Good Ol' Boy

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
(sigh) Yep.

That conservative, strong-willed guy from the Deep South or Sweet Home Alabama. Often in a position of authority or government, or sometimes a Corrupt Corporate Executive (Oil Tycoons in particular) or a Simple Country Lawyer, but in any case a Good Ol' Boy is staunchly Republican (or staunchly Democrat if set prior to 1964), pro-life (1970s and later), for the war in Iraq (or Vietnam, depending on the time period), and doesn't have much tolerance for anti-American behavior. He also knows what's best for his country, or at least he thinks he does, and doesn't need no nancy liberals with their bleeding hearts telling him what to do (though it should be noted that many of these guys were moderately liberal prior to the '60s, if only out of political expediency).

Can either be a very sympathetic or very unlikable character depending on the political persuasion of the writer. Portrayal can also differ widely from wise, uncompromising leader to lovable, simple buffoon to racist, homophobic, oil-loving bastard. Sympathetic characters may have a personal code of honor and invoke one or more positive Morality Tropes.

Also see Southern-Fried Private and Southern-Fried Genius.

Examples of Good Ol' Boy include:

Comic Books



  • Forrest Gump
  • The cowboys from Hank the Cowdog, but especially Slim. Rip and Snort are described by Hank as "good 'ol boy coyotes" who love nothing more than fighting, eating, and singing (in that order).
  • In Anita Blake, narrator Anita refers to one of Edward's methods of disguising himself as his "good ol' boy" manner. He fits the trope to a tee...when he's playing the part, anyway. The man himself is Death to Anita's Boogeyman. Not that this stops him from Becoming the Mask.

Live Action TV


Real Life

  • It's not uncommon for American politicians in both political parties to present themselves as this trope to appeal to blue collar workers. Many times, they are not originally from the South, nor do they necessarily have any kind of blue collar background.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson, although a liberal, was about as close to this trope's ideal as a human being could possibly be. Texan, friendly, delightfully quirky...and also a bit of a sycophant.
  • The entire state of Texas is often portrayed as this trope writ large, among the men and (to a lesser extent) women alike. Southern gentility crossed with Western toughness and integrity.

Video Games

Western Animation

  • Hank Hill is a sympathetic version (see above picture).
  • Tom Anderson from Beavis and Butthead, on whom Hank Hill is based (and with whom he shares a voice).
  • Various locals in South Park, particularly Skeeter.
  • Harry Boyle from Wait Till Your Father Gets Home.
    • Though the show took place in California.
  • Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, minus the political side. She's a mostly positive example, she might be conservative, somewhat intolerant of differences and not nearly as educated as the other characters, but she's also possessed of the most robust sense of honor and common sense of the cast.

Web Comics