Devil Bear

DevilBear is a Web Comic created by Ben Bourbon that has been online since July of 2009. All of the pages are hand drawn and a new page is posted weekly each Monday.
The Devilbear is a plush bear named Bearalzebub who rules teddy bear hell and is assisted by a group of devil girls called Daivas (because plush bears are limited by having "mitten hands"). The Daiva's each have a job named for one of the Seven Deadly Sins , such as "Daiva of Gluttony" but generally do not demonstrate the sin so much in themselves - instead they do things that encourage others to partake in it. For example, the Daiva of Lust is very curvy and oozes innuendo but she does not lust for anyone herself and the Daiva of Gluttony is not a glutton herself but she is an awesome cook. The Daiva of Sloth however, wears only one sock; she is either too lazy to remove it, or too lazy to put the other one on, and the Daiva of Wrath is currently trying to kill everyone.
Most of the plush bears that end up in teddy bear hell are parodies of famous plush bears or celebrities personified as plush bears and die violent deaths that spill their stuffings about.
- Affably Evil: The whole cast. They may not be Joker level evil, but they are not very nice people, but they are pretty likable in the process. Well, except Wrath...
- Bath Kick: Lucy does one at the end of issue #1.
- Berserk Button: It is not recommended that you mock Cerebutt's triple butt... he won't take it well. Also, Helle Belle generally doesn't give a damn… right until some miscreant steals her sock, then stuffing is going to be spilled.
- Came Back Wrong: When Kristofer Raven and Porklet make an attempt to bring their Plush Bear friend back from the dead, he comes back Axe Crazy and tries to eat his friend's stuffings.
- Care Bear Stare: A rainbow attack employed by the Virtue Bears incites love, serenity, and altruism. It backfired. Also, it's not exactly stare.
- Then there are their replacements.
- Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive: The familiar-looking secretary in Gener-ahh-city makes a Gendo pose while plotting at her desk.
- Crossover:
- Gummy Bears and… Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?
- The Four Little Ponies of Apawcalypse (but still little) vs. copied Bear Troopers. "After all, Vengeance is Magic!"
- Deal with the Devil: The band members of Smooch (a parody of Kiss) are tricked into selling their souls in exchange for being rock stars for life. Then they promptly die partying too hard after their first show.
- Good Is Dumb: Why Bearalzebub gave up his former life as a Virtue Bear.
- Hello, Attorney!: The twins, Ipso & Facto, the Daivas of Greed and Envy act as Bearalzebub's lawyers.
- Furo Scene: Because cleanliness is next to Daiva-liness.
- Hot Springs Episode, Modesty Towel, Skinny Dipping, and Outdoor Bath Peeping: All at the same time.
- I Just Want to Be Loved: One foe claims this is true for all Plush Bears, even Bearalzebub, and tries to tempt him to her side by offering to play with him and cuddle him at night and basically treat him like an actual teddy bear. He turns her down.
- He didn't object to an offer of "cuddle sandwich" from the twins, however.
- The teddy bear who wanted to be a rabbit. Because he is convinced everyone loves rabbits. Though that was in turn to become a real thing.
- Improbable Weapon User: Bearalzebub, and his flaming Spork.
- Inescapable Net: As a part of Ewok parody.
- Naked Apron: In the first story arc, when Lucy, the Daiva of Lust, fills in for the Daiva of Gluttony position, she naturally adds a flair of Lust to it.
- The Nudifier: The Death Pony's stare destroys plush bears' fabric… and all other fabric.
- Of Corsets Sexy: Lucy, the Daiva of Lust, wears a corset as part of her primary wardrobe.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: They are schoolkids now.
- Dressing as the Enemy: The Daivas as Virtue Bear Gas Mask Mooks. Which was less than convincing. But at least got them close enough.
- Parody: DevilBear is full of them. Especially in the teddy bears that end up going to Hell. Parodies of Winnie the Pooh, Kiss, and Pokemon to name a few. And Star Wars, with Millions of PoqueBears suddenly crying out in terror, Ewoks and a Daiva as "Leia". Oh, and Pedobear. Alien (with brussel sprouts), the
BlairBear Witch Project… Thelittle ponyPegasus of Conquest.- Raine's coworkers from the coffee shop — team Strawberry Shortcake?
- Pillow Fight: Also with some puns.
- Posthumous Character\The Unseen: Sinnamon, the original Daiva of Gluttony.
- Power Gives You Wings: The Daivas have wings made out of light
- Pretty Freeloader: Helle Belle, the Daiva of Sloth.
- Rock Me, Asmodeus: In the second story arc, Bearalzebub uses rock music against a teddy bear parody of Kiss.
- Rule of Sexy: Many examples throughout the series, usually performed by one of the Daivas.
- Seven Deadly Sins: Each of DevilBear's female assistants represent a different deadly sin, though Pride (seen here) has yet to officially join them, and Wrath had to be 'put on ice' prior to the start.
- Slip Into Something More Comfortable: Lucy changes from wearing nothing but an apron to wearing a black corset.
- Sugar Apocalypse: DevilBear loves to do this. Often a parody of some familiar teddy bear character ends up going to hell and/or literally having the stuffings ripped out of him. Winnie the Pimp and friends is a classic example.
- Talk Like a Pirate: While stealing a cloud boat from Gener-ahh-city.
- Team Mom: Lucy Fur is this.
- Twincest: The twin attorneys, Ipso & Facto, seem to have a rather close relationship. Though it's never clear how close.
- Underboobs: Pleased to meet you, with a side of side boob on the side. Also, bouncing twins.
- Virgin Sacrifice: Here it goes, but it's not clear whether moths would care about this.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: DevilBear uses puns frequently. The characters Bearalzebub and Lucy Fur in particular make puns the most in the series. Sometimes continuously. Also, Nuzzle Bear. Ursa, the Daiva of Wrath, however, indicates that she hates puns.
- Yandere: Ursa, Daiva of Wrath.