Thomas Ligotti

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One of the most respected writers in the field of supernatural horror alive today, Thomas Ligotti, in critical terms, has it all. He has been nominated for and won awards for his short stories and poetry on numerous occasions, gaining the accolades of everyone from Ramsey Campbell to Poppy Z Brite and accumulating a wildly devoted cult following. His prose has been favorably compared to Edgar Allan Poe and the Decadent poets of fin-de-siècle France, and before he even had released his first story collection, the late Cthulhu Mythos archivist Lin Carter declared him the Spiritual Successor to HP Lovecraft.

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Whence comes the logical question: "So why haven't I heard of this guy?"

In short, because Thomas Ligotti is the Thomas Pynchon of the Cosmic Horror Story.

To elaborate: Ligotti has, since his early twenties, been afflicted with agoraphobia, panic-anxiety disorder, and severe bipolar disorder, rendering him unable to, for example, meet directly with fans or conduct face-to-face interviews. Early on, there were even questions as to whether the man actually existed, with some claiming that Thomas Ligotti was actually a pseudonym for a more famous writer; these rumors began to lose credence following a series of phone interviews, and all but ceased following the proliferation of email.

Perhaps even more damaging to Ligotti's notoriety - although ever appreciated by his devoted fanbase - was his steadfast dedication to the small press, with some of his collections only being produced in editions of under a thousand.[[hottip:*:For a particularly extreme example, look here. And yes, the webmaster has a copy. Granted, most of his works were later released in trade paperback, but even these have gone out of print. Only recently has the publisher Mythos Books begun to rectify this, to the extent that copies of Ligotti's most recent fiction (My Work Is Not Yet Done and Teatro Grottesco) and a retrospective (The Shadow At The Bottom Of The World) are now available in major chain stores, while older collections are gradually being reissued in revised form. Which has also pleased the fans.

His longform poem I Have a Special Plan for This World was recorded as a song by Current 93.

Definitely Needs More Love.

Tropes evident in Thomas Ligotti's works include: