Screw the Pain Medication

Revision as of 20:09, 7 April 2022 by Looney Toons (talk | contribs) (copyedits, spelling)

Someone is hurt pretty bad, yet still conscious. They need medical help, likely need surgery. They're getting ready for a major operation, but they order the doctor not to use pain killers, let alone major anesthesia. Sure, they know they're in serious pain and need to be treated - but for these folks, whatever the reason, pain isn't much of a problem -- to the point that they may outright say, "Screw the Pain Medication!"

This trope is often used to show one of many things: the patient is a badass Made of Iron; they simply don't feel any pain; or, in some cases, pain killers are in short supply, and they want them saved for someone who really needs them. Maybe ego -- or the need to look tough for someone -- won't let them. It's often seen when a character engages in Self-Stitching, where such medication is either rare or not present. This is can go Up To Eleven if it's a Life or Limb Decision.

See also Macho Masochism.

Examples of Screw the Pain Medication include:


Anime and Manga

Comic Books

Fan Works

  • In the Real Person Fic Just Taken, Melanie strictly requests that she isn't given pain medication after she is severely injured in a fight, which included getting ran over by a car. She even woke up during the middle of emergency surgery, which she just shrugs it off. Of course, this request was later denied when she finds herself in a different hospital, whose staff administers the medication by force. Melanie complains that the medication was making her even worse, wanting to vomit at one point. However, considering one of the reasons for admission against her will was due to her eating disorder, she wasn't able to do so.
  • In Spice Fortress Series, none of the women are given any medicine, even during surgery, yet seem not to care.
  • Though understanding why she had to be on them, Emma wants the doctors to either reduce or stop giving her medication when she got out of a coma in Astral Journey: It's Complicated, as they were just making her very sick, even worse than being in a coma.



  • The Cardinal of the Kremlin: After getting shot, a state trooper notifies his superiors about those who shot him and their hostages. He declines to take any medication for pain.
  • In Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, Lok's Protectors of the Law can draw on the Heart of the Mountain to increase their strength, speed, stamina, senses, healing, and pain tolerance, but can choose how to distribute it among all those benefits (thus one using it to boost both strength and speed will be slower than if they exclusively focused on speed and weaker than if they used it to increase just their strength). On a few occasions Protectors are shown using the Heart's power exclusively to heal without using it to dull their pain to maximize the healing they receive, either to heal faster or to survive very serious injuries. Additionally, Ashok, the main character, receives a few injuries whose pain he could use the Heart's power to dull as well as heal, but since he knows the Heart's power, while vast, is ultimately finite across all users (so it will eventually run out someday) he refuses to waste its power dulling pain.

Live-Action TV

  • This is true of Barry Allen in the CW series The Flash. Thanks to the effect his Super Speed has on his metabolism, pain medications wouldn't work for him anyway.


New Media

Newspaper Comics

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends



Professional Wrestling

Puppet Shows


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy

Tabletop Games


Video Games

  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: The cyborg warrior Raiden is impaled by a sword during his fight against Monsoon, and he asks his support team over radio to "turn off his pain inhibitors". The rush of pain he receives proves beneficial: it triggers his Ripper Mode for the duration of the fight, as well as allowing it to be used in short bursts from that point on.

Visual Novels

Web Animation

Web Comics

Web Original

Western Animation


"Did Lincoln ask for girly gas when they blow'd his head off?"


Other Media

  • A joke circulating during the late 1960s and the 1970s (and still occasionally seen today) invokes this trope: A yogi goes to his dentist to get his teeth worked on. When offered Novocain, he declines, saying, "I transcend dental medication".

Real Life

  • During World War II, Colonel von Stauffenberg refused to take morphine, out of fear of developing an addiction to the stuff.
  • According to I'll Take Your Questions Now, a 2021 tell-all book by former Trump White House staffer Stephanie Grisham, the then-President refused to be sedated while undergoing a colonoscopy, because he could not bear to let go of the power of the Presidency, however briefly.