Brain Bleach/Western Animation

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  • Similar to the Real Life example below, in a recent[when?] episode of Family Guy, Brian showed Stewie 2 Girls 1 Cup. His reaction is marvellous.
    • "Oh, I'm never gonna be able to eat ice cream aga-OH MY GOD!"
    • "Can you imagine if two GUYS did that!? Let's Google it and see what comes up!"
    • Lets not and say we did. PLEASE!
    • After he saw a picture of Meg in a two-piece, he prayed it wasn't his first memory.
    • Upon seeing Brian dressed like Lois he said, "All right, so, uh, I'm just gonna go out in the hallway and throw up about something else."
  • The Venture Brothers: During the trial of the Monarch, the judge wants the Monarch's comments about Phantom Limb "pounding his invisible meat" stricken from the record AND his memory.
    • Hank voluntarily had his memory wiped after finding out that the woman he lost his virginity to slept with his father and gave birth to his best friend.
  • Following a particularly unpleasant "Tale of Interest" on Futurama the announcer informs us, "You watched it, you can't un-watch it!"
  • Used in one episode of The Simpsons. Homer is hired by Mr. Burns to help him write an important speech. At the time he was hired, Homer had been using medical marijuana and found everything funny. Since he was clean now, and no longer found Burns funny, Marge suggests Homer picture Mr. Burns naked, resulting in him screaming. Trying to make the situation better, she then changes it to picturing him in a funny hat. This idea is worse, causing Homer to curl up in a ball shuddering.

Flanders: "Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!"

    • The Simpsons universe has its own Brain Bleach: Moe developed a drink out of various boozes and the poison of a certain butterfly that wipes the last 24 hours out of it's drinker's memory. Homer drank it once because he found out that his family had planned him a surprise birthday party, and didn't want to ruin all their work.
    • Also in the episode "Tales From the Public Domain" in The Simpsons, Discus Stu reveals he's not a suitor for Marge, but for Bart. Bart shudders in disgust.
    • Later in the same episode, Odysseus's crew see the sirens (Patty and Selma); one yells Someone, gouge out my eyes!
    • Aunt Patty declared herself a lesbian ("There goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality!") after seeing Homer run naked through the kitchen in the "Treehouse of Horror" segment, "Clown Without Pity."
    • The police charge into Comic Book Guy's place and see him and Mrs. Skinner having sex—Eddie promptly vomits at the sight, and Lou reassures him "It's okay, you wouldn't be human if you didn't react like that."

Wiggum: Uh, Comic Book Guy, you're under arrest for the possession of illegal videos. But we'll reduce your sentence if you put your pants on -- fast!

    • Hysterically inverted when Bart Simpsons sees what really goes on at Mad.

Bart: (dreamily) I'll never wash these eyes again.

    • One episode opens at a talent show put on by the school teachers. Mrs. Krabappel's act is performing a striptease with a balloon-covered costume while singing "Fever" and popping the balloons one by one. The audience is visibly disgusted, and Bart mutters "Kill me..." After everyone's left, Homer has an armful of concessions; Marge asks if he paid for them and he responds "I saw Krabappel's butt; I paid."
    • In the second half of the “Who Shot Mr. Burns”, Willie is being questioned by police and explains how it’s impossible for him to use a gun on Burns. Willie was wearing his kilt when he uncrossed his legs before crossing them again. Eddie pulls out his gun at Willie because it grossed him, Wiggum, and Lou out, which didn’t bother Willie.
    • In “Bart’s Girlfriend”, Bart tries a bunch of balloons to Willie’s kilt, which was really a sting operation set up by Skinner. However, as the crowd looked on in horror, Willie just tells them off.

 Willie: Ach; ‘Tis no more than what God gave me, you puritan pukes!

  • One instance in American Dad involves his boss, his (college age) daughter, and kills his appetite.

Stan: Oh, come on! [Bullock] rode me like an animal for three hours! Do you have any idea what that's like?!
(Hayley folds her arms and cocks an eyebrow at her father)
Stan: (discards restaurant menu) And now I'm not hungry.

  • King of the Hill. Hank goes hysterically blind after seeing his elderly mother completely nude and making love to an elderly man - with wrinkled flesh galore.
    • Bobby turns into a miserable zombie when he accidentally sees his cousin Luanne naked.

Bobby: I can't get the image out of my head!
Joseph: Put it in mine!

Batgirl: What do you think they do on a date?
Batman: ...I'd rather not think about it.

  • In an episode of The Oblongs, after Biff and Chip walk in on their parents having sex in the kitchen, they rush to the bathroom and vigorously scrub their eyeballs.
    • In "Bucketheads" during Milo's fashion show, Helga eats her bacon dress off her body and ends up naked. One of the Hill kids yells, "Please, God, someone poke my eyes out!"
  • An example in Codename: Kids Next Door. Many fans had long wondered when characters Kuki and Wally would have their first kiss. In the tv movie Operation: Zero they finally do, after being transformed into wrinkled, elderly zombies. Cut to a scene of Number 2, Number 362 and Number 86 watching, horrified, on a monitor. 362 begs for someone to end the transmission. Finally, 86 pulls out a gun and shoots the monitor.
    • If that doesn't double as a Writer Revolt, I don't know what does.
  • The Time Squad episode "The Prime Minister Has No Clothes":

Tuddrussell: A 300-pound man skinny-dipping with a robot. That is just not right.
Otto: I gotta wash my eyes!

Sheen: I have seen things so horrible they will never ever go away no matter how much I think of soap.

  • The whole point of the Regular Show episode "Brain Eraser". Mordecai sees Pops naked and spends the rest of the episode trying to get the image out of his head.
  • This is weaponized by Agent P in Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension: in order to escape an ambush by the two Doofs and the army of Normbots, he shows a hologram of Major Monogram in the shower, prompting the baddies to react appropriately.
    • In the Musical Episode when Doofensmirtz rips off his clothes to vent his feelings in song, Perry's priceless expression suggests that he wished he had some brain bleach.
  • In the second Stinkmeaner episode of The Boondocks, Grandpa Freeman takes off his underwear in front of Huey and Riley. Riley throws up.
    • Riley get traumatized when Gangstalicious makes out with another man.
  • In The Critic, Duke had this reaction when Doris sent him a naked picture of herself, along with demanding heart-attack pills.
  • In a show like Rick and Morty it takes a lot to gross out the two protagonists, but they both need Brain Bleach when they enter the dream of Morty's Dirty Old Man of a teacher and a scantily clad version of Summer (Morty's teenage sister) offers them a "three-generation sandwich". Even Rick is revolted by the thought.

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