Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Harry is still at the Burrow and instigates some snogging with Ginny. And who walks in to get a cup of tea but George. He sits back and watches the show, and soon enough, both of them know he's there. Cue deadpan stare from George with knowing grin just sipping his tea, telling the two, "Morning." The theater erupted in laughter.
    • The scene is made all the more funnier due to George going through the whole thing with a toothbrush stuck to the side of his head.
    • Check out his rapid-fire tip-toeing too.
    • In my opinion, it's even more hilarious that Harry's still scared of what George might do to him, even though George is being good-natured about the whole thing. Notice how Harry never completely turns his back to George, and when he finally does, he runs like hell?
  • Dobby gets one in the film as part of his Crowning Moment of Awesome.

Bellatrix: You could have killed me!
Dobby: Dobby never meant to kill anyone. Only to maim... or seriously injure.

  • Harry tries his new wand. It's the perfect comedic timing of every line that does it.

Harry: Engorgio! (fire explodes) Reducio!
Hermione: (off-screen) What's going on in there?
Harry and Ron: NOTHING!

  • Most of the scenes with Hermione after Ron returns. Seriously, the entire theater was nearly in tears during a few parts.

Hermione: (Advancing on Harry) Harry, WHERE IS MY WAND?!
Harry: (Quickly backing away) I don't know!

    • What makes that moment even funnier is that when she yells at him, Harry looks like he's about to climb the tree he's pressed against.
    • What made this scene for me was the Blatant Lies as Harry claims he doesn't know where the wand is as he tugs his sweater down to hide that it's in his pocket.
    • Not to mention the fact that Hermione is so ragingly upset at Ron that she throws leaves at him in a completely anticlimactic and hilarious fashion.
  • Harry: "You're not still mad at him, are you?"
  • Daniel Radcliffe. In a bra. That is all.
    • Like a friend said:

"It's like a peek to the future when he can't get any role but that."

    • Or Fleur Delacour talking though said bra'd Radcliffe.

"Bill, look away. I'm hideous."

  • This little gem:

Mad-Eye: Now, for those of you who have never tried Polyjuice Potion, it tastes roughly like goblin piss.
Fred: You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Mad-Eye? *awkward silence* Just trying to relieve the tension.

  • Mad-Eye (about Harry): "Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous. Now what's say we get him undercover before someone murders him!"
  • Harry's little jump of joy after Hermoine said they should go to Godric's Hollow.
  • Mrs. Cattermole kissing Ron, who's Polyjuiced as her husband. Also Hermione's "WTF?" reaction, Ron turning back to his original form while their lips are locked, and her real husband showing up in his underwear!
      • "Mary, who's that!" "Long story! Nice meeting you!" *runs away*
      • Also, "This'll be a fun story to tell the kids!"
    • In the same Black Comedy vein, after Yaxley reveals to Polyjuiced Ron that Mrs. Cattermole is being interrogated, we get this:

Ron: Oh my God! What am I going to do!? My wife's all alone downstairs!
Harry: ...Ron, you don't have a wife.
Ron: Oh. Right.

  • Yaxely: "It's still raining in my office!"

Ron: "Have you tried an umbrella?"

    • Especially hilarious is the subtle Brick Joke concerning the flooded office later, when Ron steps back on the elevator completely drenched with water, implying how much success he had with reversing it.
    • And the deleted version of that second scene, where Arthur Weasley and one of his coworkers get in the elevator with Ron and Harry.

Witch: Don't tell me, it's raining in Yaxley's office again?
Arthur: Did you tell him to try an umbrella?

