The Trigan Empire: Difference between revisions

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* [[Retcon|Retcons]] and [[Re Boot|Reboots]] galore. Facts could be changed whenever the story needed it.
* [[Rule of Cool]]: Swords against guns? Surviving huge explosions? Nomads on funny camel-things against tanks? No problem, as long as it looks good and makes a fine story.
* [[Scooby -Doo Hoax]]: Both times a curse was put on Trigo, it was a fake. Once the arc even ended with unbandaging the "mummy" to reveal a person you'd never have suspected. And he almost got away with it, too!
* [[Soft Glass]]: Trigo, pursued by [[Mooks]] and promising that many will fall before he does, smashes out the window in his short tunic and kilt. He isn't even scratched.
* [[Tap On the Head]]: People are always getting "laid low" with "the flat of the blade". It never does them lasting harm.