]}}
** Made even funnier if you recall the title of [ one of Gil's favorite books.]
** Made even funnier if you recall the title of [ one of Gil's favorite books.]
* [ Krosp has fallen into a sewer.] He's gone rigid with horror; even his tail is so stiff it can be used as a handle. This isn't just because he's drenched in stinking and no-doubt slimy filth. It's because one of the Jaegers suggested he could clean himself '''the way cats do'''.
* [ CHOPHEAD TINYBITS!] [[Anticlimax|*spak!*]]
* [ CHOPHEAD TINYBITS!] [[Anticlimax|*spak!*]]
** ...nom?
** ...nom?
Line 184: Line 187:
* [ "A charming pair of] '''[[Mugging the Monster|INNOCENT HOSTAGES!"]]'''
* [ "A charming pair of] '''[[Mugging the Monster|INNOCENT HOSTAGES!"]]'''
* [ "Special trousers. Very heroic."]
* [ "Special trousers. Very heroic."]
* "[Airman Higgs] dragged your father and Dupree ashore, where he encountered a ''nesting goose''--[ which broke his] ''other'' arm."
* Drusus [ tries to stiff the incumbent Heterodyne] and very quickly finds out why he should not. What a - Quack!
* [ "Here's your boot, ''your majesty''"]
* [ Krosp has fallen into a sewer.] He's gone rigid with horror; even his tail is so stiff it can be used as a handle. This isn't just because he's drenched in stinking and no-doubt slimy filth. It's because one of the Jaegers suggested he could clean himself '''the way cats do'''.


Revision as of 09:28, 13 November 2016

Barry: Now, Agatha -- this is important. You must always wear this.
Agatha: But why?
Barry: Because... because as long as you do, your parents can...protect you.
Agatha: Really?
Barry: Really.
Agatha: But how can they protect me if they're not here? That's illogical.
Barry: Um, it'
Agatha: Ah, you mean you'll explain it to me once I have a sufficiently advanced background education.
Barry: Er... yes.

    • Doubles as a tear-jerker if you know what the locket does to protect her
  • Othar's reaction here.

Othar: No one ever takes me to parties.

  • Bang, right from the moment she "introduces" herself.

Ta-daa! I am here!

  • Lucrezia's facial expression in the last panel here.
  • "FOUL!"
  • Everything about this page.
    • "Horse! Pie! Horse! Pie! Horse! Pie!"
      • The return of the calming pie: "... still calm." "Yay, me!"
  • Anything with the Jagers probably qualifies as one of these for someone.

Sorry -- vos ve supposed to catch him?

Vole: Dere haff been three explosions so far, sir.
Gil (happily): Agatha!

    • The second coffee shop report scene.
  • Agatha's "alibi" for why she was sent to Castle Heterodyne.

Wilhelm: "Really? Oh, man, we need a good cook! Guy doing it now's a mechanic - and he's a complete idiot. I'd rather eat his engines." ... "So - what did you do to wind up here, anyway?"
Agatha: "Poisoned thirty-seven people -- who complained about my cooking."

Gilgamesh: My father once wrote a monograph on how to communicate in the workplace.
Dimo: ...iz dat so?
Gilgamesh: All seven Popes ordered it burned.

Gil: Don't Help Me!

Agatha: Why do you even bother keeping this running?
Circus Member: We need the eggs.

  • The doctor taking care of Klaus, right here.
  • Agatha sits down to dinner with the local royalty and inexplicably begins telling them everything about herself (including things she didn't even tell the carnival-folk she's been traveling with), then falls face-down into her tort. Turns out she's been slipped truth-serum in her wine. As she's being dragged off, she tells the prince she thinks he's cute.
  • A special mention for the men carrying Anevka's squishy bits.

Oggie: "Who vants to be my friend?!"
Geisterdamen: draws swords, hissing.
Henchmen: (immediately raise their hands)

Oh, please! What do you all take me for? I'm obviously not talking about the control group!

Wooster: "Who is that person master Gil just kicked?"
Agatha: Oh. That's Martellus von Blitzengaard.
Dimo: Ho! Dot guy? Smek heem sum more!
Agatha: You know him.

On my horze! Iz a nize horze!

Zola: HATE! Hate and drugs! Lovely, lovely drugs!

Moloch: He'll learn. 'specially since, when she punches, she puts her hips into it.

