Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S1/E08 I Robot, You Jane

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Willow meets a guy online and when meeting him, discovers he is a demonic spirit in a robot's body. Yeah... this is a weird one

"There's a demon on the internet."



 Jenny: You think the realm of the mystical is limited to ancient texts and relics? That bad old science made the magic go away? The divine exists in cyberspace same as out here.

Giles: Are you a witch?

Jenny: Mm. I don't have that kinda power. 'Techno-pagan' is the term.


 Xander: "He's in a computer! What can he [Moloch] do?"

Buffy: "You mean besides convince a perfectly nice kid to try and kill me? I don't know. How 'bout mess up all the medical equipment in the world?"

Giles: "Randomize traffic signals."

Buffy: "Access launch codes for our nuclear missiles."

Giles: "Destroy the world's economy."

Buffy: "I think I pretty much capped it with that nuclear missile thing."

Giles: "Right, yours was best."


 Buffy: He's gone binary on us.

Xander: Okay, for those of us in our studio audience, who are me -- you guys are saying that Moloch is in this computer?


 Buffy: I can just tell something's wrong - my spider sense is tingling.

Giles: Your spider sense?

Buffy: Pop culture reference... sorry.


 Xander: Hey! I got to hit someone!

  • Technology Marches On: Oh yeah. In particular, the episode comes from the days when everyone was completely freaked out that every person in an online chat room was some kind of horrible pervert. Also, exchanges like this:

 Willow: I met him online.

Buffy: On line for what? (beat) Oh.