Mundane Made Awesome/Fan Works

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Examples of Mundane Made Awesome in Fan Works include:

"What the hell...?" said one of the boys to his best friend. "Your nose is bleeding...?"
For once, it wasn't out of perverted thoughts. "It should be illegal to be that awesome out of just -walking-."

  • The author of Deserving doesn't like using characters' names or the word "said", producing this effect when a discussion of interior design is peppered with phrases like "proclaimed the Chosen One". The unnaturally overdramatic diction employed by every character in every situation doesn't help matters either. Actual example: "LUBE! Always lube. Don’t make me repeat it," came the menacing voice. One glorious scene in which Harry Potter milks the giant cow and casts fireworks with his wand to make a point about someone's birthday party.
    • In general, domestic fic in which the characters talk about their mundane business with just as much portentousness as The End of the World as We Know It is very common, and invariably lands in this trope.
  • Brendan Namron: Ace Attorney, being based partially off of the Ace Attorney games, uses this trope from time to time, especially in the courtroom.
  • This video, spoofing the incredibly mundane opening lines of The Last War in which Hermione Granger is fretting over a pot of stew, plays this trope to the hilt by reading the account of Hermione's stew-making adventures in an exaggerated bombastic voice with added reverb and setting it to O Fortuna. And includes the actual phrase (and former trope name) "what do you mean it's not awesome" in the tags.
    • The creator of that video has taken to referring to the specific form of Mundane Made Awesome where narration is too epic for what it's describing as "O Fortuna moments", likening the effect to watching someone doing the housework with that backing track.
  • There is a Kingdom Hearts fanfic that involves rock-paper-scissors... of DESTINY!
  • In another Kingdom Hearts fanfic,, Cloud and Sephiroth are forced to resort to a thumb war due to a spell that prevents actual fighting. Notable in that it's presented EXACTLY as dire and significant as a life-or-death fight would be. Cloud loses, and cries in despair...before challenging Sephiroth to best-two-out-of-three. Roxas (who in this case is a voice in Sora's head) comments that "You have such weird friends."
  • Becoming Female has several examples, such as this one:

"Yeah, I'm fine," I explained epically.