Fate stay night/Funny

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  • The giant yellow raincoat Saber has to wear in the Fate route. To blend in of course
  • In the Fate route, try telling Saber that you're fasting. Her reaction is brilliant. She resumes sparring with Shirou, this time fully armored, and beats the hell out of him. You even get a fake Tiger Dojo.
    • Her reaction is much the same if you allow Taiga to cook her dinner in the UBW route. Remember: Saber doesn't just like food. She likes good food.
    • Saber's appetite is comedy gold, really. There's another scene where Shirou asks her what kind of food she likes, and she proudly (and adorably) claims that she has no weaknesses when it comes to food as long as it is well-prepared. So Shirou asks her what the chefs in her life were like to make her like this... and the world turns gray, with Saber letting off a wave of killing intent as she remembers how sub-par the cooking was in her time. Seriously: Don't screw with the girl's food.
  • Again in Fate, Saber's reaction to Shirou wanting to take her out on a date is side-splittingly hilarious.
  • When Rin summons Archer, an invincible heroic spirit from beyond time and space, and then reveals his first task as her Servant.

  Rin: Clean up this mess.

  Shirou: According to Father, "the old man's like a yakuza boss." Of course, this is just prejudice. He's not "like" a yakuza boss, he "is" a yakuza boss.

    • In general, Shirou's narration is a goldmine of good moments. For instance, discussing the restaurant he enters in Heaven's Feel:

 And now I'm entering this terrible dungeon willingly. The manager will bring a menu as soon as he sees me. That'll be the end of it. At the very least, I'll have to order something that uses sweet vinegar. It'll turn out horrible if I order something like twice cooked pork, and mapo tofu is out of the question. That stuff is dangerous. It'll melt my tongue. I hear the judge of hell pulls out your tongue, so such awful food could easily come from there. The manager traveled abroad to train his cooking arts, so maybe he trained with the devils.

  • During the Fate route, while training in the dojo with Saber, have Shirou ask if she can teach him a 'super move that can beat a Servant in one shot'. The air immediately goes cold and dead, and Shirou gets one more reminder that a girl is scariest when she's smiling...
  • In the voiced version of the Visual Novel's Fate route, Rin's impression of Merlin during her discussion with Shirou about the King Arthur legend.
  • Shirou's inventive way to see if Issei is a Master. Just check for the command spell! By demanding he strip naked! In the middle of school! Subtle, Emiya.
    • This one's even better if you get the earlier dead end where you find out Issei's magically programmed to react to anyone inquiring about Caster by killing them and then himself. Clearly Caster didn't make a strip-search a trigger condition because she thought nobody would be unsubtle enough to try it.
  • Early in UBW, before Saber and Shirou have finished hammering out their living arrangements, Shirou gets called into school to deliver something to Taiga. Too nervous due to her presence to explain why he doesn't want a strange beautiful foreign girl following him to school, he just tells Saber to stay behind... and she refuses, and just wordlessly follows him. Eventually, after several more flustered orders, she says that unless she gets a real reason, she simply must assume it's not truly an order from her Master, and thus she cannot properly tell what he is saying. Yes, in case you're wondering, the ancient and dignified spirit of power and nobility did just excuse her disobedience with the equivalent of "Lalalalala, I can't hear you!"
    • Also, it's established that Rin is going to live at the Emiya house, though no one tells Taiga at first. Instead, she walks in that night, greets Shirou, greets Rin, goes into the kitchen...and does an honest-to-god delayed Double Take lasting four seconds (and five sprite changes) before screaming.


  • During Fate, Taiga is slow to accept Saber's living in the Emiya household as (she thinks) a Pretty Freeloader who's out for Shirou, and so challenges her to a sword duel. While Taiga is a world-class kendo champion, Saber in her lifetime (if her class title is any indication) literally lived and died by the sword, and is good enough to disarm Taiga almost instantly. Taiga is a good enough swordsman to realize how astronomically outclassed she is, and gives her shocked but grudging approval.
    • A similar event happens in Unlimited Blade Works... but offscreen. Shirou comes home one evening to find a rather flustered Saber and completely panicked Taiga.

 Saber: "Um...well...she challenged me to a duel, so I accepted just because, but then, it was clear that she's very competent herself, so I...er...thought it would be insulting if I held back..."

Taiga: *hiding behind Shirou* "HELP ME, SHE'S GONNA KILL MEEEEE!!"

    • Rin and Shirou are meeting up with Ilya, and have to pass through her boundary field. The field mildly shocks Shirou in acknowledgement. Then Rin tries to pass through it...

 Shirou: "Oh. Be careful though. It'll shock you a bit."

Rin: "I know, I know. I can tell how bad it is by looking at you - UKYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Shirou: "... I guess there's personal differences in the alarm. It was light in my case.

Rin (not listening): "That does it, kid!... I heard you laughing!..."

 Shirou: ...! Let me down, you idiot! What the hell are you thinking?!

Archer: I don't know, just shut up, you idiot! I'll get a headache thinking about how stupid I am if you tell me about it!

Shirou: Idiot?! You know you're an idiot, and you still call me an idiot?! You idiot!

Archer: ...! Are you a kid or something?! You can't be helped if you're a kid and stupid! At least pick one, you idiot!

  • It may be too soon after "You're strong, Berserker", but the scene afterward when Lancer offers to help Shirou and Rin get past Archer offers you three options: "All right", "I refuse", and the best option, "I don't mind, but under one condition." Dutifully entitled "Rin-sama Embarrassed and Angry":

 Shirou: All right, I'll believe you. But it'll be under one condition. I'll accept your help in defeating Caster, and we'll trust you. But-

Lancer: But what? You want me to tell you who my Master is?

