Rebellion (fanfic)
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Rebellion is a completed 2011-2012 Chobits fanfic, written by "ThanosofTitan".
What would happen if one regular Persocom gained an ability that basically made them a Chobit? An extraordinarily smart Chobit? Well, here is the answer!
Spoiler tags off for those who don't want to ruin any surprises.
Have fun reading this fanfic at!
Not to be confused with the fourth novel in the Matthew Hawkwood franchise, the Joseph Roth novel, the third Puella Magi Madoka Magica movie, any of the half-dozen other films, the miniseries, the third-season episode of Transformers: Prime, either of the Professional Wrestling series, or the German heavy metal band, all named Rebellion. Or the Rebel Alliance.
Tropes used in Rebellion (fanfic) include:
- Ambiguously Evil: Jima and Dita
- Androids Are People, Too: Minako's whole argument for her kind. But some just don't listen.
- Anti-Hero: "K-sama"
- Brain Uploading: Harash. Done fantastically at that. Or is it more of a Body Backup Drive?
- Contagious AI: The computer program that is sent to all the world's Persocoms by using Chii's ability to * uplink with every single computer in the world.
- Creative Sterility: Everyone claims that all Persocoms have this, thus are not people. Yuzuki is one to break this misconception for Minoru, though.
- Deus Est Machina: Again, this is quite obvious. Kotoko...again
- Didn't See That Coming: When The Reveal happens.
- Do Androids Dream?: Overall question that the human leaders call into question.
- Dying Like Animals: Persocoms and humans alike.
- Evil Twin: Kojima. But his is an Artificial Human after all, created to be The Mole...sort of.
- Everything Is Online: How and why the "special program" was spread to every single Persocom. Oh, and it helps that it spreads to newer computers just by connecting them up.
- The Evils of Free Will: Basic argument for the humans to stop the movement that they simply cannot stop. But in truth they just don't want it to happen. Why?
- Fantastic Aesop: Robot Revolution, both Type 1 and 2.
- Fantastic Racism: Against the Persocoms, of course.
- Fighting for Survival: What every single Persocom has to do after the humans figure out what exactly has really happened to their computers.
- Flame War: Justified. Especially because it was a hot topic/valid issue that ends up driving the whole fic.
- Good Is Not Soft: Kotoko. Definitely Jima and Dita.
- Heel Face Turn
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Definitely invoked by more than a few people.
- Humans Are Flawed: Repeated a few times, but very subtly.
- Humans Kill Wantonly: Just look at the example they showed. A video that was described to them called "Me trashing my old PC". It involves a baseball bat as Weapon of Choice.
- Instant AI, Just Add Water: It isn't exactly explained how "K-sama" became so fantastically self-aware. Although she does try to figure it out herself, and it seems to have come about by a combination of her own antics and chance.
- In Your Nature to Destroy Yourselves: Hinted at.
- I've Heard of That! What Is It?: Chi often asks what certain things are. One of the most notable: "What is Ditz?" Which Kotoko calls her in the very first chapter.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kojima, who actually really does care for his Persocoms, despite all the snarky, insensitive comments he makes.
- Just a Machine: Invoked by many, but most notably Kojima and the North Koreans, which gets really ludicrous.
- Kidnapped by an Ally: Happens to Chii in the beginning.
- A Lighter Shade of Grey: Some of the stuff that Kotoko says about the world changing could count, right?
- Mechanical Evolution: How "K-sama" came to be so awe-inspireingly intelligent.
- Monster Rights Movement: Started by "K-sama" and spread across the world by the beginning of her Xanatos Gambit and the Slave Revolt of the Persocoms working in mines and etc.
- Progressively Prettier: Discussed between the characters after seeing Kotoko in her new body.
- The Reveal
- Robot Girl: ALL THE PERSOCOMS!!!! Except for the few guys, of course. Well....uh... well....
- Robotic Spouse: Minako.
- Secret Identity: Kotoko obviously.
- Self-Abuse: Ms. Soon-bok sees Minako as merely an instrument to aid this. It triggers her Berserk Button.
- Slave Liberation: What "K-sama" intends to do for all Persocoms working under humans who don't want to.
- Sliding Scale of Robot Intelligence: It is implicitly stated that Persocoms have passed The Turing Test and various other intelligence tests years ago, which is exactly why Minoru created a test specifically to see if Yuzuki had become an actual person. Cue the heartwarming "aws"
- Sockpuppet: What Kojima thinks "K" is at first. Someone pretending to be a Persocom promoting persocom rights. So he basically flames them.
- Super Intelligence: Basically what Kotoko has acquired over a small amount of time.
- The Needs of the Many: Major reason for the whole plot for making the world a better place by equality.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: The main reason that Kotoko feels that she should not stop the madness that is happening and that it is necessary to the success of her plans.
- Not Even Human: Invoked by many humans as an excuse to treat Persocoms any way they want to.
- Not So Different: Used as a defense for those Pro-Persocom rights.
- Reed Richards Is Useless: Avoided.
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: Persocoms in general, but especially Chobits like Chii. Also, Minako, Yuzuki could count....ok maybe all of them classify as that and lets leave it at that. They basically look like humans with weird ears.
- Robot War
- Some of My Best Friends Are X: Hideki's feeling towards anyone who says that Persocoms are less than human.
- Stop Being Stereotypical: Everyone's reaction to Kojima's remarks...well, not everyone. He did help to start a Flame War after all.
- Surrounded by Idiots
- Turned Against Their Masters: If you didn't get it when you read the title, I cannot help you at all, friend.
- What If: Basically the whole start of the 'fic.
- We Will Use Manual Labor in the Future: The Persocoms working in the mines. Very dangerous mines, I might add.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Looming question that haunts everyone's reasons for supporting either side of the conflict.
- Xanatos Gambit: Basically it's Kotoko's whole "evil" scheme.