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Croc is a platform game for the PlayStation, published by Fox Interactive (now known as Twentieth Century Fox Games) and developed by Argonaut Software. The plot mainly consists of the titular crocodile rescuing his friends/Adoptive Parents, a species of small furry creatures known as "Gobbos", all while trying his best to defeat the evil wizard Baron Dante and his demonic minions, the Dantinis. The games were generally reviewed well, and were deemed Playstation Greatest Hit for a while.

Tropes spanning the series:

  • All There in the Manual: Both games.
    • Who are these people, and what IS that thing taking away that king fluff-ball?
    • What does that mysterious footprint mean, and why did they just fire him across the sea?
      • Most of this info is found in the little memorabilia (i.e. Gummi Saver promotions) or the manual itself, which is growing increasingly rare.
    • The manual also has a very quirky sense of humour, which the mostly silent first game lacks.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The games' bosses, which are often ordinary animals magically gigantasized by the villainous Baron Dante.
  • Back from the Dead: Minor antagonists, like the dantinis, do this in spectacular arrays of respawn-messiah goodness. But Baron Dante really takes the cake, turning into a ghost as a final boss in the first game and reanimated by his remaining demons in the second.
  • Dumb Is Good: So very true. Bad guys can talk in prose, and the good guys? "Gobbo no can save king. Croc help to save king?"
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Inverted so hard.
  • Speaking Simlish: Everyone.
  • Super Not-Drowning Skills: Some levels are entirely based underwater. Justified as Croc is a crocodile, and these reptiles can spend hours underwater.

Tropes of Croc: Legend of the Gobbos:

Tropes of Croc 2:

Thank you, Croc.
No problem.

    • Averted in the final cutscene, where you are finally reunited with your parents, only to have it shown that Dante is out there, and you'll have to find him and save your stolen siblings. Played painfully straight after getting 100% completion, giving you the Sequel Hook of "Is this the end of Croc?". Sadly, it was. No more games, no more anything.