    • Agatha responding to speculation: "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO?! ARE YOU TWELVE?!"
    • *raises hand* Can I have a pretty dress too?
  • Hole in the wall? Been done. Hole in the wall and the turret behind it? Much better. Hole in the wall, the turret, and a faraway mountain? Inspired.
  • Ferretina and the Fashion Clank skipping off into the sunset - (or wheeling, rather, in the Clank's case) - amidst a pink background of flowers and butterflies at the end of Revenge of the Weasel Queen. Everyone else staring in shock just adds to the hilarity.
  • Regarding who has been playing the fool around whom, and who wasn't playing the fool.
  • Again?
  • The one thing that can make even supergenius adventure heroes back off? A really ugly spider the size of a human head.

"Well, we've got to do something."
"Yeah, this is just embarrassing everybody."

Agatha: And then the cascade effect that usually kills everyone and sets the lab on fire probably won't even have a chance to begin! This has a small, but fascinating chance of actually working! Let's do it!
Gil: This'll be great! I can get killing him out of my system and give him a hard time about it later!

Castle A.I.: "You are now nearing what I believe to be a major problem area."
Travek: "Um- You think?"
Gil: "Wait. This is Castle Heterodyne. Maybe it's supposed to be on fire."
Travek: "...apparently not."

Zola!Lucrezia: "But he's [Barry Heterodyne] been missing for years. He's no threat-"
(both Lucrezias freeze and look around in terror)
Anveka!Lucrezia: "Do you want him to show up?!"
Zola!Lucrezia: "Ooh. So sorry, dear. I can't think of what came over me!"

Tarvek: Oh, great. So all we have to do is figure out where an evil insane genius would put a secret room.
Agatha: True. Well, let's try to think like a diabolical, paranoid, amoral megalomaniac. ...where would you put it?
Tarvek: Oh. Well, here. But--
Agatha: Ha! Perfect! Thanks, Tarvek!
Tarvek: Now just a minute!

Gil: You're up to something.
Tarvek: What makes you think I'm--
Gil: You're breathing.

  • "Well, there's always the torture room."
    • The man who, on the whole, is absolutely unfazed at the prospect of being beaten and tortured copiously has one thing he cannot stand: being forced to stand around in a waiting room that is out of waiting numbers and has inappropriate music.
  • Dimo admits he was listening at the door "like a grett beeg sneeky pents". And the reaction?

General Zog: Dimo! Hy am shocked at dis behavior!
Boris Dolokhov: Still, it was rather clever of him...
Zog: Hy said hy vos shocked!

Vanamonde von Mekkan:"...I mean, when all's said and done, it's just a bell, right?"
Castle Heterodyne: "I love this part."

Sleipnir: a beer hall.
Gil: It's not just a beer hall!
Sleipnir: (seeing a barmaid) It'd better be just a beer hall!

Councillor 1: Two minutes, and she hasn't killed anyone!
Councillor 2: A new record!

  • Othar is a fountain of these.

Boris: You found him?
Other Tryggvasen: But of course! Allow me to present Gilgamesh Wulfenbach--

    • Tarvek's expression just puts icing on the cake.
  • Franz, the dragon guardian of the Heterodynes' vault. His grumpy attitude makes him a walking laugh dispenser. First in his initial appearance in the cellars, then when he rewards Baron Oublenmach (Oublenmach is priceless here too), and then when he smashes a huge war-clank with the treasure bag. "Hey! I said rejoice!"
  • Vole's expression when he finds out Gil's plans for him. Plus the pure audacity of Gil's plans.
  • Check out the third panel. Agatha now has a new sonic pitchfork thing...the shape of which does not exist!
  • FOOM! The return of The Hat.
  • A small one, but when the 2/20 comic was first put up, it used "Hanger" instead of "Hangar". Whoops. The goof has since been corrected.
  • DuPree finds out what Vole likes best.
  • Gil's new and improved (and untested) falling machine.

Gil: I assure you, even if it doesn't "fly" exactly, it should reach the ground in one piece long before it explodes.

  • Gil's theatrics when dealing with Othar, and Tarvek and Othar's reactions to it.

Gil: We must flee- for it is none other than Othar Tryggvassen, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER! Vanquisher of eeeevil!
Othar: Hey now! You make it sound absurd!
Gil: We will make a daring escape in my amazing flying machine!
Tarvek: Not the flying machine! Not the flying machine!