Warlords: Heroes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
It's just a flesh wound!

Warlords: Heroes is a side-scrolling Beat'Em Up from Ben Olding Games, a Spin-Off of Warlords: Call to Arms, an Adobe Flash RTS by the same person. The player takes control of Ellder, a Night Elf; Aldon, Prince of the Men of the West, or Toldor, an Orc.

Playing each character constitutes an "Episode", and while each Episode does not necessarily have to be played in order, all three must be completed before you can go on to Episode Four and complete the story. The game also includes a Survival mode and a Gladiator mode, in which you must face, in sequence, a number of powerful opponents.

The game is available with all of its features at Kongregate. Fans of Ben Olding might notice the similarity between Warlords: Heroes and an older game of his called "Achilles" or even the Dragon Fist series. They all use the same engine.

Tropes that appear in this game:

  • Annoying Arrows: Arrows do such minimal damage that it is possible to be a veritable pincushion before they kill you. And buying the Mithril Vest makes you invulnerable to arrows entirely. You'll still have to watch out for mages and axe throwers though.
  • BFS: Toldor's weapon is the slow, but long and powerful, "longsword". Watch the heads fly.
  • Black Magic: The sorcerer Ellder fights at the end of his Episode successfully summons a tremendous Demon. He fights by raining fireballs from the sky and hurling them at one's face.
  • Blade On a Stick: Halberdiers, with their Halberds, can deal hefty damage from a long distance, but they are slow.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Ellder and Aldon, in their respective journeys, must face possessed Elites from that region's warriors as their first major fight. Aldon faces an Elite Halberdier from his own people, while Ellder faces a possessed Wood-Elf Royal Guard.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: The giant Troll and Demon bosses have so much health that it takes quite a while to bring them down.
  • Demonic Spiders: Mounted units of any stripe, but mounted halberdiers take the cake. They are as fragile as their footsoldier friends, but are much faster and deal the same hefty damage.
  • Double Weapon: Ellder wields a double-ended glaive.
  • Dual-Wielding: The Wood Elf king totes two swords. He fights by windmilling like a veritable maniac.
  • Elite Mooks: More powerful versions of the basic mooks will appear, with more resistance to attacks and more moves than "poke in face with spear".
  • Final Battle: Aldon, Ellder, and Toldor join forces to surmount a massive horde of undead and slay a giant Demon.
  • Fragile Speedster: Ellder is capable of throwing out a good number of attacks in a minimal amount of time, but he's not exactly got the best damage output.
  • Guest Star Party Member: The Wood Elf King signs on with Ellder once you save him from his possessed people. After seeing him fight, you'll probably start wondering why he even needed saving in the first place.
  • Improbable Weapon User / Impossibly Cool Weapon: The final boss, a tremendous demon, wields a giant hatchet and... some kind of Halberd-Sword hybrid, where the axe end is attached to the blade end of the sword.
  • Jack of All Stats: Aldon has good defensive moves, allowing him to move in and out of range without actually taking damage, whilst poking his foes in the soft bits. Generally considered a balance between Ellder and Aldon.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite being The Big Guy, Toldor attacks a lot faster than most opponents and will make mincemeat out of almost anything one on one, especially with his range.
  • Off With His Head: Typically, killing an opponent with a head attack will send his head flying great distances with an accompanying blood geyser.
  • Three Man Army, or Less: By the end of each Episode, Ellder, Aldon, and Toldor as well as any henchmen they have taken with them will have massacred in excess of a hundred people, usually much more.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: Toldor. He admires the Demons for their fighting prowess, he considers the stealthy elves weak cowards, and his final boss is a giant Troll. Why? Because he specifically sought out a giant Troll.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Aldon goes on one against the Human Alliance once he breaks out of prison. Toldor is on a steady one as he hunts down Ellder for killing his brother.
  • Second Person Narration
  • Teleport Spam: The sorcerer fights by spamming teleports and fireballs.
  • The Very Definitely Final Dungeon: Episode 4 is nothing but Ellder, Toldor, and Aldon chopping a horde of undead to pieces. What makes this different? Many of the undead are wielding special and deadly weapons previously unseen, the level is extremely long, and there's a gigantic demonic being at the end of the trail.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: In Ellder's first stage, you find yourself facing easily dispatched Orc Bandits. Fast-forward to Episode 3, where you find out that Toldor's reason for hunting Ellder is that one of those Bandits was his brother.