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Something seems to have gone wrong with your upload of ...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

... File:0.7-desert island opengfx planetmaker 20090712.png; although the text you entered is there, the file itself is missing, according to the wiki software, and the upload can't be approved. I'm going to have to reject it to get it out of the queue.

Can you please re-upload it and see if we get better results? Thanks.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Weird. I uploaded it again. Did it work this time?

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Yes, it did. Sorry, I should have let you know.

"Also, can I make a subpage for OpenTTD?"

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

We would rather you didn't make a subpage, but a full work page of its own.

Our house style requires all work pages be top-level pages in the Main namespace. We are, in fact, engaged in a long-term project to fix all the things we inherited from TVT where the works in a franchise were hung off a central page (Harry Potter took a month or so to clean up; Discworld is still being worked on, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is queued up after that); we kinda don't want anyone to create new cases that will need fixing.

I've approved your edit to Transport Tycoon as-is, but please correct the links you added for OpenTTD when you start work on the page.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

I second this. Please make a full page for this, it's a full game engine reinterpretation of the game it is based on and can even run entirely independent of the original with it's own texture files now, so it does deserve it's own page.

Your proposed edit to "Not So Crazy Anymore" has been rejected in moderation...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

... because it deleted almost the entire page, replacing everything but the "newspaper Comics" section with a new "Video Games" section.

This is so unlike your usual edits that I'm assuming it was an accident. If you want to try again, we can provide you with a copy of the text that you wanted to add to the page.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

It definitely was accidental, sorry about that. Yes, a copy of the part I intended to add would be super-helpful.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Here you go:

== [[Video Games]] ==

* ''[[MegaMan Battle Network]]'' looked awesome but seemed completely fantastical and soft sci-fi when released in 2000. Personal Electronic Terminals with AIs to sort out the incredible amounts of information on the internet that can control your appliances through a household network by 20XX? Even though it's not exactly new anymore, the .exe file format is still the standard for Windows computers, and if you were to replace "MegaMan.EXE" with "MegaMan.apk" or "MegaMan.app" and "PET" with "Smartphone" and you'd just be playing a game about life in the late 2010s.

** ''[[MegaMan Star Force]]'' somehow manages to continue the trend, despite feeling far less impressive. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are standard on almost everything (as of 2023, only traditional desktop PCs with modular parts sometimes don't have the capability, but adding it is as trivial as buying and plugging in a USB Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adaptor) and [[Augmented Reality]] (AR) devices like the Vive XR Elite already double as [[The Metaverse|Virtual Reality]] (VR) with near-seamless transition between the two.

*** Hopefully the part about [[Alien Invasion|alien invaders]] that can [[Puppeteer Parasite|take control]] of [[Enemy Within|people under unreasonable mental stress]] is at least partially false, because the rise of extremism and the stresses of higher cost of living in an unstable economy, combined with the knowledge of [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|the Placebo Effect]] and the general consensus among modern psychologists that the [[Tomato in the Mirror|human]] [[The Dog Was the Mastermind|unconscious]] is [[TheFairFolk|about as alien as any part of the human mind gets]], suggests that [[Star Force's general plot]] [[Paranoia Fuel|can't even be entirely ruled out]].

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Thanks. Fixed the last few changes and submitted it without the deletion of any existing content, how close am I to not needing to be reviewed anymore?

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

For reasons not related to the wiki, I'll have to let one of the other mods review the edit.

As for how close, I'm not sure -- there's no hard-and-fast rule about when somebody stops being moderated. (If there was, some people would try to "game" the system.) You're certainly closer than many others.

Your proposed edit to "The Nineties" has been rejected in moderation...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)
Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Similarly, your proposed edit to "The Seventies" has been rejected for exactly the same reason.

Further, the potholing is gratuitous and unnecessary. If we had wanted the page The Roaring Twenties to have the name The Roaring 20s, for example, we would have renamed it years ago.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Alright, that's understandable. It's just that TV Tropes had changed the names to include numbers and I assumed the only reason that hadn't been done here is because of formatting. I also was NOT attempting to rename those pages outright, only to make it clear they are the same tropes as seen on TV Tropes' version of the article.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Why? Who cares? Why would we even want to bother?

