Stealth Pun/Fan Works
Examples of Stealth Puns in Fan Works include:
- In Three Messengers, one of the fortune-tellers is Old Woman Riley—in Japanese, this would be Riley-obaba. The author is a fan of The Who.
- Most Actor Allusion Fan Art of characters cosplaying as other characters with the same seiyuu for both characters is never said out loud unless someone actually asks. Like all those Shana, Louise, Nagi and Taiga Fan Art.
- The fanfic Azuvengers gives the Azumanga Daioh girls the powers of different Marvel Comics characters - Sakaki is the Sentry, Yomi is the Incredible Hulk, and so forth. Osaka learns magic, gets a flying umbrella, and communicates clairaudibly with a man named Steve. She's Dr. Strange.
- In the Haruhi Suzumiya/TV Tropes crossover Kyon: Big Damn Hero, chapter eleven's name is Yeah, It Went There. It's saying this chapter will get Up to Eleven.
- There's a Daria fanfic where it turns out that Tiffany's biological father is one of the actors from Osamu Tezuka's Star System. Specifically, Lampe.
- Metal Gear fanfic The Joy of Battle: Historical Espionage Action is full of stealth puns, especially in the chapter titles. The second chapter is called "Schadenfreude" which includes the word "joy" (freude in German), also the main character's name. The most bizarre is probably the chapter "Stained Glass" in which there is a moment near the end where a grassy lawn is stained with blood. Stained grass... incredibly lame and probably entirely on purpose.
- This Pokémon fan comic has a Stealth Pun that doubles as a Shout-Out. The pun in question is the species of the Pokemon, Quagsire... which is based off the word Quagmire, which also happens to be the name of a legendarily perverted character from Family Guy.
- In the Sherlockian fic The Ghost Map, Colonel Moran has a Sidekick/Dragon named Yorick. In the Sequel Hook at the end of the story, guess who bites the dust, courtesy of the Bigger Bad? That's right. Alas, poor Yorick!
- In the My Apartment Manager is not an Isekai Character story "Bunny Who?", Chibiusa announces she wants to be an action-movie actress... with the stealth pun being that her ID in that story says her name translates as "Bunny Chiba".
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