"Don't be a bully! I love kids, but I love you♥."

  • Memetic Mutation: "Elementary schoolers are the best, aren’t they?"
    • The meme above got worse among Chinese Language users, due to the translators having downright translated "Elementary Schoolers" into "Lolis." [dead link]
    • Comparing the characters to the cast of Slam Dunk.
    • With the airing of the second season, comparing characters to the cast of Kuroko no Basuke has been pretty common for a while.
      • The anime adaptation of KnB first aired in 2012, while RKB SS first aired a year later in 2013. Some of the new moves shown in RKB SS borders more on "impossible for preteen girls" than the "impossible even for the NBA" moves KnB have, hence the comparison.
  • Misblamed: The anime has been dragged around as one of the prime examples of disgusting stuff in anime because of its lolicon nature and the saying that "Elementary school girls are the best!" that spread quickly as a meme. That being said, most female characters are underage, but so is the main coach, and he hates making the relationship with the girls into anything more than a friendship. Yes, there is some fanservice stretching the limits of what's appropriate, but it's easily not the weirdest it could've been, and the anime does take time to revolve around basketball just as much. The whole ordeal happened at a time child pornography was getting banned in Japan (being one of the few countries where CP was outright legal) and so a perfect excuse to label anime fans as weirdos was found.
  • Moe: Just about everyone, including the rare male Tsundere protagonist and the short-pants male basketball team antagonist. Basketball anime is finally redefined...
  • Moral Event Horizon: May or may not have been crossed by the team captain when he propositioned a minor (depending on whether it's revealed who it was that made out with her or whether she was made out with in the first place), due to the repercussions it had on his own team. If it turns out he really did proposition someone four years younger than he was, he'll be forever branded as a traitor to his team, as his actions led to their one-year suspension.
  • "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: The Keishin boys' basketball team with their Jerkass head coach and Takenaka as an Arrogant Kung Fu Guy. In the end, the team that won a district championship the previous year has been beaten by a team of five girls, most of them inexperienced. The Power of Moe Is An Awesome Power, indeed.
    • Also, the Suzuridani girls' basketball team, but Miyu and Hatsue really take the cake in the first season. They got better in the second season, until Rena appears...