Megaman Battle Network Universe

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A Mega Man Battle Network Alternate Universe roleplay, hosted on Proboards. Has around seven active members. Currently just beginning a new major storyline, involving Cosmic Force, which increases your character's ability to use skills but makes them unable to use chips.

Can be found right through this link.

It's an RP, so most tropes could potentially show up in some form or another.

Tropes used in Megaman Battle Network Universe include:
  • All There in the Manual - There's a few rules. Luckily, most of them aren't necessary most of the time.
  • Alternate Universe - Of Mega Man Battle Network.
  • Avatar - The V-Diver, a human with special equipment which lets them control an Internet persona directly.
  • Badass - Most characters.
    • Special Mention goes for most of Admin1's characters, who while frequently are epic-level Badasses in-verse, their personalities are more like that of a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.
  • Brought To You By The Letter Omicron - Admin1 includes messages like this in the newsreel.
  • Brain Uploading - V-Divers.
  • Brilliant but Lazy - This is Admin4 in a nutshell.
  • Character Alignment - Most, if not all, Player Characters are Neutral or Good, although they're all over the Law-Chaos spectrum.
  • Chest Insignia - Like in the main universe. A description of the Navi's chest insignia is included in many character profiles.
  • Cyberpunk - Moreso than the original games, at any rate.
  • Cyberspace - Nearly all the action takes place on the internet.
  • Darker and Edgier - The RP is a fair bit darker than the games it's based on, not shying away from things like blood. Bleeding was even a status effect in an older iteration.
  • Dark Is Not Evil / Light Is Not Good - For a while in the past, there were two "Kharmatic" elements you had to earn, called Radiance and Shadow, based on how the player's Navi character acted. Admin1 himself even made a mention that a Bad Navi could get Radiance by believing they were doing the right thing. By that logic, it's safe to venture a guess that a Good Navi who was a complete Jerkass could get Shadow.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors - Similar to the one in the games, but tweaked slightly. For reference, Fire beats Nature beats Elec beats Aqua beats Fire. Also includes the tactical elements: Edge beats Wind beats Tracking beats Stealth beats Modify beats Life beats Smash beats Obstacle beats Edge. More information can be found here.
  • Flash Step - There's a Battle Card that allows any Navi or V-Diver to perform a Flash Step.
  • Game Breaker - A Target/Smash attack is undodgeable and unblockable, among others. Admin1 does not approve of these shenanigans, though.
    • On the flip side, a Stealth/Wind skill that lets you basicly evade anything without using up any of your dodges(you get a limited amount of times you can dodge before you HAVE to get hit. It's in the rules.) is another one of the things Admin1 will get snippy about.
  • Geo Effects - Standing on certain panels has various effects depending on your element.
  • GMPC - All of the admins have characters. They follow game rules like everyone else though.
  • Hired Guns - Criminals don't get a salary the way citizens do, so they earn money by taking jobs, generally of a less-than-legal variety.
  • Inside a Computer System - Well, duh.
  • Leitmotif - Many character profiles include a battle theme, generally Crowning Music of Awesome from other sources.
  • Mascot Mook - The Mettuar's in this too, along with a few other viruses and chips from the canon universe.
  • Mega Manning - Like in the canon series, viruses will drop cards that allow you to duplicate their attacks.
  • Original Character - Since it's an alternate universe, characters from the main Battle Network 'verse aren't allowed in any form. Admin1 himself has broken this rule at least once(maybe. Nobody is sure on the details), but he's the goddamn Admin.
    • Actually, Admin3 broke the rule(sorta) in a previous version of BNU by calling in a few of the main Battle Network cast from a different Alternate Universe of Battle Network (namely an earlier incarnation of BNU itself). This was looked over seeing as it was his big huge "I'm leaving the site" story thing that was somewhat awesome. Granted he didn't make full profiles and they were like NPCs, but they still showed up.
  • Noodle Member - Don't ask Admin1 about Admin2. EVER.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale - Every major BNU boss. The RP doesn't have Stats like HP, so its safe to say that all the bosses' power ratings are ridiculous and "off the scale". Hell, even some of the key members back in the old days...
  • Rule Number One - Rule Number One of BNU: This is a freeform RP where you can do ANYTHING you want. Rule Number Two: You must obey EVERY RULE the Admins set down telling you otherwise.
  • Theme Naming - NetNavis always have .EXE at the end of their name. Appending -Man to the end of a name isn't required but encouraged.
  • Unsound Effect Bleep - * sensr'd*
  • We Can Rebuild Him - Since Battle Network had navi "versions", various members followed suit. Every time a person needed more power there was the "Training Time" and then the version upgrade.