  • After finally destroying the evil Horcrux that nearly killed them: Ron: "Just think. Only three more to go!"
  • After Ron returns, his "Hey!" and Hermione's reaction to it is priceless.
  • Fred (or George, not sure) about Polyjuicing into Harry: "Suppose something went wrong and we wound up a scrawny, specky git forever!
  • Runcorn-Harry's expression when Umbridge says "Albert, aren't you getting off?" and the ridiculous way he walks off the elevator.
    • And the ridiculous way he walks out of Umbridge's office.
  • "What's wrong with his face?"
    • Scabior to Harry: "What happened to you, ugly?" *beat* (to Greyback) "No, not you."
  • Hermione screaming "Take it off! Take it off now!" to Harry.
    • Also Ron giving Harry a new wand. "It's ten inches. Nothing special, but it does the job."
  • I can't believe no one's mentioned Kreacher and Dobby dragging Mundungus in. And Dobby pushing Kreacher out of the way every time he tried to talk. And Kreacher jabbing Mundungus with a fork.
  • Voldy's line: 'Severus, I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way. We've saved you a seat." just cracks me up, because you can just hear by the tone that what he's really saying is 'show up late again and I'll Crucio your ass into next week!"
    • From the same scene, his response to Thicknesse after the latter was suitably vague in whether he believes Yaxley's report on Harry's imminent escape from his house or Snape's: "Spoken like a true politician." Voldy was surprisingly humorous, particularly considering the way he proved his Complete Monster cred with the murder of Charity Burbage at the end of the scene.
      • Again, same scene. When Voldemort learns of the plan to move Harry, Bellatrix starts fidgeting in her seat raising her hand to volunteer, like Hermione trying to get a teacher's attention...
      • Same scene, when requesting Lucius's wand.

Voldemort: "What about you, Lucius?"
Lucius: -practically whimpering- "M-my lord?"
Voldemort: -mockingly- "My Lord~"

      • Same scene AGAIN, after Bellatrix volunteers to kill Harry:

Screams are heard somewhere in the manor
Voldemort: WORMTAIL! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guests quiet?
Wormtail: Yes, m-my Lord. Right away, my Lord!

    • Not to mention the contemptuous way Voldemort snaps off the silver handle.
  • "Are you saying you can apparate in and out of this room?" (like it's completely obvious) "Well of course. Er- I'm an elf."
    • And: "Sir? Oh, I like her very much!"
    • After knocking out Pettigrew: "Who gets his wand?"
  • Ron miming antlers in the locket scene.
  • Ron trying to get out of the doghouse with Hermione by calling a vote for her idea to go to see Xenophilius Lovegood and being the only one with his hand up.
  • Xenophilius at the wedding, from his whole hippie look, to the way he danced and spun around like a true space case. Absolutely perfect for Luna's father.
  • As Hermione gives Harry's hair a trim:

Hermione: (coming to a realization) Oh my God!
Harry: (reaching up to the back of his head, eyes widening) What?

  • The not-a-Take That Take That at Twilight.
  • George, post-Saintlike-incident, walking in on Harry and Ginny. He just gives Harry a knowing wink-wink-nudge-nudge look, sipping at his drink. Harry has little time to be embarrassed before he notices George... a toothbrush sticking out of the hole in his ear.
  • At the end of the film, when Voldemort stole Dumbledore's wand from his grave, Voldy was so close to his corpse's face, that this troper yelled "I have your wand, now kiss me you dead sexy beast!"
  • During the scene in Malfoy Manor when Harry and Ron go to rescue Hermione, and the fight breaks out. Lucius draws his wand-cane - and then stares at the wandless handle for a second before he gets stunned, because Voldemort took it at the beginning of the movie.
  • The fact that in the later movies, Draco becomes a sorta pedobear magnet...and he does not like it one bit. In this movie, in the manor his Dad's then his Aunty's all whispering in his ear all creepy-like and he looks like he's about to cry. Even Voldy gets in on the Perv On Dracokins action in the next film. Creepy ass hug anyone? I think it's safe to say Draco's the resident bitch in the Death Eaters.
  • Hermoine is about to read aloud the Tale of Beedle the Bard, when Ron awkwardly interjects before she starts. As the camera pans out of the Lovegood house and into the animated sequence following a floating feather, we get Ron and Hermoine's lines off-screen, making them sound like an old married couple:

Hermoine: ... do you want to read it?
Ron: N-no... no.