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Revision as of 23:27, 2 January 2023

Isekai by Moonlight is a Sailor Moon isekai fanfic, written by Robkelk initially for fun and as stress relief... but the story grew in the telling to the point where it received the full preread-and-publish treatment.

Our hero protagonist, who we'll call "Robu-san" because practically everyone else in the story calls him that or a variant thereof, wakes up in Japan in a teenage body and with an initially unknown set of metahuman powers, and is told to transfer to the local junior high school... the same day that Makoto Kino (not yet Sailor Jupiter) transfers to the same school. '90s-anime Sailor Moon isekai ensues. He quickly realizes that, since he knows how the canon anime's story ran, he can change things until his changes make his knowledge irrelevant - but instead of waiting for a major plot point to start making changes, he goes ahead and starts changing minor things, knowingly invoking the Butterfly Effect without being able to predict whether doing so helps or hurts. Then Robu-san discovers why doing that was a bad idea.

And why was he set up to meet Makoto first, instead of any of the other Senshi?

Read it at the Drunkard's Walk forums. As of Christmas 2022, only the first chapter has been published, although the writer has prepared at least a skeleton of an outline for the entire story.

Tropes used in Isekai by Moonlight include:
  • Adaptation Expansion and Compressed Adaptation: Yes, both apply. For legal reasons, the writer cannot simply re-tell the core parts of the original anime, leading to anything that's based on an original episode being compressed. But there are places where the original anime left room to add details, which the writer has taken advantage of to add scenes, characters, and entire subplots to the story.
  • Arbitrarily-Large Bank Account: Played with during the first chapter in that Robu-san's bank account has an upper limit, but any withdrawal he makes is replenished within a week. It isn't until the second chapter that he learns who's paying his bills.
  • Ascended Extra / OC Stand-In: There's more to Urawa Ryou (who appeared in two episodes in canon) in this story than just "precog who likes Ami".
  • Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: Conversed. "Zoicite. Sewers. Rats. Zoicite covered in sewer rats."
  • Crash Into Hello: How Robu-san met Makoto.
  • First-Name Basis: A handy barometer as to who Rubu-san thinks is important, and vice versa, in the story. Makoto goes to first-name-without-honorific basis before the end of the first chapter, while Rei remains "Hino-san" for the entirety of chapter 1.
  • Genre Savvy: Robu-san, his early blind spot about his relationship with Makoto notwithstanding. At one point, he worries that "Stupid genre conventions" is becoming his Catch Phrase.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: "my ... nosebleed." Context shows that this isn't referring to a literal nosebleed.
  • Ghost Memory: One of Robu-san's powers, which requires the cooperation of the person donating the memories, is to copy the other person's memories... and give them back later.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Played With. Robu-san had no idea what his powers were until he used some of them reflexively to protect other people. Once he realized what his powerset was, though, he could use the powers without effort.
  • I Know You Know I Know: The "absolute honesty" version is used by Robu-san when he wasn't sure whether Zoicite was spying on him.
  • I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Robu-san points out an eye-catching rosebush in order to give Sailors Moon and Jupiter some privacy to transform back to Usagi and Makoto... and then Makoto points out that it's a poinsettia plant.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: As a security measure, the tunnel from D-Point started to collapse as soon as Kunzite died.
  • Mauve Shirt: With the number of deadly enemies the Senshi go up against, you weren't really expecting all of the Original Characters and OC Stand-Ins to survive, were you?
  • The One Guy: Robu-san for part of the first chapter, when (as in canon) Tuxedo Kamen was kidnapped.
  • Original Characters: Aoyama Ichigo in Makoto's class, and Sato Kichirou in Robu-san and Ami's class.
  • Neat Freak: Makoto, as in canon, but given a reason here that ties in with her parents' death.
  • New Transfer Student: Makoto (as per canon) and Robu-san (the same day) at the start of the story, Minako later, and Urawa Ryou in the second chapter.
  • Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure: Of the "Who's X?" variety, whenever Robu-san references or quotes from famous works that haven't been written yet.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Discussed and consequently averted:

Robu-san: So, Ami-chan, you want a teenage boy who you know can turn invisible to join you in a trip to an onsen?
Rei: Bad idea.

  • Sarcastic Clapping: One of Robu-san's favourite ways to draw attention to himself and away from the Sailor Senshi. The trope being unknown in Japan in the early 1990s, the clapping serves less as a psychological attack and more as a distraction.
  • Secret Keeper: Robu-san for the Sailor Senshi, and vice-versa. By the end of the first chapter, Osaka Naru for all of them.
  • The Stations of the Canon: The story starts with the anime-only "Seven Great Youma" arc, and in the first chapter canon events are shown in the same order that they appeared in canon to show the inevitability of the canon season ending.
  • Super Empowering: In the backstory for Robu-san, and in-story for Osaka Naru.
  • The Team Normal/Ordinary High School Student: Aoyama Ichigo, who isn't even a formal member of the team... but she isn't a Magical Girl Warrior or a Designated Victim, either.
  • Translation Convention: While the dialog is in Japanese unless otherwise noted, it is written in English, just like the rest of the story.
  • Unfamiliar Ceiling: The first two words of the story are "Unfamiliar ceiling." Robu-san quickly discovers that he's been rejuvenated, bringing the trope into play.
  • Unwanted Harem: Discussed but never actually happens; it's pretty clear that First Girl Wins is in play instead.
  • Writing Around Trademarks: The trope is mentioned by name the first time that Makoto and Robu-san stop at a (canon) 7-12 convenience store.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Not during the first season, at least; everything Robu-san does other than forming relationships with various Senshi and their friends only accelerates the canon plotline.