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Barajas: Hey, Javi (Chema)! Can we make love?

  • Jerkass Woobie: Every character can act like a real dick and be pitiful at the same time.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Mauricio when pulling a Karma Houdini. Fidel can also be considered this.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Ainhoa was set up to be this. However, she's more of a Base Breaker, due to freeing Luisma out of his previous Flanderization.
    • Subverted with Barajas. At first, it looked like he was going to be a crappy carbon-copy of Luisma. However, his Non Sequitur Cloudcuckoolander tendencies made him one of the show's fan favourites.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Mauricio became The Scrappy because of his feud with Chema in Season 7. When Chema saves him and reconciles with him, he got this treatment. The same goes for Paz after her divorce with Edu.
    • Ainhoa gets this because of her kind nature and the fact she rescued Luisma from his previous Flanderization and Jerkassitude. It makes their breakup all the more heartbreaking.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: Luisma and Paz's complicated relationship, especially in later seasons.
    • The triangle Mauricio/Soraya/Chema in the infamous Season 7. It gets resolved early. (Thank, God!)
  • Ron the Death Eater: Chema and Fidel can become this. It doesn't help that they can be portrayed as Soapbox Sadies Hypocrites in-series.
  • Seasonal Rot: While Season 6 was more of a Broken Base, Season 7 is considered the worst, making failure attempts at drama and taking the characters' unpleasantness Up to Eleven. The following seasons and the Grand Finale solved this, in a way.
  • The Scrappy: Discounting Base Breakers, we have:
    • After their introduction, people gave Tagalong Kids Germán and Aidita a pass, being cuties despite not having funny traits. Once they grow older and take massive levels in jerkass, they very much earned the fandom's hatred.
    • Mecos and Néstor are not well-liked either, since they're more unpleasant versions of Jonathan and Machupichu respectively.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Plenty, but especially Mauricio's treatment on inmigrants. Then again, the Aída Universe is an exaggerated and surrealist version of Spanish stereotypes, so that was expected.
  • The Woobie: Barajas and Machupichu. They're Butt Monkeys who almost never hold the Jerkass Ball and are victimized frequently by the other characters.