Space Channel 5/YMMV

Revision as of 17:59, 11 February 2018 by Ecclytennysmithylove (talk | contribs)
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  • Angst? What Angst?: Purge has had a pretty crappy past as a kid, and you'd think that he'd tell someone about it. But then again there are reasons why he uses this trope. And they are not fun at all.
  • Big Name Fan: Peach Fan 2262, also known as finalsmash on Deviant ART.
  • Come for the Ulala, stay for the Purge
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Well duh!
  • Die for Our Ship / Ship-to-Ship Combat: If there's a discussion about Ulala x Purge and Ulala x Jaguar, things aren't going to be pretty, needless to say...
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Purge does have a sad backstory, but fangirls take this to a whole different level. Remember fans: Purge does not comprehend love.
  • Ear Worm: The game's theme song, "Mexican Flyer".
    • Pretty much any song could become this.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Evila, Purge, and Shadow for some.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Ulala and Purge seem to be more popular than Ulala and Jaguar.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Blank's appearance in Extra Report 4 NEVER HAPPENED.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Purge, Purge... what in the world is with that sleeveless purple disco suit?!
    • There's actually a reason for this. The disco suit is made out of purple mirrors. Depending on what version you're playing, it'll tell you that his suit was designed to confuse or BLIND his opponents.
  • Foe Yay:
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: Some least until you realize this is actually quite hard! Not to mention, some magazines mentioned that you could beat both games in one afternoon...but didn't complain about the length.
    • Part one had some of this considering you can literally play the game for an hour and beat it. However, there is an extra stage that's even harder.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Fuse at the end of the second game.
    • "Oh come on, do you REALLY think they would kill someone off in this game?"
  • Needs More Love: Stop teasing us Sega, and give us a third game already!
    • Missed Moment of Awesome: Look on playthroughs of this on YouTube and check the comments. older comments will ask why Sega didn't make a Wii version; more recent comments will have also expanded it to include the Play Station 3 Move and the Xbox Kinect (though most often the Kinect; because a Space Channel 5 Mini-game was released on the Sega-Superstar game for the Eyetoy).
  • Nightmare Fuel: Blank TV. Yes, that's his BODY twisting like that in the monitor.
  • Polished Port: The Steam version of Part 2. Originally falling under Porting Disaster, Sega went out of their way in mid-2014 to fix various dire issues with the game. The launcher no longer has issues saving settings, the entire game can be navigated with a controller, the game shows the correct prompts based on what you choose in the launcher, stability has gotten better, and syncing issues are practically non-existent. It did however remove the Japanese dub, but it was later reinstated along with Japanese FMV's, which the original port lacked. Combine all that together with gorgeous 1080p visuals, and it's by far the definitive version of the game.
  • Porting Disaster:
    • A very slight case. The rhythm is slightly "off" in the PS2 version of the game, especially compared to the original Dreamcast game. A skilled player can adjust to it, but it is definitely noticeable enough to cause problems and has been commented on by a number of players.
    • Then, there is the Game Boy Advance version.
    • Don't forget the PC version of Part 2, the timing would sometimes go off for no reason, the game crashes at certain parts (Such as Report 4) when the voices are set in Japanese and the Japanese cutscenes are missing.
  • That One Boss:
    • Evila, Giant Evila and Purge the King have made many people toss their controllers.
      • The latter two because you have to quite literally do the opposite of what they tell you to do. And when you're so used to doing exactly what they can see why people recommend holding the controller upside down. Purge the King also only gives you three chances to screw up!
    • Blank TV can also be irritating at times, seeing as he has no exact rhythm. Also, if you screw up, he makes it EVEN HARDER. And you don't have many hearts to screw up with this boss.
  • That One Level:
    • The first part of the second level in Part 1. You have to rescue the space captain and the other staff members; which gets pretty hard when they send some fast commands at you. (Players recommend that, unless your thumb goes fast enough across the D-Pad, you use your two fingers)
    • For that matter, any level where you have to either get delayed commands ("Up.....up hey!") or where they send a ton of commands at you. (There is one part in stage 4 in Part 2 where you have twenty two commands to repeat!)
  • Values Dissonance: Part 2 has this a bit. In the Japanese version, Purge is actually mentally disabled/insane to the point where he can't function in society properly and has delusions that he's a messiah that has to save everyone by dancing. So instead of getting him help like any normal person would, Ulala and the rest of the galaxy send him flying into space. And even for a lighthearted series that shouldn't be taken seriously, that's terrible. The US version waters down Purge a bit, and makes him bratty so it feels like he got what he deserved. Arguably a Woosleyism.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?
  • Woolseyism: Ulala's name is a localization of Urara (see Meaningful Name), which is a common Japanese name. However, the pronounciation turns it into a pun, since they prounce it as "Ooh-la-la"... which is a phrase that is often uttered by people when they see beautiful women. Conveniently, this is part of the game.