Shirou: No. Even though we're cooperating, stay away from Tohsaka.

Music cuts out, Rin starts blushing.

Lancer: Hah, I see, I see! Yeah, that's so much more important than who my Master is! You're right, kid!

Shirou: Is that bad? I'm telling you that you can't have Tohsaka.

Lancer: That's not bad at all. Rather, I have a better opinion of you now. Wow, that's great, young lady. The kid's completely fallen for you!

Rin: -! W-w-w-what are you saying?! We're not like that! Um...yes, we're just cooperating!

Lancer: Reeeally?

Rin: ...! You're irritating. What's with that know-it-all face...!? Come on, say something, Shirou! Tell him we're just cooperating!


Rin: Hey, say something, you idiot...! T-this is as if we really do love each other...!

Lancer: Hey, it's not 'as if'. You two are already in love. Even I can tell, and I'm only watching it from the side. But she's actually denying it? This is troublesome, kid.

Shirou: ...Well. I already know Tohsaka's troublesome.

Rin: Wha-

Lancer: Oh, how reassuring. Then I shall take care when I socialize with her. But she's fun to tease, so I'm going to entertain myself while we're together. You don't mind that condition, right?

Shirou: ...All right. We'll go with that. We'll have your help until we beat Caster.

Lancer: Then it's decided. Well, let's shake hands.

Rin: I'm so mad!!! Fine, I'm breaking my tie with you guys!!! I'm going to go beat Caster by myself!!!!

    • Doubles as Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, and the moment this troper really fell in love with Rin.
    • Really, Lancer is great in The Gadfly role. He's also the only person we've ever seen provoke an annoyed reaction out of Saber. Not an angry reaction, or a violent reaction, or an incredulous or upset reaction. A genuine tsundere-esque "Good god you piss me off!" reaction.
    • Lancer is pretty much a walking Crowning Moment of Funny. His interactions with Saber and Rin in UBW are hilarious, and in Fate when he's about to face off with Gilgamesh because they decided to betray each other at the same time, Saber takes him aside to tell him his opponent's real identity. Lancer's reaction is to cross his arms and say something to the effect of "Well, shit. That's just my luck." Then he goes and fights him to the death anyway.
  • Heaven's Feel. Kotomine Kirei. Mapo tofu.

 Kirei "———————Do you want some?"

Shirou "———————No."

  • Also from HF, there is a scene where Ilya and Rin begin randomly arguing over which of them is Shirou's 'owner'. And then you get to pick which one of them is. Rin's is kind of lackluster, but if you choose Ilya, both of them just completely freak out. Rin goes completely berserk and starts accusing Shirou of having an... 'ulterior motive' for his decision, while Ilya glomps onto Shirou in utter delight and promises to protect him from the 'scary girl', which of course just makes things worse...
    • Doubles as a Heartwarming moment. Ilya's character sheet notes that she only wants to be properly acknowledged and secretly thinks that Shirou won't. Choosing Ilya must mean a lot to her, as his reasoning involves calling himself "Ilya's guardian".
  • There's also this little moment with Kirei in Heaven's Feel route.There's a serious scene where Rin and Shirou have a tense argument about whether to kill Sakura. Cue a sudden crashing sound, Rin and Shirou stop in their tracks... and Kirei, casually providing his own commentary in the background. Leading to this conversation:

 Kirei: (with a serious frown) Running footsteps. The only ways out of here are through this chapel or the back door. What is she doing, breaking the window to go outside? (smiles) ...Oh, I see. Most windows here have fixed fittings. She had to break it to get out. For someone who's still recovering, she's pretty violent.

Rin: Recovering--- do you mean Sakura?!

Kirei: Who else? From the room she was in, you can somehow hear everything said in the chapel. I am sure she fled when she heard you discuss killing her.

Rin: Wha-.

Kirei: Forgive me. It is a structural defect.

    • Kirei just seems to snark his way through Heaven's Feel. One of his best is after Rin and Shirou get schooled by the route's Big Bad and are literally deposited on his door step.

 Kirei: I wanted to leave you two, since you made a rather ugly pair as abandoned children go, but you were also dead on your feet. Had I done nothing, there would have been two dead bodies in front of my church. A church cannot afford that image, so I had no choice but to treat you.

  • Every time Taiga tries to ship Sakura and Shirou. Hell, nearly every time Taiga graces the player.
  • In one of the last Tiger Dojos in the Fate Route (after Saber kills Shirou; Taiga and Illya are happy to finally be able to give useful advise on how to avoid the bad end... until Illya points out that this dojo was so difficult to find that any players who came to it were probably trying to get there in the first place.

 Taiga: Oh, this feels so good! I finally fulfilled my reason to exist!

Ilya: Yes, I can finally be proud of myself…! …Oh. But Taiga. Most people passed the Saber affection score check, right?

Taiga: Yeah, Shirou isn't the type to ignore Saber-chan. You normally wouldn't end up like this.

Ilya: …Taiga. Um, it's really hard to say this. But if it's that rare, wouldn't that mean not many people would come to this dojo…?

Taiga: Oh. I-It's probably all right. The skip function and the Tiger Stamps are intended just for this. Everyone will probably desperately play in strange ways to get to this dojo.

Ilya: ...Yeah. By that point, everyone will hate this bad end with its weird conditions. So in other words, your dojo that tries to make everyone happy is actually something that troubles players trying to fully complete the game.

Taiga: I-identity crisis! (cue random explosion)

Ilya: ...?! Man, explosion endings are the worst...!

    • Also in the Tiger Dojo, any time Taiga gets annoyed at Illya for killing Shirou.
    • Most of the Tiger Dojos are hilarious, but especially the one where Ilya attempts a Hostile Show Takeover. In a tank.