Mighty Morphin'



  • Fits in more with the tie-in movie, but this conversation when Divatox calls Rita Repulsa up and seeks advice on how to stop the Power Rangers counts:

Rita: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! If I knew that, do you think I'd be lying here, listening to this?!

(Rita holds the phone receiver up to a sleeping Lord Zedd, who is snoring very loudly.)

Rita: My advice to you, Divatox?! RUUUUUUN! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! (slams receiver down)

In Space

  • Anytime Divatox interacts with the other female villains. It's usually Astronema, but she and Rita share some amusing zingers in the season opener.
  • Even if it's considered Discontinuity, in the team-up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, after Astronema has mind-controlled the Turtles and made them take over the Megaship, they come across a glowing cloud. Astronema asks what it is.

Michelangelo: You're asking a turtle who lives in a sewer to explain a cosmic event?

Lost Galaxy

  • Karone's spectacular failure of a first try at summoning the Zords.

Karone: (waving her arms and jumping up and down) Galactabeasts! Over here!

Time Force

Wild Force

Ninja Storm

  • The episode where Blake and Cam fall for Tori via Applied Phlebotinum. 'Nuff said.
  • Lampshading why people still live in Blue Bay Harbor, despite monster attacks. "Why do you think housing prices are so low?"
  • "The next person to use a made-up word has to put a dollar in the made-up-word-jar!"
  • "You know what the worst part is? It's not even butter. We're gonna be destroyed by ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING!"
  • Cam walks in the others practicing for a talent show at Ninja Ops. "Hey, it's the kids from Fame!"

Dino Thunder

  • First episode: Dr Oliver questions his own priorities as a robot T-rex approaches his jeep. "Yeah, lock the door, Tommy, real good!"
  • Tommy's victory dance after the team's first battle with the Dimetro Zord. Refreshing to see the Breakout Character being allowed to act like a dork now and then.
  • There's the episode with the Power Trio watching Abaranger, the show their season is based on. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Turns into a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when after the episode ends they admit that in spite of (and because of) all the cultural differences it's a good show.
  • We can't forget the one ("Leader of the Whack") where an Applied Phlebotinum reverses the trio's personalities and turns Connor into a nerd, Kira into a dainty Alpha Bitch and Ethan into a Jerk Jock...
    • And Devin into a ladies' man... or, what Devin thinks a ladies' man is, at any rate...
  • During Part 2 of "Thunder Storm", the crossover with Ninja Storm, Cam, Hunter and Blake are inside the Abyss of Evil trying to get their Ranger powers back. They see the Samurai amulet:

Hunter: I can't believe nobody's guarding it.

(Zurgane and a posse of Mooks materialize out of nowhere)

Blake: You had to say it, right?

    • Zurgane beats them and leaves them hanging off a ledge, and they're losing their grip fast. Blake, at the bottom of the chain, senses impending doom and says this:

Blake: I can't believe I'm going to miss my race tomorrow!

Hunter (hanging on to him): Did you seriously just say that?


Jungle Fury

  • After Casey gets fed up with RJ apparently making him do chores while his friends are fighting for their lives, RJ demonstrates how all but one of them will have some use against the monster of the week. Casey, grateful, runs off to join the fight - then remembers there's still one "lesson" and runs back.

Casey: "The back-rub-thing, how does that help me?"
RJ: "Oh, that...doesn't. I just slept funny last night."

  • After Casey gets ambushed and has his tiger spirit drained of power, the other Rangers have this to say.

Dom: "I can't believe you got attacked by a Phantom Beast out of nowhere."
Lily: "I can't believe he has a tiger spirit just like yours."
Theo: "I can't believe RJ's letting you sit in his chair!"

RJ: (Quickly) "Uh, don't get used to it. I'm...having a moment of weakness."