It is official ATT policy that we don't give a damn what the hell TVT does, and further, we don't do anything here just because TVT does it. (And in fact, saying "TVT does it" as an excuse for an edit is practically equivalent to dropping to your knees and fervently begging "please revert me!") TVT uses numbers in these trope names? Who gives a fuck? We're not TVT and we don't freaking care what they do. Potholing them to look like TVT's links is just stupid, because it falsely assumes that users here are sadly and silently pining for TVT and want ATT to look and act just like it. News bulletin: they don't.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Excuse?! I was trying to explain my train of thought, not put it back on the rails. I already heard you loud and clear and will not attempt to change it based on that.

But do not fucking get angry by ASSUMING that I won't comply.

I came here because I wanted a trope wiki that acts like pre-2012 TV Tropes. I'm already aware from your other responses that things work differently here, you don't need to tell me why.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

@Looney Toons, we know that this is one of your Berserk Buttons. Please don't scare off the new Tropers who don't know that.

@Gadg8eer, I apologize for my fellow mod's behaviour.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

@Robkelk Thanks, I was probably a bit hostile when I said that but it doesn't feel good to be told not just that I screwed up, but that in doing so I had somehow broken some taboo worthy of me getting yelled at.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I apologize for my tone. My only excuse was that I wrote that in a break during the seventh hour of a planned 30-minute deployment of a program for my job. I was feeling more than a little frustrated, irritated, and exhausted.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

@Looney Toons That... actually sounds pretty terrible to have to deal with. Apology accepted.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Thank you.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

@Robkelk @Looney Toons I tried creating a better edit of The Nineties' "See also" section. Hopefully this time it meets your standards?

In the future, I'd recommend some sort of infobox that would allow for simply listing off the cultural decades and major wars...

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

Yes, that's something that lines up with our Style Guide. I've approved your second try.

As for an infobox or a navbox, I'm all in favour of one. (I thought we had one, but then I realized we have navboxes for media by decade (film by decade, Literature by decade, and so on) - we don't have anything generic.

(Not sure what to call Trump's Presidency that is witty but impartial)

Looking at the USA from the outside, I suspect one can't come up with an impartial name there. At least, not yet; historians will no doubt come up with something in three or four decades.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I was just thinking that a navbox like {{Animation by Decade}} would be the best way to implement a common navigation element for all the decades/eras. Let's do that.

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Strangely, I live in Canada and have never been a US citizen. It's just that I've hated Trump's guts from the moment I first heard about him, when he was still the host of "The Apprentice".

The guy's an asshole, plain and simple, and IMO at least, anyone who doesn't know that at this point is either in denial, is as big of a monster as Trump is, or has been living under a rock since at least 2015.

That being said, I suppose that's a bit off-topic, which is why I agree that my other attempted edit of The New Tens wasn't exactly impartial enough, even for a trope wiki.

All I can say is, he really was a President Evil if you look at the definition of the trope.

Your proposed new page "With Us Or Against Us" has been rejected in Moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...for several reasons.

Number one is that it already exists -- With Us or Against Us (with a lower-case "or") has been on this site since the fork, and has even been edited twice in the last 24 hours.

Number two, even if it didn't already exist, the version you tried to submit is a word-for-word copy of TV Trope's main page for the trope. This is copyright infringement as any changes or additions to the page which we do not already have postdate the fork and TV Tropes' subsequent change of license in 2012. Further, it is also plagiarism because you are not the only author of the changes made to that page since the fork. Because All The Tropes and TV Tropes run under different Creative Commons licenses, content created there after 2012 cannot legally be used here without the express written approval of all the editors who contributed to it.

Number two-A, even if it could be legally used, the page is carelessly and badly translated into MediaWiki markup, and many links both internal and external are so badly coded that they are useless. It also lacks all the markup required to integrate it into the rest of the wiki, markup which would have been provided for you had you used the ATT Page Creator (found on the menu to the left) or the proper page template. It is, frankly, an unusable mess.

