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Nameless is an ongoing[when?] comedy-drama-adventure Flash cartoon by Yotam Perel/LazyMuffin, currently[when?] on hiatus after its 6th "episode". It follows the adventures of Chocolate Man and Cripple Boy as they attempt to find Chocolate Man's mom, escape from prison, get a date, and more.

Pictured: Chocolate Lady, Cripple Boy, Turtle, Chocolate Man, Seal, and Fake Mom

The few existing episodes can be found on both YouTube and Albino Black Sheep.

Not to be confused with the serial killer comedy-drama webcomic also called Nameless [dead link]

Tropes used in Nameless include:
  • Abusive Parents: It's heavily implied that Miller's mom sexually abused him.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Chocolate Man and Chocolate Lady.
  • Art Evolution: From relatively crappy in Nameless #2 to quality rivaling that of some professionally-made cartoons.
  • Ax Crazy: See below.
  • Berserk Button: Don't talk about people having sex with mothers around Miller.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Pretty much everyone except Chocolate Lady to some degree.
  • Depraved Homosexual: Miller (possibly)
  • Domestic Abuser: Cripple Boy. He treats Chocolate Lady like a maid, says he has a surprise for her which turns out to be a Rube-Goldberg-style machine for kicking her into a table, and even cheats on her with a camel.
  • Driven to Suicide: Cripple Boy. He makes Satan cry, so God sends him back to Earth. The girl who loved Cripple Boy, too, after he rejects her.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The characters' names.
  • Genre Busting: Possibly because of all the...
  • Genre Shifts: From straight comedy to comedy-drama, then to some sort of crazy wierd romantic-comedy-drama, then back to comedy-drama by the end of the fifth episode.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Chocolate Man and Cripple Boy.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Miller, the "silly-shaped knife killer", many of whose knives look like they would be very hard to use practically.
  • Knife Nut: Miller, a serial killer who stabs his victims to death with silly-shaped knives.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Cripple Boy, though the lovable part is somewhat debatable later on.
  • Masochist's Meal: "Here! I brought you your Mega-X dinner! Fried-bacon flavored ice cream with a donut glaze! In a bucket! A bucket made of pizza, that is!"
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Averted in that Chocolate Lady actually goes on Cheaters, complete with Joey Grece.
  • Only Sane Man: Chocolate Lady.
  • Scary Black Man: Cripple Boy's black brother. He raped and butchered three babies.
  • Shout-Out
  • Taking the Bullet: Lola Lotion - Chocolate Man's manatee friend - jumps in front of Chocolate Lady when Miller is trying to stab her. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out as planned.
  • Yandere: Miller for Chocolate Man.

"I will murder him with my knives for you."