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* Episode 34. {{spoiler|"Don't mess with a ''super pilot.''"}}
* Episode 34. {{spoiler|"Don't mess with a ''super pilot.''"}}
** {{spoiler|Doubles as a [[Heartwarming Moment]] when you realize that he defeated the tactics that killed Woolf, fulfilling his mentor's dying wish by surpassing him.}}
** {{spoiler|Doubles as a [[Heartwarming Moment]] when you realize that he defeated the tactics that killed Woolf, fulfilling his mentor's dying wish by surpassing him.}}

[[Category:Mobile Suit Gundam Age]]
[[Category:Awesome (anime)]]

Latest revision as of 23:35, 13 June 2016

  • The first notable Moment of Awesome in Mobile Suit Gundam AGE would have to be in episode one, when Flit Asuno not only got the Gundam AGE-1 moving, but also accomplished the feat of destroying the very first U.E. in all of humanity's history.
  • In episode 2, the AGE System creating a new weapon for Flit based on information retrieved from the first Moment of Awesome described above, allowing the Gundam AGE-1 to destroy another U.E.. Yurin using her mysterious psychic abilities to help Flit out of the Space Colony also counts, since it established Yurin as a major character.
  • Episode 3: Commander Bruzar's Heroic Sacrifice. Definitely a Dying Moment of Awesome.
  • Episode 8: Woolf's Big Damn Heroes debut of the G-Exes, upstaging the Gundam Titus' debut in the same episode.
    • The Gundam Titus's signature move, the Beam Lariat! Killer Bee and A'd be proud.
  • Episode 10: The whole damn battle, but most notably Don Boyage and his servants making their Heroic Sacrifice by kamikazing their heavily-damaged mobile suits into the UE mothership. Easily the best Dying Moment of Awesome yet.
    • The Gundam Spallow's debut, enough said.
  • Episode 12: Stoller Guavaran using flashbangs to get his men to surround the Diva was an admittedly awesome moment.
  • All the above moments pale in comparison to how Flit deals with all the surrounding Gafrans in Episode 13.
    • The Diva's Transformation Sequence to the "Assault Landing Mode" is nothing to scoff at either.
    • All in all, this episode is a Crowning Moment of Awesome for the fight scenes in the series. It came a long way and now we get to see the true potential of this series thanks to the souped-up animation quality for the battles.
    • Madorna's Big Damn Heroes moment at the end
  • Flit vs. Desil in episode 14, after Yurin's death. Flit flies into an Unstoppable Rage and counterattacks so quickly and heavily that Desil -- Ax Crazy Blood Knight extraordinaire -- is reduced to sobbing in fear inside his cockpit.
    • Even more amazing is that the Spallow had received a lot of damage at that point. Losing both an arm and a leg. But STILL Flit destroyed Desil without any effort when he really wanted to fight.
    • He then gets another one right after when he switches into the Titus and forces Ambat's bay door open, totaling the Titus parts in the process.
    • Ract gets a minor one with his Rousing Speech for the unified Zalam/Euba forces.
    • Yurin also gets one. She somehow overcomes Desil's control via the mobile suit's Dummy System-esque computer to save Flit from receiving the final blow.
  • How about The Reveal in Episode 15 that the UE are actually people from Vagan, a nation consisting of colonies in Mars that were left for dead by the Earth Federation?
    • Not to mention the Defurse being played up as the Vagan's final trump card, only to have it get completely curbstomped by Flit and Woolf in the space of a couple of minutes.
  • Asemu's first battle in the Gundam. Not only does he seem to take a cue from Woolf's fighting style, along with a touch of Use Your Head and Throwing Your Sword Always Works, he grabs the severed arm of the Dorado he just downed and uses it to cut down the other Dorado!
  • Episode 17: Vargas' maintenance crew, with just a jeep and an RPG, distracts a Vagan mobile suit long enough for Asemu to show up. And they do it without losing a single man.
  • Episode 19. Asemu's first sortie in the Gundam AGE-2. It peaks toward the end, when he changes to G-Strider mode on the fly, blows past the Dorados, then turns around in front of the Diva's bridge, changes back to mobile suit mode, then takes out both Dorados with one shot from the Hyper DODS Rifle.
  • Episode 20. Dear God, episode 20. The duel between Asemu and Zeheart is truly a sight to behold.
    • Asemu also gets a smaller moment earlier, when a Dorado tries to evade his shot by ducking behind an asteroid...only for the Hyper DODS Rifle to shoot through the asteroid and hit the Dorado, anyway.
    • Zeheart finishes the duel with the most insane version of the Char Kick ever committed to anime. He does a flying kick into the AGE-2 Gundam, hitting it so hard that both mobile suits slam into an asteroid about a kilometer in diameter, and they hit it hard enough to produce a visible ground wave that we can see rippling through the entirety of the rock.
  • Flit shows up in episode 22 to bail out Asemu and Woolf from Desil and Zeheart easily pushing them both back and showing he's still got it