Number three, it is an attempt at proposing a trope, but was not created in the proper place for new trope candidates. Just like TV Tropes, we have a place where new tropes are created and worked on before they are added to the wiki proper. We call our version the Trope Workshop, which can also be found in the menu to the left. Or you could have just searched on "YKTTW", which would have brought you right there. New trope candidates flung willy-nilly into the main namespace indicate that their authors have not bothered to understand how we do things here.

Finally, we strongly recommend that you read All The Tropes:How We Do Bans Around Here. This isn't a threat -- this is the wiki policy strictly controlling how and when user bans can be applied by an Admin. We want you to be aware that unlike TVT, we do not ban users on whims or because we're cranky. But we'd like to emphasize that "Falsely representing oneself as having the right to authorize copying content from TV Tropes" is one of the very few ways there are to earn an immediate permaban here at ATT.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Okay, I've read it immediately after seeing this. Furthermore, if the trope exists already, then I have no reason to submit it at all.

Finally... Does this mean I am permabanned for this? I've refrained from trying to make any edits since because after reading the issue with TV Tropes I didn't actually expect this to not get seen and rejected. I won't get this wiki into any legal trouble, I'm just trying to protest what seems to be a concertedly cruel and malicious effort by TV Tropes to control the very concept of trope wikis.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

If you were permabanned, you would know. We would inform you that you were banned, and we would cite section and point from All The Tropes:How We Do Bans Around Here to explain why.

If your concern is whether you qualified for a ban under "falsely asserting the right to authorize copying", no, not yet. That item is more for the nimrods who go "oh sure I wrote it all lol" when we ask even though the most casual glance at the TVT page history will show otherwise. (And don't laugh, we've had a couple of those just in the past six months or so.)

Gadg8eer (talkcontribs)

Wait, seriously? I wasn't going to laugh, my immediate reaction was "figures, people can be such unrepentant and uncaring assholes".

My point is, even if I'm not banned already, I won't be causing you any more problems. Clearly I don't yet understand how this wiki is put together.

Instead, all I'd like to ask is if I could request a copy of ATT's xml backup. Having thought about it, I don't plan to change or ignore the Creative Commons licence you use, only to host a wiki that does not censor anything (provided that the content being uncensored is an actual thing from a work of fiction that exists and not complete lies, and that subjective tropes cannot contain fetish or fan-made content because such tropes cannot be fully defined) and has styling similar to early TV Tropes but otherwise takes the route this wiki has.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

You're welcome to start your own, but I think you'll probably have a hard time censoring less than we do unless you dramatically expand the scope of the wiki, since we don't have to kowtow to advertisers, and what little censorship we do have is the bare minimum required by UK law (because that's where our servers live). You'll either have to accept blatantly illegal content, or turn into something other than a tropes wiki. That said, @GethN7, can you help Gadg8eer with a content dump? Being a dumb editorial-type person, I don't recall how to arrange one.

As for understanding how the wiki goes together and works, well, we're kind of to blame for not organizing the relevant info properly. I started a project to rationalize everything in the "All The Tropes" namespace and set up some good entrypoints that could lead users to everything they need to know, but abandoned it partially done about a year ago. (I need to go back to that, I really do.) Fortunately, what I did accomplish before that should give you a couple places to start an informative wiki walk or two:

EDIT: Oh, wait. Guess what I just found linked off the first of those? All The Tropes:Content Dumps. That should have everything you need.

Your proposed edit to "The New Twenties" has been rejected in Moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

...for several reasons: gratuitous potholing in violation of our style guide, random redlinks caused by not actually using the right target page names, and because the vast majority of of the new text you added was a borderline-unhinged rant about Donald Trump. We get it, you don't like him. Most of the mod team doesn't like him either, and we've made an effort to call him out for his past actions on his page. However, our official policy is a neutral tone of voice. Fact is neutral -- Ad Hominem attacks are not. Give us an edit that doesn't look like you were wiping foaming spittle off your monitor while typing it, and it may pass moderation. Right now it won't.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

Your proposed edit to "The New Tens" has been rejected in Moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)
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