Freud Was Right/Oral Tradition: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 03:04, 28 January 2018

  • Even The Bible and Christianity in general isn't immune from this. The almighty "God The Father" and the eternal rivalry between him and the perverted sinfulness that is humanity, which he himself created through breathing "life" into the earth? Obviously an Oedipus Complex archetype, simple as that (Carl Jung would even acknowledge this, given the implications that the archetypes are basically common subconscious tropes turning up in mythos everywhere, whether they are related or unrelated). In Genesis, the Serpent (also known by Christians as Satan the tempter) tricked Eve into eating the Tree of Knowledge, making her experience the pain of childbirth. Serpent. Satan. Right....
    • Everywhere, there's the numerous heavy messages that Sex Is Evil and about Jesus turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. Jesus, The Messiah of the story, was also stripped of his clothes, whipped, humiliated and crucified. And was pierced by a spear in his final moments. And he all accepted it. And it's not just the Jews and Romans, it's all of us who crucified him. So, Jesus in a nutshell: If someone raped you, just submit.
      • More like Jesus is the "anima", the repressed unconscious femininity in all men.
    • A Centurion came to Jesus because a slave "who was dear to him" was sick to the point of death. The servant was his sex slave! Heterosexual Life Partners David and Jonathan? They're Gay!. What about Ruth who refused to leave behind her mother-in-law who had no one left after her husband and sons died? Les Yay! What about Mary Magdalene who was happy to see Jesus Back From the Dead? She was really in love with him! Gotta love those Epileptic Trees.
    • Among Christian Identists, such as Aryan Nations, the serpent actually mated with Eve and produced Cain, ancestor of the Jews. Aryans are descended from Adam via Seth.
    • How about the part where God randomly attacks Moses, but his wife drives the crazed deity away by circumcising her baby son, and throwing the foreskin at Him?
    • Abraham sacrificing his own son.
    • Even worse, fundamentalists claim that bad people will be sent to eternal punishment and torture yet at the same time say that God is everywhere and all-loving. Which reminds me....
    • Christian fundamentalists have a fanatic obsession with "pleasing" their God.
  • Greek Mythology, even if you completely disregard Oedipus Rex, has a lot of Freud in it. Heck, the reason why Zeus became one of the most powerful deities in the pantheon is through deposing his father, Cronos (who tried to eat the rest of Zeus' siblings! Also, Cronos himself deposed his father Uranus. By castrating him. Uranus' castrated penis eventually became Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and sexuality.) And that's not even getting into the personalities of the gods themselves like Zeus....
    • Worse than Zeus is Priapus, who has a large permanent erection.
    • Well, Greek literature did inspire Freud himself. Oedipus, anyone?