Mutant Rampage Body Slam

Revision as of 19:15, 21 July 2014 by Ecclytennysmithylove (talk | contribs) (Spelling grammar)

A Beat'Em Up made by Animation Magic for the CDi in 1994.

  Let's jam with Body Slam!

The year is 2068. Things have changed. The Millenium Wars ruined the World's cities. The Great Tremor Plague of 2017 reduced the population by a third. Radiation from the Thanatos Meltdown radically altered the gene pool. Technology advanced. Bioengineers have created Animal-Human hybrids. Athletes are commonly enhanced with bionics. The Cybernet, a fiber optic communication network links everything. The rage of the Cybernet is Body Slam!

The story begin as a team unusually composed of pure-breed humans called the “Naturals” join the popular show Body Slam, hosted by Air J. Wolfjam. This doesn't please current champion Hectro-Genocide, who vows to defeat the Naturals to prove his belief that humans are obsolete. The story is presented by interviews conducted by Wolfjam with Hectro-Genocide and the other teams between each fights.

Made by the same animators as I.M. Meen and the first two CDI Zelda, it features the same brand of deranged animated cutscenes and terrible acting, along with obnoxiously repetitive dialogue and ridiculous racial stereotypes.

This game provide examples of:

  • After the End
  • Animation Bump: The part of the intro where Airwolf introduce the Naturals is actually quite good, especially in comparison of the rest of Animation Magic's output.
  • Artistic License Biology: Apparently, the melting down of the gene pool means humans can suddenly give birth to pterodactyls.
  • Beat'Em Up
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Sort of. The one female member of the Naturals merely has a couple of teeth knocked out at the end of the game, as opposed to the two male members, who both have black eyes and are clearly bleeding.
  • Broken Record: Hectro-Genocide, you'd think his opinion on the Naturals would change.
  • Captain Obvious: The unfortunate doctor in the intro.



 Masher Komodo: Humans, we love to hurt them!


 Gouwa Shikage:"The other teams, Mister Jam... lack the will to destroy. For us, it is a matter of honor... and enjoyment!"

  • Scenery Gorn
  • Stock Footage: The same two bits of animation for both Airwolf and Hectro-Genocide are endlessly reused.
  • Stock Footage Failure: The recycled animation screws up the lip-synch and creates an odd moment in the ending when Airwolf congratulate the Naturals enthusiastically... while facepalming.
  • Strictly Formula: Never mind the animation, the dialogue itself seems to have been written by a mad-lib program.

 Airwolf: "OOH-WEE! The Naturals left the [defeated team] in the [x]! What's your hit on these naturals?"

Hectro-Genocide: "[Defeated team] are [x], Airwolf! Wait until the Naturals fight somebody [y]!" or "Cheaters, Airwolf! The [x] must be [y]! There is NO WAY [x] can be [y]!"