Mass Effect 3/Trivia

Revision as of 02:32, 31 December 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (update links)

screwoffreg, a.k.a. "the Prophet".

  • Lying Creator:
    • Pre-release press statements were that playing Multi-player, and getting their War Asset multipliers, would not be a necessity for those who wished to get the Golden Ending. However, though most endings can be achieved without Multi-player, there are not enough War Assets available in the game to unlock the highest-tier endings.
    • Mac Walters, the lead writer, made a statement before release saying that the presence of the Rachni played a major role in the third game or even just in the final battle. In the actual game, the Rachni appear in one side mission, and don't appear at all during the final battle or any other time. It should be noted that this statement was made after the game went gold.
  • Name's the Same: Miranda's father Henry Lawson shares the name with an early Australian Poet, which is apt considering the likely origin of the Lawson family based on their accents.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Freddie Prinze Jr., who voices James Vega, has also stated that he is a fan of the first two games.
  • Promoted Fangirl: Jessica Chobot of G4TV plays Diana Allers, a new love interest for Shepard.
  • Relationship Voice Actor:
    • Seth Green (Joker) and Freddie Prinze Jr. (James Vega) previously worked together on Scooby Doo: Monsters Unleashed. On top of that, Green & Robin Sachs (Zaeed Massani) used to work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Prinze Jr's wife, Sarah Michelle Gellar.
    • As mentioned above, Dr Baynar and Dr Cole are voiced by Nicholas Boulton and Jo Wyatt, who played Male and Female Hawke in Dragon Age II.
  • Teasing Creator: Here's a pretty good rundown.
  • The Other Darrin: Michael Beattie was unceremoniously replaced as Mordin between games.
  • Trolling Creator: The creator tweets refusing to explain the ending and saying to wait for future announcements, therefore fueling speculation like the Indoctrination Theory or ending DLC, and keeping the fan outcry from burning out. Possibly the ending itself, which was expected to create "lots of speculation".
  • What Could Have Been:
    • A Reaper-ized version of the Illusive Man was considered as the Final Boss, but rejected as uncharacteristic: the Illusive Man's strength is his mind, so making him a bullet sink would diminish him. Instead, he casually strolls in and neutralizes Shepard with Reapertech indoctrination abilities; to win, you have to Talk Him To Death - either by Driving Him To Suicide to save humanity from his mistakes, or Taunting Him into dropping his guard.
    • There were deleted scenes and ideas that would have made the end much more bearable, such as the Normandy performing an epic Gunship Rescue while Hammer makes the desperate dash for the Conduit while taking fire from Harbinger, and this conversation between Shepard and Anderson.
    • From the script leak: a few post-Rannoch mentions of Admiral Xen, including a direct confrontation and Hackett reporting a botched attempt to hack the geth after peace is declared. She wouldn't have succeeded, but it would have cost the geth a few ships.
    • Ditto: the Thessia mission might seem like a gut-punch as-is, but it could have included a choice between saving Ashley / Kaidan and Liara. It's unclear whether there would have been any way to avoid it (say, if you held you own against Kai Leng), but all that remains of that scene is the bit where the temple floor collapses beneath Shepard. There was also a bit with Leng framing Shepard for several murders on Eden Prime to turn Ash / Kaidan against them.
    • Initially, the ending would have involved the buildup of 'dark energy', which was causing Haestrom's sun to burn out in ME2 and would have dire consequences for the galaxy. The Reapers are trying to stop the dark energy, and for whatever reason, a human-reaper was their best hope for stopping it. At the end, Shepard would have been given the choice to either cripple the resistance and let the Reapers harvest humanity, hoping the ends justify the means, or destroy the Reapers and hope that the races of the galaxy can come up with an alternate solution to stop the dark energy.
    • Unused dialogue shows that there was originally more to the final battle (or that at least Jack, Jacob, Zaeed, Grunt and Geth Primes were involved).
    • James Vega was originally named James Sanders. His surname was probably changed to Vega to avoid fan theories about a relation to tie-in novel character Kahlee Sanders. This is Lampshaded in-game; see Development Gag above.