    • Also, surprisingly enough, the Federation forces, especially Flit's Number Two, Frederick Algreus. They prove that with a skilled tactician and commander leading them, they can fight advanced X-Rounder units and win through superior tactics and maneuvering.
    • Episode 22 in general was awesome. Asem stands up to Zeheart and handles himself quite well, Woolf kicks as much ass as possible in a damaged suit, Arisa Gunhale gets some pretty sweet kills, and we get the rematch between Flit and Decil. Between Flit's Tranquil Fury and Decil's gleefully insane rage, that battle is a sight to behold.
  • AGE-2 Double-Bullet's debut in episode 24. Asemu might not be an X-Rounder, but he totally owns two members of the Magicians Eight thanks to his mobile suit's capabilities.
    • Flit's second battle with Zeheart, which is the first time he really fights him one on one. Despite being in the outdated AGE-1, Flit manages to fight Zeheart, who has regularly curbstomped Asem's superior AGE-2, to a standstill.
  • Episode 25 shows us that precog powers ain't worth shit when up against The White Wolf.
    • Flit got another one in this episode, too, despite not even setting foot in his mobile suit. Despite Desil gunning for the Diva with a vengeance, Flit's superior tactics prevented him from putting so much as a scratch on the battleship.
  • Episode 26 was a great episode for battles, but what really seals the deal is Asemu avenging Woolf's death by taking There Is No Kill Like Overkill to new heights. Finally embracing his dead mentor's advice, he truly becomes a Super Pilot by completely obliterating Desil's mobile suit and finally killing the sick bastard.
    • What makes the scene is that Desil isn't a victim of The Worf Effect. He's still dangerous enough to fight Woolf and Asemu at the same time. It's just that Asemu's Unstoppable Rage gets him going so fast that Desil's precognitive abilities can't keep up with him. All the while this music plays in the background, as Asemu rips Desil's MS apart.
  • Episode 27 features a minor Dying Moment of Awesome: Daz, a Mauve Shirt who helped Zeheart avoid arrest early in the arc and then spent the rest of his time doing nothing of importance, sets his Mu-szell on maximum power and takes on Flit’s Gundam, knowing that he is going to die one way or another (if Flit does not kill him the brain damage will). Despite his mobile suit getting cut in half by Flit he still manages to grab the Gundam and self-destruct. Flit survives, but the damage to his Gundam is so severe he is unable to continue fighting. This is the most damage anyone has ever managed to do to Flit’s Gundam!
    • Zeehart's disbelief that Asemu could fight, keep up with, and equal him.
  • Episode 28: Flit's coup which rooted out the traitors in the Earth Federation government, and Asemu fully embracing his mentor's legacy as the new White Wolf.
    • It's less awesome when Flit reveals that his intention is the outright genocide of the Vagans. His political purge isn't so much getting rid of corruption within the government but eliminating any possible opposition to his plan.
  • Episode 29 has Kio getting the Gundam AGE-3 and easily downing Vagan mooks, including destroying a Defurse in a single shot. At the same time, Flit's has his Establishing Character Moment in the 3rd Generation by being the ultimate Badass Grandpa, bringing the the Gundam to Kio and then calmly coaching him on how to pilot it, even when they're getting shot at by angry Vagans.
    • Vagan's full scale invasion of Earth is incredibly badass. Having used their previous assault on Big Ring to gather data on the Federation Forces, they're officially done messing around. They move in a massive, stealthed space fortress (at least five times the size of Big Ring) decloak right in front of the Earth Federation's orbital HQ, and freaking vaporize it with a very Death Star-esque beam weapon. This is followed by a huge invasion force descending to Earth and wreaking havoc, which is only interrupted by Lord Ezelcant himself appearing (in holographic form) to announce to the citizens of Earth that the Vagan invasion officially begins now, at which point the Vagan sleeper cells left on Earth at the end of Episode 27, which have been waiting and preparing their mobile suit forces for the last two decades, spring into action, resulting in Vagan mobile suits coming out of the woodwork, everywhere.
  • Episode 31 with the AGE-3 Fortress' debut. When Kio unleashes it, he turns an acre of desert into a sheet of molten glass. Even the Diva's own crew gets an Oh Crap look when they see it.
    • Kio gets a smaller one even earlier. Two words: OPEN GET!.
  • Episode 33. The duel between Kio and Zeheart. Sure, Zeheart was in an inferior mobile suit to his Ghirarga, but he still finally straight-up lost a fight.
  • Episode 34. "Don't mess with a super pilot."
    • Doubles as a Heartwarming Moment when you realize that he defeated the tactics that killed Woolf, fulfilling his mentor's dying wish by surpassing him.